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Java Edition:Mobs with CanPickUpLoot Tag

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Diamond Armor Zombie.PNG

Canpickuploot mobs are mobs that can pick up items and armor. They were briefly discontinued in the April Fools' snapshot 1.RV-Pre1. In this version, Zombies, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons, and Zombie Pigmen could not spawn with CanPickUpLoot tag set to true (CanPickUpLoot:1b). Mobs with this tag were then recontinued in the next version, making it a recontinued discontinued feature.

In addition, mobs in 1.RV-Pre1 holding or wearing something they do not spawn with are discontinued as well.


Can Pick Up Loot Mobs in 1.RV-Pre1

In any version from 12w34b until 1.9.2, the mobs have a varying percentage (6.875%-55%) of spawning based on local difficulty. These mobs will not spawn in 1.RV-Pre1 - however, they can be updated to it. This would make them discontinued.

1.RV-Pre1 Mobs Holding/Wearing They Do Not Spawn With

In 1.RV-Pre1, mobs are not able to pick up items. However, there is a way to get a mob with items in a couple of simple steps.

  1. First, you must obtain a mob wearing or holding items in any version before 1.RV-Pre1.
  2. Then, simply update the mob to 1.RV-Pre1.

If you follow these steps, the mob will keep what they are wearing after being updated to 1.RV-Pre1. This will create a mob that will then be holding/wearing something that they cannot spawn with in that version.
