Java Edition:Uncraftable Equipment Crafted Statistic
From 18w48a to 1.14 Pre-Release 2, items could not be repaired in a crafting table. This meant that, during this version span, a statistic for crafting an item that is not craftable via any other method which then repairs two is then discontinued. In 1.14 Pre-Release 3, these statistics were recontinued.
Items Affected
• Trident
• Chainmail Armor
• Elytra
All three can be obtained by combining them in a crafting table to repair. This is possible from 13w36a (statistics begin becoming tracked per world) to 18w47b, then from 1.14 Pre-Release 3 to later. To combine, simply put two of the item in a crafting table and obtain the combined result.
Fire Chainmail
Fire as an item could be obtained in Beta 1.6 Test Build 3. Previously, there was a crafting recipe for chainmail armor using fire in the same shapes as other armor. This crafting recipe works until 14w25a (1.8 snapshot), which removes fire as an item. As a result, the statistic could be obtained this way from 13w36a to 14w21b.
Furnace Slot
From 12w42a (1.4 snapshot) to 1.4, any item can be put in furnace slots. If this item is pulled out in 13w36a or later than it counts towards that item's crafted statistic. Only the chainmail armor existed at this time. Therefore, it can only be obtained using this method.
Villager Trade
From 13w36a to 24w38a (present), villagers can give the chainmail traded statistic.