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Java Edition:Armor Stand in Minecart

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Armor Stand in Minecart.png

For several versions, it was possible for Minecarts to pick up armor stands.[1] This was also later possible in 22w13oneBlockAtATime, where one could create invalid mob stacks in any combination, which included an armor stand in a Minecart.


Armor Stand Entering Minecart

From 14w32a to 16w20a, simply place an armor stand above rails and have a Minecart roll towards it. This will pick up the armor stand, creating an armor stand in a Minecart.

22w13oneBlockAtATime Mob Wrestling

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires April Fools' versions which may require file renaming or file deletion to load. See the Loading April Fools' Versions tutorial for more information.

In the April Fools' version 22w13oneBlockAtATime, the player can pick up nearly any entity to create mob stacks in any combination. This powerful method also allows for an armor stand in a minecart to be obtained.


See also


  1. MC-90923.