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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ItemSprite/doc

return {
	settings = {
		image = 'ItemSheet_test.png',
		pos = 0,
		name = 'item'
	ids = {
		['acacia-boat'] = {pos = 0},
		['acacia-door'] = {pos = 1},
		['acacia-sign'] = {pos = 2},
		['amethyst-shard'] = {pos = 3},
		['apple'] = {pos = 4},
		['armor-stand'] = {pos = 5},
		['arrow'] = {pos = 6},
		['arrow-of-fire-resistance'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#E49A3A'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-harming'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#430A09'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-healing'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#F82423'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-invisibility'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#7F8392'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-leaping'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#22FF4C'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-luck'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#339900'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-night-vision'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#1F1FA1'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-poison'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#4E9331'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-regeneration'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#CD5CAB'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-slow-falling'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#FFEFD1'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-slowness'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#5A6C81'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-splashing'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-strength'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#932423'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-swiftness'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#7CAFC6'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-water-breathing'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#2E5299'}, pos = 325},
		['arrow-of-weakness'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#484D48'}, pos = 325},
		['awkward-lingering-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['awkward-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['awkward-splash-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['axolotl-bucket'] = {pos = 7},
		['baked-potato'] = {pos = 8},
		['bamboo'] = {pos = 9},
		['banner-pattern'] = {pos = 75},
		['barrier'] = {pos = 10},
		['bat-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#0F0F0F'}, pos = 303, tint = '#4D3F31'},
		['bee-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#44251C'}, pos = 303, tint = '#F1C744'},
		['beef'] = {pos = 11},
		['beetroot'] = {pos = 12},
		['beetroot-seeds'] = {pos = 13},
		['beetroot-soup'] = {pos = 14},
		['bell'] = {pos = 15},
		['birch-boat'] = {pos = 16},
		['birch-door'] = {pos = 17},
		['birch-sign'] = {pos = 18},
		['black-candle'] = {pos = 19},
		['black-dye'] = {pos = 20},
		['blaze-powder'] = {pos = 21},
		['blaze-rod'] = {pos = 22},
		['blaze-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#FCFC80'}, pos = 303, tint = '#FBB501'},
		['blue-candle'] = {pos = 23},
		['blue-dye'] = {pos = 24},
		['bone'] = {pos = 25},
		['bone-meal'] = {pos = 26},
		['book'] = {pos = 27},
		['bow'] = {pos = 28},
		['bow-drawn-1'] = {pos = 29},
		['bow-drawn-2'] = {pos = 30},
		['bow-drawn-3'] = {pos = 31},
		['bowl'] = {pos = 32},
		['bread'] = {pos = 33},
		['brewing-stand'] = {pos = 34},
		['brick'] = {pos = 35},
		['broken-elytra'] = {pos = 36},
		['brown-candle'] = {pos = 37},
		['brown-dye'] = {pos = 38},
		['bucket'] = {pos = 39},
		['bundle'] = {pos = 40},
		['bundle-filled'] = {pos = 41},
		['cake'] = {pos = 42},
		['campfire'] = {pos = 43},
		['candle'] = {pos = 44},
		['carrot'] = {pos = 45},
		['carrot-on-a-stick'] = {pos = 46},
		['cat-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#987458'}, pos = 303, tint = '#F4CC91'},
		['cauldron'] = {pos = 47},
		['cave-spider-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#AB0E0E'}, pos = 303, tint = '#0C434F'},
		['chain'] = {pos = 48},
		['chainmail-boots'] = {pos = 49},
		['chainmail-chestplate'] = {pos = 50},
		['chainmail-helmet'] = {pos = 51},
		['chainmail-leggings'] = {pos = 52},
		['charcoal'] = {pos = 53},
		['chest-minecart'] = {pos = 54},
		['chicken'] = {pos = 55},
		['chicken-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#FC0000'}, pos = 303, tint = '#A4A4A4'},
		['chorus-fruit'] = {pos = 56},
		['clay-ball'] = {pos = 57},
		['clock'] = {pos = 58},
		['coal'] = {pos = 59},
		['cocoa-beans'] = {pos = 60},
		['cod'] = {pos = 61},
		['cod-bucket'] = {pos = 62},
		['cod-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#E9C88E'}, pos = 303, tint = '#C5AA6C'},
