Java Edition:Tutorials/Multiplayer Ports

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This page refers to 3rd party mods that allow for multiplayer in versions which do not have multiplayer in vanilla or its multiplayer jars is missing/not public. This page is a useful resource for people that want to collect discontinued features while playing Multiplayer. The mods here are ones that are publicly available and the level of parity to vanilla and bugs may vary.

Versions with 3rd party multiplayer mods available
Version Issues Parity with vanilla Playability
rd-132328 Loses access to camera when tabbing out, frequent white screening issue, saving issue. All blocks are grass instead of there being 1 layer of grass. Based on c0.0.18a_02. Issues
rd-161348 No issues Introduces QOL of life changes including sounds, fullscreen and more. Playable
c0.0.12a_03 No issues Adds chat Playable
c0.0.13a_03 Players can not break blocks Adds chat Issues
c0.0.14a_08 No issues Adds chat Playable
c0.0.15a No issues No additions Playable
in-20100223 Many bugs but still playable Creative mode, gamerules, tablist, various world settings however all the options are optional. Playable
inf-20100420 Severe de-sync issues. Severe container and crafting issues on the non bukkit version. McRegion World Format Barely Playable
inf-20100618 No issues McRegion World Format and QOL settings Playable
inf-20100625-1 No issues Some QOL changes Playable
a1.0.5 to a1.0.14 Usual severe alpha multiplayer bugs Close to parity Very broken. a1.0.10+ should be more stable.

Base versions refer to MultiMC jarmodding.

rd-132328 "Cave Game Multiplayer"

Cave Game Multiplayer

"Cave Game Multiplayer" is a multiplayer port for rd-132328. The download can be located in the link above and is created by MrLordSith. The issues with this version is that there are issues with tabbing out of the window causing the camera to break, the game frequently going to a white screen for all users and sometimes blocks placed don't save (Perhaps from a de-sync). Also all the blocks have the grass texture when in vanilla rd-132328 there is only 1 layer of grass. This version uses c0.0.18a_02 as a base.

rd-161348 "Pre-Classic Multiplayer"

Strultz's Minecraft Cave (Discord)

"Pre-Classic Multiplayer" Discord Channel

"Pre-Classic Multiplayer" is a multiplayer port for rd-161348 with quality of life changes created by Strultz. Some quality of life changes includes a main menu, full screening, control settings and more however essentially behaves like rd-161348 vanilla. The mod downloads are located in Strultz's discord. Uses c0.0.13a_03 as a base.


c0.0.12a_03 Multiplayer

This is a multiplayer port for c0.0.12a_03 created by MrLordSith. Uses c0.0.13a_03 as a base.


c0.0.13a_03 Multiplayer

This is a multiplayer port for c0.0.13a_03 created by MrLordSith. Has a severe issues that causes players to not be able to break blocks. Uses c0.0.13a_03 as a base.


c0.0.14a_08 Multiplayer

This is a multiplayer port for c0.0.14a_08 created by MrLordSith. Uses c0.0.13a_03 as a base.


c0.0.15a Multiplayer

This is a multiplayer port for c0.0.15a created by MrLordSith. This was created since the original c0.0.15a multiplayer is missing. This works with the vanilla client.

in-20100223 "Indev MP"

in-20100223 Multiplayer

"Indev MP" is a multiplayer port for in-20100223 created by MrLordSith. This adds a lot of QOL features as well as new additions such as creative mode, a tab list, world settings and more. All the features are optional and with a default configuration behaves close to vanilla in-20100223. Uses inf-20100618 as a base.

inf-20100420 "Infdev Enhanced"

Strultz's Minecraft Cave (Discord)

"Infdev Enhanced" Discord Channel

"Infdev Enhanced" is a multiplayer port for inf-20100420 created by Strultz. This version has severe desync issues and containers and crafting does not work when using the non bukkit version. The world format is Mcregion. Uses inf-20100618 as a base.

inf-20100618 "Infdev Improved"

Strultz's Minecraft Cave (Discord)

"Infdev Improved" Discord Channel

"Infdev Improved" is a multiplayer port for inf-20100618 created by Strultz. This features quality of life changes and the MCregion format. Uses inf-20100618 as a base.

inf-20100625-1 "Infdev Ultimate"

Infdev Ultimate

"Infdev Ultimate" has a "vanilla" multiplayer port for infdev-20100625-1 (Make sure you download the "vanilla" version unless you want modded features) created by MrLordSith. Uses inf-20100618 as a base.

a1.0.5 to a1.0.14

Omniarchive Discord

Alpha Server Software Discord Link

These are multiplayer ports created by Codie for a1.0.5 - a1.0.14. During these versions there were multiplayer testing that was never public therefor will likely never be found. These multiplayer ports aim to behave similar to what they would have been.