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Java Edition:Negative Durability Shears

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From 18w43a to 18w43c (1.14 snapshots) shears could get negative durability when used in a dispenser on a sheep.[1]


Using Shears

There is no check on shears durability when used in a dispenser to shear a sheep. If the shear is at 1 durability it will turn into a 0 durability. Then using the 0 durability will turn it into negative durability. The range goes from -1 to -2,147,483,409. Trying to use a -2,147,483,409 durability shear in a dispenser will create a normal shear with 0 damage.


The negative items can be combined in a crafting table or grindstone. Combining items in a crafting table or a grindstone adds the durability of the two items together, and then adds an additional 5% of the tool's base durability. This means that for shears durability to be further lowered in a crafting table or grindstone it is necessary for each shear's durability to be at least -12, otherwise, the 5% addition will cancel out the negatives and increase the durability. The equation for negative durability shears is durabilityOne + durabilityTwo + 11 = outputDurability . If the combined durability of the two shears is lower than -2,147,483,409, then it will roll over and completely repair the shears. Once the game is saved the durability value is collapsed into a value between -32767 and 32767.



See also


  1. MC-137866.