		['command-block-minecart'] = {pos = 63},
		['comparator'] = {pos = 64},
		['compass'] = {pos = 65},
		['cooked-beef'] = {pos = 66},
		['cooked-chicken'] = {pos = 67},
		['cooked-cod'] = {pos = 68},
		['cooked-mutton'] = {pos = 69},
		['cooked-porkchop'] = {pos = 70},
		['cooked-rabbit'] = {pos = 71},
		['cooked-salmon'] = {pos = 72},
		['cookie'] = {pos = 73},
		['copper-ingot'] = {pos = 74},
		['cow-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#A1A1A1'}, pos = 303, tint = '#443626'},
		['creeper-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#000000'}, pos = 303, tint = '#0DAA0B'},
		['crimson-door'] = {pos = 76},
		['crimson-sign'] = {pos = 77},
		['crossbow'] = {pos = 83},
		['crossbow-arrow'] = {pos = 78},
		['crossbow-drawn-1'] = {pos = 80},
		['crossbow-drawn-2'] = {pos = 81},
		['crossbow-drawn-3'] = {pos = 82},
		['crossbow-firework'] = {pos = 79},
		['cyan-candle'] = {pos = 84},
		['cyan-dye'] = {pos = 85},
		['dark-oak-boat'] = {pos = 86},
		['dark-oak-door'] = {pos = 87},
		['dark-oak-sign'] = {pos = 88},
		['diamond'] = {pos = 89},
		['diamond-axe'] = {pos = 90},
		['diamond-boots'] = {pos = 91},
		['diamond-chestplate'] = {pos = 92},
		['diamond-helmet'] = {pos = 93},
		['diamond-hoe'] = {pos = 94},
		['diamond-horse-armor'] = {pos = 95},
		['diamond-leggings'] = {pos = 96},
		['diamond-pickaxe'] = {pos = 97},
		['diamond-shovel'] = {pos = 98},
		['diamond-sword'] = {pos = 99},
		['dolphin-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#FCFCFC'}, pos = 303, tint = '#233C4E'},
		['donkey-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#897768'}, pos = 303, tint = '#55463A'},
		['dragon-breath'] = {pos = 100},
		['dried-kelp'] = {pos = 101},
		['drowned-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#7B9F67'}, pos = 303, tint = '#92F6DB'},
		['egg'] = {pos = 102},
		['elder-guardian-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#767896'}, pos = 303, tint = '#D2D0BE'},
		['elytra'] = {pos = 103},
		['emerald'] = {pos = 104},
		['enchanted-book'] = {pos = 105},
		['end-crystal'] = {pos = 106},
		['ender-eye'] = {pos = 107},
		['ender-pearl'] = {pos = 108},
		['enderman-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#000000'}, pos = 303, tint = '#161616'},
		['endermite-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#707070'}, pos = 303, tint = '#161616'},
		['evoker-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#1F1D1A'}, pos = 303, tint = '#989E9E'},
		['experience-bottle'] = {pos = 109},
		['feather'] = {pos = 110},
		['fermented-spider-eye'] = {pos = 111},
		['filled-map'] = {pos = 112},
		['filled-map-markings'] = {pos = 113},
		['fire-charge'] = {pos = 114},
		['firework-rocket'] = {pos = 115},
		['firework-star-base'] = {pos = 116},
		['firework-star-overlay'] = {pos = 117},
		['fishing-rod'] = {pos = 118},
		['fishing-rod-cast'] = {pos = 119},
		['flint'] = {pos = 120},
		['flint-and-steel'] = {pos = 121},
		['flower-pot'] = {pos = 122},
		['fox-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#D06B21'}, pos = 303, tint = '#D9B9A2'},
		['furnace-minecart'] = {pos = 123},
		['ghast-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#C0C0C0'}, pos = 303, tint = '#FCFCFC'},
		['ghast-tear'] = {pos = 124},
		['glass-bottle'] = {pos = 125},
		['glistering-melon-slice'] = {pos = 126},
		['glow-berries'] = {pos = 127},
		['glow-ink-sac'] = {pos = 128},
		['glow-item-frame'] = {pos = 129},
		['glowstone-dust'] = {pos = 130},
		['gold-ingot'] = {pos = 131},
		['gold-nugget'] = {pos = 132},
		['golden-apple'] = {pos = 133},
		['golden-axe'] = {pos = 134},
		['golden-boots'] = {pos = 135},
		['golden-carrot'] = {pos = 136},
		['golden-chestplate'] = {pos = 137},
		['golden-helmet'] = {pos = 138},
		['golden-hoe'] = {pos = 139},
		['golden-horse-armor'] = {pos = 140},
		['golden-leggings'] = {pos = 141},
		['golden-pickaxe'] = {pos = 142},
		['golden-shovel'] = {pos = 143},
		['golden-sword'] = {pos = 144},
		['gray-candle'] = {pos = 145},
		['gray-dye'] = {pos = 146},
		['green-candle'] = {pos = 147},
		['green-dye'] = {pos = 148},
		['guardian-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#F67F31'}, pos = 303, tint = '#5C8474'},
		['gunpowder'] = {pos = 149},
		['heart-of-the-sea'] = {pos = 150},
		['hoglin-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#616666'}, pos = 303, tint = '#CA7057'},
		['honey-bottle'] = {pos = 151},
		['honeycomb'] = {pos = 152},
		['hopper'] = {pos = 153},
		['hopper-minecart'] = {pos = 154},
		['horse-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#F3E900'}, pos = 303, tint = '#C4A17F'},
		['husk-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#EAD097'}, pos = 303, tint = '#7B7263'},
		['ink-sac'] = {pos = 155},
		['iron-axe'] = {pos = 156},
		['iron-boots'] = {pos = 157},
		['iron-chestplate'] = {pos = 158},
		['iron-door'] = {pos = 159},
		['iron-helmet'] = {pos = 160},
		['iron-hoe'] = {pos = 161},
