Java Edition:Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 Debug Chests
In Beta 1.6 Test Build 3, upon creation of the world, 11 debug chests would be created that contain two 64 stacks of every block, as well as a stack of the maximum stack of every item in the game at this point. Most of the items are obtainable through normal means, however some blocks present aren't obtainable in item form, making them discontinued. Most of these kinds of items were deleted in 13w37a, but some items from these chests are able to be brought into the current versions.
Unlike other structures, chunk regeneration can't be used to obtain debug chests. The game only generates debug chests when going through the "Create New World" dialog. It also may not appear that all 11 chests generated upon loading a new world, but the missing chests are instead placed at y=0 for unknown reasons, replacing the bedrock there. It is very likely that one will need to use Unbreakable Block Removal Methods to access them.
Creating a New World in Beta 1.6 Test Build 3
The easiest method to obtain these items is to just create a new world from scratch. This will result in the chests generating at spawn, allowing access to all the debug items.
Older Worlds
If you want to create these chests in older worlds, then level.dat regeneration must be used, which some may consider cheating. It is highly recommended to first empty your inventory into a chest before performing this, as this will delete the player's inventory. This can also change many things, including the world seed (if none was set during creation of the new world) and the spawn point.
List of Items
- Stone
- Dirt
- Cobblestone
- Planks
- Saplings
- Sand
- Gravel
- Gold Ore
- Iron Ore
- Log
- Glass
- Lapis Lazuli Block
- Dispenser
- Sandstone
- Note Block
- Powered Rail
- Detector Rail
- Dead Bush
- Wool
- Dandelion
- Rose
- Brown Mushroom
- Red Mushroom
- Gold Block
- Iron Block
- Stone Slab
- Bricks
- Bookshelf
- Moss Stone
- Obsidian
- Torch
- Wooden Stairs
- Chest
- Diamond Block
- Crafting Table
- Furnace
- Ladder
- Rail
- Cobblestone Stairs
- Lever
- Stone Pressure Plate
- Wooden Pressure Plate
- Redstone Torch
- Button
- Snow Block
- Cactus
- Clay
- Jukebox
- Fence
- Pumpkin
- Netherrack
- Soul Sand
- Glowstone
- Jack o' Lantern
- Trapdoor
- Iron Shovel
- Iron Pickaxe
- Iron Axe
- Flint and Steel
- Bow
- Arrow
- Coal
- Diamond
- Iron Ingot
- Gold Ingot
- Iron Sword
- Wooden Sword
- Wooden Shovel
- Wooden Pickaxe
- Wooden Axe
- Stone Sword
- Stone Shovel
- Stone Pickaxe
- Stone Axe
- Diamond Sword
- Diamond Shovel
- Diamond Pickaxe
- Diamond Axe
- Stick
- Bowl
- Mushroom Stew
- Golden Sword
- Golden Shovel
- Golden Pickaxe
- Golden Axe
- String
- Feather
- Wooden Hoe
- Stone Hoe
- Iron Hoe
- Diamond Hoe
- Golden Hoe
- Seeds
- Wheat
- Bread
- Leather Cap
- Leather Tunic
- Leather Pants
- Leather Boots
- Chain Helmet
- Chain Chestplate
- Chain Leggings
- Chain Boots
- Iron Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots
- Diamond Helmet
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots
- Golden Helmet
- Golden Chestplate
- Golden Leggings
- Golden Boots
- Flint
- Raw Porkchop
- Cooked Porkchop
- Painting
- Golden Apple
- Sign
- Wooden Door
- Bucket
- Water Bucket
- Lava Bucket
- Minecart
- Saddle
- Iron Door
- Redstone
- Snowball
- Boat
- Leather
- Milk
- Brick
- Clay
- Sugar Canes
- Paper
- Book
- Slimeball
- Minecart with Chest
- Minecart with Furnace
- Egg
- Compass
- Fishing Rod
- Clock
- Glowstone Dust
- Raw Fish
- Cooked Fish
- Ink Sac
- Bone
- Sugar
- Cake
- Bed
- Redstone Repeater
- Cookie
- Map
- Music Disc (13)
- Music Disc (cat)
- Grass Block
- Bedrock
- Coal Ore
- Leaves
- Lapis Lazuli Ore
- Cobweb
- Shrub
- Spawner
- Diamond Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Snow Layer
- Ice
- Chainmail Armor (Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots)
- Sponge
- Apple