Java Edition.png

Java Edition:A Book

From Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki
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Written Book.gif
Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the use of April Fools' versions and may require the use of file modifications to load. See the April Fools' tutorial page for information on loading these versions.

A Book is a book that was obtainable in the April Fools' 20w14∞ update. The discontinued part is the author tag "Developer". However, there is a player called Developer, therefore it is only technically discontinued in singleplayer (unless you are Developer), or the server has whitelisted without, blacklisted, or banned them.



The "llama" dimension is an easter egg dimension that brings the player to a room with a llama. In the corner of the room with the portal and window, there is a hidden chest containing the book (see picture). There are many rooms in the dimension and more can be obtained by going to different rooms.


A copy of this book can be made by placing the book in a crafting table with a book and quill allowing for three NBT variants: Original, Copy, and Copy of a Copy.


See also