		['iron-horse-armor'] = {pos = 162},
		['iron-ingot'] = {pos = 163},
		['iron-leggings'] = {pos = 164},
		['iron-nugget'] = {pos = 165},
		['iron-pickaxe'] = {pos = 166},
		['iron-shovel'] = {pos = 167},
		['iron-sword'] = {pos = 168},
		['item-frame'] = {pos = 169},
		['jungle-boat'] = {pos = 170},
		['jungle-door'] = {pos = 171},
		['jungle-sign'] = {pos = 172},
		['kelp'] = {pos = 173},
		['knowledge-book'] = {pos = 174},
		['lantern'] = {pos = 175},
		['lapis-lazuli'] = {pos = 176},
		['lava-bucket'] = {pos = 177},
		['lead'] = {pos = 178},
		['leather'] = {pos = 179},
		['leather-boots'] = {overlay = {pos = 181}, pos = 180, tint = '#A06540'},
		['leather-boots-base'] = {pos = 180},
		['leather-boots-overlay'] = {pos = 181},
		['leather-chestplate'] = {overlay = {pos = 183}, pos = 182, tint = '#A06540'},
		['leather-chestplate-base'] = {pos = 182},
		['leather-chestplate-overlay'] = {pos = 183},
		['leather-helmet'] = {overlay = {pos = 185}, pos = 184, tint = '#A06540'},
		['leather-helmet-base'] = {pos = 184},
		['leather-helmet-overlay'] = {pos = 185},
		['leather-horse-armor'] = {pos = 186},
		['leather-leggings'] = {overlay = {pos = 188}, pos = 187, tint = '#A06540'},
		['leather-leggings-base'] = {pos = 187},
		['leather-leggings-overlay'] = {pos = 188},
		['light'] = {pos = 189},
		['light-00'] = {pos = 190},
		['light-01'] = {pos = 191},
		['light-02'] = {pos = 192},
		['light-03'] = {pos = 193},
		['light-04'] = {pos = 194},
		['light-05'] = {pos = 195},
		['light-06'] = {pos = 196},
		['light-07'] = {pos = 197},
		['light-08'] = {pos = 198},
		['light-09'] = {pos = 199},
		['light-10'] = {pos = 200},
		['light-11'] = {pos = 201},
		['light-12'] = {pos = 202},
		['light-13'] = {pos = 203},
		['light-14'] = {pos = 204},
		['light-15'] = {pos = 205},
		['light-blue-candle'] = {pos = 206},
		['light-blue-dye'] = {pos = 207},
		['light-gray-candle'] = {pos = 208},
		['light-gray-dye'] = {pos = 209},
		['lime-candle'] = {pos = 210},
		['lime-dye'] = {pos = 211},
		['lingering-potion-base'] = {pos = 212},
		['lingering-potion-of-fire-resistance'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#E49A3A'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-harming'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#430A09'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-healing'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#F82423'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-invisibility'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#7F8392'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-leaping'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#22FF4C'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-luck'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#339900'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-night-vision'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#1F1FA1'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-poison'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#4E9331'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-regeneration'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#CD5CAB'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-slow-falling'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#FFEFD1'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-slowness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#5A6C81'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-strength'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#932423'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-swiftness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#7CAFC6'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-water-breathing'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#2E5299'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-potion-of-weakness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#484D48'}, pos = 125},
		['lingering-water-bottle'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['llama-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#9C6141'}, pos = 303, tint = '#C4A17F'},
		['magenta-candle'] = {pos = 213},
		['magenta-dye'] = {pos = 214},
		['magma-cream'] = {pos = 215},
		['magma-cube-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#FCFC00'}, pos = 303, tint = '#350000'},
		['map'] = {pos = 216},
		['melon-seeds'] = {pos = 217},
		['melon-slice'] = {pos = 218},
		['milk-bucket'] = {pos = 219},
		['minecart'] = {pos = 220},
		['mooshroom-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#BABABA'}, pos = 303, tint = '#A30F10'},
		['mule-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#53341E'}, pos = 303, tint = '#1C0200'},
		['mundane-lingering-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['mundane-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['mundane-splash-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['mushroom-stew'] = {pos = 221},
		['music-disc-11'] = {pos = 222},
