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Java Edition:Size Potions

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Big Potion.png
Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires April Fools' versions which may require file renaming or file deletion to load. See the Loading April Fools' Versions tutorial for more information.

In the April Fools' version 23w13a_or_b, two new potion types were added called "Big Potion" and "Small Potion", these either increase or decrease an entities size when applied.


in 23w13a_or_b the "Big Potion" can be made by brewing an awkward potion with a bottle o' enchanting in a brewing stand, the "Small Potion" can be made by brewing an awkward potion with a rabbit hide in a brewing stand. Updating these potions will not show the potion effect and will not apply the effect if used, but the NBT data will be preserved.


This feature is directly observable in 23w13a_or_b, but outside of 23w13a_or_b these potion types are indirectly observable. Potions with these effects can be differentiated from uncraftable potions which look identical when updated, as they will not stack due to them not having identical NBT data, another method of viewing this feature is through commands.


There are 12 variants of Big Potions and Small Potions, these include the Potion of Big/Small, Splash Potion of Big/Small, Lingering Potion of Big/Small, and Arrow of Big/Small. Additionally, each potion can have the duration extended with redstone, or have the level increased with glowstone.