Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki:Help/Language wikis

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As of November 2023, the Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki allows creation of language variants of wiki pages.


The language variant should be a subpage of the English page (e.g. Green Dye/es) and should be put into a language translation category (e.g. ES translation).

The page should include a {{DISPLAYTITLE:}} code to change the page name into a local language (e.g. {{DISPLAYTITLE:Strona główna}} for Polish main page). They will be used to move the page into the localized title once language subwiki moves to a standalone wiki.

Requirements for standalone wiki

Once following points are fulfilled, the language can be moved to its own wiki (located at mcdf.wiki.gg/langcode/, where langcode is language code, e.g. "de" for German)

Currently, the requirements are

If there is a translator willing to moderate wiki, they may become an admin on that wiki after approval by English wiki admins. Otherwise, one of the English wiki admins becomes a temporary admin.

Additional resources

If you want to know more, check wiki.gg's support wiki

Current translations