		['music-disc-13'] = {pos = 223},
		['music-disc-blocks'] = {pos = 224},
		['music-disc-cat'] = {pos = 225},
		['music-disc-chirp'] = {pos = 226},
		['music-disc-far'] = {pos = 227},
		['music-disc-mall'] = {pos = 228},
		['music-disc-mellohi'] = {pos = 229},
		['music-disc-pigstep'] = {pos = 230},
		['music-disc-stal'] = {pos = 231},
		['music-disc-strad'] = {pos = 232},
		['music-disc-wait'] = {pos = 233},
		['music-disc-ward'] = {pos = 234},
		['mutton'] = {pos = 235},
		['name-tag'] = {pos = 236},
		['nautilus-shell'] = {pos = 237},
		['nether-brick'] = {pos = 238},
		['nether-sprouts'] = {pos = 239},
		['nether-star'] = {pos = 240},
		['nether-wart'] = {pos = 241},
		['netherite-axe'] = {pos = 242},
		['netherite-boots'] = {pos = 243},
		['netherite-chestplate'] = {pos = 244},
		['netherite-helmet'] = {pos = 245},
		['netherite-hoe'] = {pos = 246},
		['netherite-ingot'] = {pos = 247},
		['netherite-leggings'] = {pos = 248},
		['netherite-pickaxe'] = {pos = 249},
		['netherite-scrap'] = {pos = 250},
		['netherite-shovel'] = {pos = 251},
		['netherite-sword'] = {pos = 252},
		['oak-boat'] = {pos = 253},
		['oak-door'] = {pos = 254},
		['oak-sign'] = {pos = 255},
		['ocelot-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#584535'}, pos = 303, tint = '#F4E27F'},
		['orange-candle'] = {pos = 256},
		['orange-dye'] = {pos = 257},
		['painting'] = {pos = 258},
		['panda-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#1C1C23'}, pos = 303, tint = '#EBEBEB'},
		['paper'] = {pos = 259},
		['parrot-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#FC0000'}, pos = 303, tint = '#0DAA0B'},
		['phantom-membrane'] = {pos = 260},
		['phantom-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#8BFC00'}, pos = 303, tint = '#44538D'},
		['pig-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#DF6561'}, pos = 303, tint = '#F5A8A5'},
		['piglin-brute-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#FCF8A7'}, pos = 303, tint = '#5B2B10'},
		['piglin-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#FCF8A7'}, pos = 303, tint = '#9C6141'},
		['pillager-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#989E9E'}, pos = 303, tint = '#553037'},
		['pink-candle'] = {pos = 261},
		['pink-dye'] = {pos = 262},
		['pointed-dripstone'] = {pos = 263},
		['poisonous-potato'] = {pos = 264},
		['polar-bear-spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304, tint = '#989893'}, pos = 303, tint = '#F7F7F7'},
		['popped-chorus-fruit'] = {pos = 265},
		['porkchop'] = {pos = 266},
		['potato'] = {pos = 267},
		['potion-of-fire-resistance'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#E49A3A'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-harming'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#430A09'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-healing'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#F82423'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-invisibility'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#7F8392'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-leaping'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#22FF4C'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-luck'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#339900'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-night-vision'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#1F1FA1'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-poison'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#4E9331'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-regeneration'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#CD5CAB'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-slow-falling'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#FFEFD1'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-slowness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#5A6C81'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-strength'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#932423'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-swiftness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#7CAFC6'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-water-breathing'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#2E5299'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-of-weakness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#484D48'}, pos = 125},
		['potion-overlay'] = {pos = 268},
		['powder-snow-bucket'] = {pos = 269},
		['prismarine-crystals'] = {pos = 270},
		['prismarine-shard'] = {pos = 271},
		['pufferfish'] = {pos = 272},
		['pufferfish-bucket'] = {pos = 273},
		['pumpkin-pie'] = {pos = 274},
		['pumpkin-seeds'] = {pos = 275},
		['purple-candle'] = {pos = 276},
		['purple-dye'] = {pos = 277},
		['quartz'] = {pos = 278},
		['rabbit'] = {pos = 279},
		['rabbit-foot'] = {pos = 280},
		['rabbit-hide'] = {pos = 281},
		['rabbit-stew'] = {pos = 282},
		['raw-copper'] = {pos = 283},
