Java Edition:Tradeless Villager
Due to a bug,[1] villagers could be assigned the incorrect tier one trades. This also allowed normal villagers to receive the tier one trades of a nitwit, therefore not receiving any trades. The same bug also allows for invalid tier one villagers, nitwits with trades and invalid career villagers This is a deleted discontinued feature, since the villager will generate trades after reloading or when gaining a profession in versions after 18w50a.
From 16w32b through 16w33a, when a zombie villager is either infected or spawned, or when a villager is spawned from either natural generation or breeding, it is immediately assigned a profession, but it is not assigned a career within the profession. However, when the zombie villager is cured, or right after the initial profession is assigned from spawning, it is randomly assigned a profession and career before the tier one trades are generated. After the tier one trades are generated, it reverts the profession back to the originally assigned profession, however it maintains the new career. Based on this there is a chance the nitwit profession is chosen, which would generate no trades. The villager therefore can not be traded with. The villager could be any profession, however, since there are not trades, it won't have a career. This means it can be a farmer, librarian, priest, blacksmith, or butcher. Upon updating to 1.14-pre4 and later, the profession reverts to unemployed.
See also
- Invalid Career Villager
- Invalid Tier One Villager
- Missing Tier One Villager
- Nitwit with Trades
- Second Buy Slot Removed Villager