Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki:Account Transfer

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Basic account information has been imported along with pages, but no emails or working passwords are attached. The claim process allows you to restore the account - set an e-mail and a password to your name after verifying you are the person.

  1. All accounts are global: if you’ve already claimed an account on any other wiki.gg wiki, you can log in and continue contributing to the wiki
  2. Open the claim form https://mcdf.wiki.gg/wiki/Special:ClaimExternalAccount .
  3. Type in your username from Miraheze.
  4. Type in an e-mail address and a password for your new wiki.gg account.
  5. Click on the button. The page will refresh with a code and a link to your user page on Miraheze.
  6. Follow the link and edit the page. Check if the generated code is in the “Summary”/”Describe what you’ve changed” field. If it’s missing, paste it in. The code must be the only thing in the field.
  7. Go back to the new wiki, type in your password again and click the button once more.
  8. If the verification failed, but you corrected the mistake, reattempted and the system is still not letting you in – wait 5-10 minutes and try again
  9. Account should be restored.