		['raw-gold'] = {pos = 284},
		['raw-iron'] = {pos = 285},
		['red-candle'] = {pos = 286},
		['red-dye'] = {pos = 287},
		['redstone'] = {pos = 288},
		['repeater'] = {pos = 289},
		['rotten-flesh'] = {pos = 290},
		['saddle'] = {pos = 291},
		['salmon'] = {pos = 292},
		['salmon-bucket'] = {pos = 293},
		['scute'] = {pos = 294},
		['sea-pickle'] = {pos = 295},
		['seagrass'] = {pos = 296},
		['shears'] = {pos = 297},
		['shulker-shell'] = {pos = 298},
		['slime-ball'] = {pos = 299},
		['snowball'] = {pos = 300},
		['soul-campfire'] = {pos = 301},
		['soul-lantern'] = {pos = 302},
		['spawn-egg'] = {overlay = {pos = 304}, pos = 303},
		['spawn-egg-base'] = {pos = 303},
		['spawn-egg-overlay'] = {pos = 304},
		['spectral-arrow'] = {pos = 305},
		['spider-eye'] = {pos = 306},
		['splash-potion-base'] = {pos = 307},
		['splash-potion-of-fire-resistance'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#E49A3A'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-harming'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#430A09'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-healing'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#F82423'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-invisibility'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#7F8392'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-leaping'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#22FF4C'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-luck'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#339900'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-night-vision'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#1F1FA1'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-poison'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#4E9331'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-regeneration'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#CD5CAB'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-slow-falling'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#FFEFD1'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-slowness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#5A6C81'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-strength'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#932423'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-swiftness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#7CAFC6'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-water-breathing'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#2E5299'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-potion-of-weakness'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#484D48'}, pos = 125},
		['splash-water-bottle'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['spruce-boat'] = {pos = 308},
		['spruce-door'] = {pos = 309},
		['spruce-sign'] = {pos = 310},
		['spyglass'] = {pos = 311},
		['spyglass-model'] = {pos = 312},
		['stick'] = {pos = 313},
		['stone-axe'] = {pos = 314},
		['stone-hoe'] = {pos = 315},
		['stone-pickaxe'] = {pos = 316},
		['stone-shovel'] = {pos = 317},
		['stone-sword'] = {pos = 318},
		['string'] = {pos = 319},
		['structure-void'] = {pos = 320},
		['sugar'] = {pos = 321},
		['sugar-cane'] = {pos = 322},
		['suspicious-stew'] = {pos = 323},
		['sweet-berries'] = {pos = 324},
		['thick-lingering-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['thick-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['thick-splash-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['tipped-arrow'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 325},
		['tipped-arrow-base'] = {pos = 325},
		['tipped-arrow-head'] = {pos = 326},
		['tnt-minecart'] = {pos = 327},
		['totem-of-undying'] = {pos = 328},
		['trident'] = {pos = 329},
		['tropical-fish'] = {pos = 330},
		['tropical-fish-bucket'] = {pos = 331},
		['turtle-egg'] = {pos = 332},
		['turtle-helmet'] = {pos = 333},
		['uncraftable-lingering-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#F800F8'}, pos = 125},
		['uncraftable-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#F800F8'}, pos = 125},
		['uncraftable-splash-potion'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#F800F8'}, pos = 125},
		['uncraftable-tipped-arrow'] = {overlay = {pos = 326, tint = '#F800F8'}, pos = 325},
		['warped-door'] = {pos = 334},
		['warped-fungus-on-a-stick'] = {pos = 335},
		['warped-sign'] = {pos = 336},
		['water-bottle'] = {overlay = {pos = 268, tint = '#385DC6'}, pos = 125},
		['water-bucket'] = {pos = 337},
		['wheat'] = {pos = 338},
		['wheat-seeds'] = {pos = 339},
		['white-candle'] = {pos = 340},
		['white-dye'] = {pos = 341},
		['wooden-axe'] = {pos = 342},
		['wooden-hoe'] = {pos = 343},
		['wooden-pickaxe'] = {pos = 344},
		['wooden-shovel'] = {pos = 345},
		['wooden-sword'] = {pos = 346},
		['writable-book'] = {pos = 347},
		['written-book'] = {pos = 348},
		['yellow-candle'] = {pos = 349},
		['yellow-dye'] = {pos = 350}