Java Edition:Ender Dragon with Inflicted Effect
To do: Potential grammar fixes, and list of effects (below WIP).
In current versions of the game, Ender dragons are immune to all effects and cannot be inflicted with any. However, before 15w49a (1.9 snapshot), it was possible to apply effects to the Ender dragon. This is a temporary discontinued feature, as the effect will eventually wear off unless the Ender dragon is kept in unloaded chunks.
Ender dragons were first added in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4, making this the first version that an Ender dragon with an inflicted effect was available. Despite that, Ender dragons did not start naturally spawning until Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6, making it the realistic start version, although the Ender dragon can always be downgraded. You must then apply the effect of choice to the Ender dragon using either a splash potion or lingering potion, and it will apply its respective effect to the Ender dragon.
List of Effects
To do: Write a table of all the effects which can be applied to the Ender dragon and their maximum durations.