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Java Edition:Oversized Mob in Boat

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Iron Golem in Boat JE 1.png

There are two methods to get mobs larger than a boat inside a boat. When mobs first gained the ability to enter boats in 15w41a (1.9 snapshot), there was no limit to the size a mob could be. A new restriction that didn't allow any mobs with hit boxes larger than the boat was created in 16w04a (1.9 snapshot). Additionally, skeleton horses and zombie horses are obtainable using their baby form from another dimension in the April Fools' version.


No Size Limit Boats

To get the large mob in a boat you need to get them in proximity to one another. Get the mob to touch the boat and it'll mount it. Once the mob is in the boat its dimension can not be changed because stacked mobs can't enter portals. So make sure the mob is in the desired dimension before putting it in the boat. The boat type can be oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, or dark oak.

Affected Mobs

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  • Elder Guardian
  • Ghast
  • Skeleton Horse:
    • Can have a skeleton or wither skeleton on top
      • Can be left handed
      • CanPickUpLoot
      • Natural armor without CanPickUpLoot (skeleton only)
      • Pumpkin/Jack o'Lantern from Halloween
  • Spider
  • Large Slime
    • Size 3
  • Large Magma Cube
    • Size 3
  • Iron Golem
  • Ender Dragon
    • Only before the ability was specifically removed for ender dragons - click link for more details

Baby Undead Horses

Baby skeleton horses and baby zombie horses can be obtained in different dimensions in the 20w14∞ April Fools' version and also can be created using their spawn eggs if obtained in 22w13oneBlockAtATime. The baby forms are capable of fitting into the boat but once they grow up they can no longer fit.



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See also