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Java Edition:Decorated Pot with Shards Tag

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Angler Decorated Pot.png

Decorated pots before 23w16a (1.20 snapshot) had a shards NBT tag instead of the current sherds tag. Updated pots retain the shards tag, although it has no effect on the item, it is only indirectly observable through a shift double-click test.


From 23w07a, the version that added decorated pots, until 23w14a the shards tag was used to store the decoration on each side of the pot. The 1.20 Experimental Features datapack was required to get these pots from 23w07a to 1.19.4. In 23w16a, the tag was renamed to "sherds". Updating a decorated pot item with shards will copy its value into the sherds tag but keep the original tag. The tag is only kept on items not blocks; placing the item after updating will remove the discontinued shards tag.

The shards value is a list of four strings, the IDs of each face's pattern. The shards tag is stored inside BlockEntityTag. Example NBT from an updated decorated pot is below:

{BlockEntityTag: {shards: ["minecraft:angler_pottery_shard", "minecraft:archer_pottery_shard", "minecraft:arms_up_pottery_shard", "minecraft:blade_pottery_shard"], id: "minecraft:decorated_pot", sherds: ["minecraft:angler_pottery_sherd", "minecraft:archer_pottery_sherd", "minecraft:arms_up_pottery_sherd", "minecraft:blade_pottery_sherd"]}}


Each of the four sides can be any of 20 patterns or "minecraft:brick" (for an empty side made from a brick). There are 194,481[1] different discontinued decorated pots. A list of available patterns is below. 16 of the patterns were not added until 23w12a. Only the archer, arms up, prize, skull, and brick (blank) patterns existed before 23w12a.

A special case applies to the decorated pot with all four sides as bricks. In 23w07a, this decorated pot would have all four strings as "minecraft:brick" when crafted. The next version, 1.19.4 Pre-release 1 changed this so that a decorated pot crafted with four bricks would have no NBT. However, the four bricks tag could still be obtained by placing the decorated pot and then mining it with silk touch. The silk touch method is required to obtain this variant from 1.19.4 Pre-release 1 to 23w14a. Decorated pots with all four sides as bricks in the sherds tag becomes discontinued after 1.20.1.

Available Pottery Patterns
Pottery Pattern ID String Used in NBT
Brick (Empty Face) minecraft:brick
Angler Pottery Shard minecraft:angler_pottery_pattern
Archer Pottery Shard minecraft:archer_pottery_pattern
Arms Up Pottery Shard minecraft:arms_up_pottery_pattern
Blade Pottery Shard minecraft:blade_pottery_pattern
Brewer Pottery Shard minecraft:brewer_pottery_pattern
Burn Pottery Shard minecraft:burn_pottery_pattern
Danger Pottery Shard minecraft:danger_pottery_pattern
Explorer Pottery Shard minecraft:explorer_pottery_pattern
Friend Pottery Shard minecraft:friend_pottery_pattern
Heart Pottery Shard minecraft:heart_pottery_pattern
Heartbreak Pottery Shard minecraft:heartbreak_pottery_pattern
Howl Pottery Shard minecraft:howl_pottery_pattern
Miner Pottery Shard minecraft:miner_pottery_pattern
Mourner Pottery Shard minecraft:mourner_pottery_pattern
Plenty Pottery Shard minecraft:plenty_pottery_pattern
Prize Pottery Shard minecraft:prize_pottery_pattern
Sheaf Pottery Shard minecraft:sheaf_pottery_pattern
Shelter Pottery Shard minecraft:shelter_pottery_pattern
Skull Pottery Shard minecraft:skull_pottery_pattern
Snort Pottery Shard minecraft:snort_pottery_pattern


The only method in Survival without commands that can differentiate the discontinued decorated pot is by holding shift and double-clicking the item with a container open. This action only moves items with the exact same NBT. If a replicate pot is created with the same pottery patterns, it can be shown that the item has different NBT when it does not move with the other replicate pot(s).

See also


  1. 21^4