Java Edition:Infinite Box Book
In the April Fools' snapshot 20w14∞, the box of infinite books could make written books with an obfuscated author and impossible titles.
To obtain the book, the player must first obtain a box of infinite books. There are many dimensions that include them, but the best dimension is the library
dimension, which contains shelves of them from the bottom to the top of the world. Then, the player must place the box somewhere and right-click it to get a book. Sometimes the box of infinite books will not work, especially if on a chunk border.
A copy of this book can be made by placing the book in a crafting table with a book and quill allowing for three NBT variants: Original, Copy, and Copy of a Copy.
Book Info
The author of the book is the obfuscated §kUniverse itself
. The title of the book is <x-chunk>/<z-chunk>/<rotation>/<x-position>/<height>. This title can reach a maximum of 26 which is longer than the normal maximum of a book title which is 16. To get the maximum characters in the title the player must maximize each of the factors. x-chunk and z-chunk must be negative and at least 1,000,000. Rotation doesn't matter. x-position must at least be 10. Height must be at least 100. The most difficult of these is the chunks because it requires the player to go to at least the coordinates -16,000,000 and -16,000,000 which is 53% of the way to the world border. On the opposite side, the minimum length of the book is 9 by minimizing all of these attributes. There are over 230,399,877,120,016,384 possible titles.
The inside of the book will be 16 pages of random lowercase letters, commas, periods, spaces, and new line control characters, totaling 30 unique characters. Each page will contain 128 of these characters, producing 1.88 * 10^190 possible text combinations. However, the text is not purely random, and is derived from where the book is generated. This means that books generated from the same shelf will have the same contents. These books may also have either state of the resolved tag, as they are generated unresolved. Opening the book changes the tag of the stack opened to 1b. Resolved books will not stack with unresolved books.