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Java Edition:Mutually Exclusive Enchantment Enchanted Books

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Mutually Exclusive Enchantments Enchanted Book.png
Warning: Downgrading 
This feature requires the use of downgrading which can result in crashes, data loss, or corruption, and requires specific versions. Follow the page instructions carefully.
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Some enchantments are mutually exclusive - however, downgrading allows you to put them both on a book.


First, you must have the enchantment that is added in that version on a book. Then, you must downgrade to a version before it was added and add the new enchantment. After adding the second enchantment, you may update back.

This method works with:

  • Frost Walker (added in 15w42a) and Depth Strider
  • Cleaving (added in Combat Test 6) and Sharpness / Smite / Bane of Arthropods
  • Swift Sneak (added in 1.19 Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1) and Soul Speed


  1. Combat Test 6 is a fork of 1.16.2 Pre-release 3