Java Edition:Grindstone Enchantment Duplication
In an attempt to prevent overstacking items, a bug was created which allowed enchantments to be duplicated from one equipment item to another.
From 24w10a to 24w11a (1.20.5 snapshots), equipment (items with durability) could have their enchantments duplicated from one item to another. This does not work with other enchanted items that do not have durability, regardless of how the items were enchanted. This can be done without using any experience and does not increase the repair cost of the item.
To duplicate enchantments from one item to another, the two items must have the same namespace ID (such as minecraft:diamond_sword
). Open the grindstone GUI, place the first item in the bottom slot of a grindstone, then place the second item in the top slot of a grindstone. The enchantments on the item in the bottom slot will be instantly duplicated onto the item in the top slot. This will occur even if the top item is already enchanted.
As this method does not check for enchantment compatibility, this can be used to apply any combination of incompatible enchantments, including the following:
- Fortune and Silk Touch
- Riptide, Channeling, and Loyalty
- Infinity and Mending
- Multishot and Piercing
- Protection, Blast Protection, Fire Protection, and Projectile Protection
- Depth Strider and Frost Walker
- Bane of Arthropods, Sharpness, and Smite
- Invalid Enchantments