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Java Edition:Invalid Dimension Lodestone Compass

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Lodestone Compass.gif
Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the use of April Fools' versions and may require the use of file modifications to load. See the April Fools' tutorial page for information on loading these versions.

Lodestone compasses store the dimension that the lodestone was in. This means they can also store the new dimensions from 20w14∞, 23w13a_or_b and 24w14potato. This compass is almost an unobservable feature; however, it can be distinguished if all lodestone locations in the current dimensions are proven to not work. This would require placing a lodestone in every single block location in every dimension and observing if the compass points or not, which while technically feasible, is completely impractical.


Simply right-click on a lodestone in a different dimension and it will store the location of that lodestone.

See also