Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki:Style Guide

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This article is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.
This Minecraft Discontinued Features page is about the style guide. For how to create a page, see How to Create a Page.

Although Wikipedia already provides a more general style guide, a more specific one is necessary for Minecraft Discontinued Features-specific guidelines. As such, only guidelines pertaining to the Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki and its basic formatting rules are included here. If any contradiction arises, this page always has precedence over its subpages and the Wikipedia style guide.


The majority of pages on the wiki should focus on covering discontinued features. Discontinued features are any saved object in the game (items/entities/blocks/etc.) that were possible in earlier versions of the game but become unavailable in later versions, but the object can be updated to those later versions, where it is unobtainable. The discontinued feature can be current, deleted, or recontinued, that is to say if it was considered discontinued at any point of the games history then it may be included on this wiki. If an article does not meet these expectations it may be deleted.

All discontinued features must be obtainable in the vanilla version of Minecraft. The articles are separated by game version into Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Legacy Console Edition. The definition of cheating is largely subjective and what exploits/versions are too far depends on the player. The wiki holds a very expansive view of vanilla but whenever it may be questionable relevant warnings should be written to help the reader find the features they agree are vanilla. The wiki allows these as vanilla:

  • Bugs/Exploits
  • Snapshots, Pre-releases, Release Candidates, and Combat Tests
  • Versions Before 1.0.0 (Beta, Alpha, Infdev, Indev, Classic, Pre-Classic)
  • April Fools' Versions (Beta 1.4, 2.0, 15w14a, 1.RV-Pre1, 3D Shareware v1.34, 20w14∞, 22w13oneBlockAtATime, 23w13a_or_b, 24w14potato)
  • Downgrading Versions - going to an older version of the game
  • Minecraft China Java - the variant of Minecraft made to follow Chinese laws on censorship, playtime restrictions, and other requirements
  • MinecraftEdu - the Forge mod bought by Mojang that was made from Beta 1.4 to 1.8.9 for education
  • Bukkit - the server software that was acquired by Mojang as a condition of hiring the Bukkit team
  • Official Map Discontinued Features - Discontinued features found in maps created by Mojang
  • Converters - Converters that allow Classic file format to be brought into Indev file format and Indev file format to Infdev file format are allowed. Converters that allow Java worlds to be converted to Bedrock and vice versa are also allowed

These are not allowed on the wiki:

  • Any feature that requires mods, external editors (like NBTExplorer), Spigot and its forks, or any Bukkit plugins (only the base is allowed)
  • Methods granting cheats are mentioned only on their respective pages and features that require cheats, as they can grant the ability to obtain nearly everything on this wiki and listing them everywhere is highly redundant
  • Features from Classic 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST to Classic 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST_03, Indev 0.31 20091223-1 to Indev 0.31 20100122, or Infdev 20100227-1 to Infdev 20100325 as those versions do not save
  • File Manipulations - Renaming, deleting, or otherwise editing files in your world save, is not currently allowed (with the exception of using it to load specific, updates or versions like April Fools versions)

Some other pages are allowed but all should be related to discontinued features. The other pages allowed are:

  • Disambiguation pages to help the reader navigate from an ambiguous search to the desired page.
  • Version pages covering all features ending in a version range
  • Meta pages covering types of discontinued features
  • Lists of specific types of discontinued features
  • A few tutorial & community pages
  • Pages listing discontinued features that meet certain specifications or are in a specific category

Edition Namespace

An Edition Namespace is a namespace that is used to separate content by edition, this allows for readers to quickly find information for a single edition rather than having to sort through information for multiple. Edition Namespaces also allow for pages with the same title to be made for multiple editions of Minecraft, Pocket Edition is considered to be the same as Bedrock Edition but Console Edition is considered to be separate.

The Namespace Editions and there aliases are as follows:

Namespace Namespace ID Alias
Bedrock Edition 3000 BE
Java Edition 3002 JE
Console Edition 3004 CE

Remember that namespace aliases are not to be used in links on content pages as it is stated here.

If one wishes to create an article that covers multiple or all editions of Minecraft they can create it on the "Main" namespace, which is used as a namespace to disambiguate searches and cover material across multiple editions.


Page titles should use title case. Although in the event that the contents of the feature uses lowercase, that should be used instead. When a page is specifically about the item, add (Item) to the end of the page. All page titles must use American spelling. Redirects using alternative spellings can be created to link to the correct page. Avoid using words such as "and" and "or" as well as slashes in titles, generic terms should be used instead when applicable.


Any article outside of content namespaces such as templates and categories should use sentence case unless it's a proper noun.

Version Formatting

Versions on articles should be consistently formatted, usually using Mojang's name for the version. However, Mojang has not given a name for every version and sometimes gives multiple names for the same version. All mentioned versions must have been released. Development versions do not count even if there is video or image proof that Mojang produced them. This includes privately released versions such as Combat Test 8a and Alpha v1.2.0 (Preview) unless they are later leaked such as Combat Test 7a. Versions that were released but are now missing should stil be mentioned. An exact list of the application of these rules can be viewed at the SAMVID module.

  • The four pre-Classic versions are rd-132211, rd-132328, rd-160052, and rd-161348
  • Classic versions should begin with "Classic" to signify it was during this period
    • Examples: Classic 0.0.12a, Classic 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST, Classic 0.25_05 SURVIVAL TEST, Classic 0.28_01
  • Classic servers should begin with "Classic Server"
    • Example: Classic Server 1.3
  • Classic 0.30 should be: Classic 0.30c, 0.30s, 0.30c-renew
  • Indev versions were not labeled by Mojang. They should begin with "Indev" and if it is a 0.31 Indev it should begin with "Indev 0.31" then followed by year, month, day with no spaces. If there were multiple versions in the same day they should be followed by a dash (-) and then the number for which place it was
    • Examples: Indev 0.31 20091223-2, Indev 0.31 20100202, and Indev 20100212-2
  • Indev 0.31 20100113 (Creative) has the added parentheses for the missing version
  • Infdev should begin with "Infdev" and uses the same date formatting as Indev
    • Examples: Infdev 20100327, Infdev 20100420, and Infdev 20100625-2
  • Infdev 20100629 should be called Alpha v1.0.0
  • Alpha versions should begin with "Alpha" and have a v followed by the numbers. Common mistake: there is no . or space between the v and the first number (Alpha v1.0.1 not Alpha v.1.0.1 nor Alpha v 1.0.1).
    • Examples: Alpha v1.1.2 and Alpha v1.2.0
  • Alpha servers should begin with "Alpha Server"
    • Examples: Alpha Server 0.1.2-1 and Alpha Server 0.2.2_01
  • Beta versions should begin with "Beta" to signify this version span
    • Examples: Beta 1.2, Beta 1.6.6, and Beta 1.7_01
  • Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 should have each words' first letter capitalized
  • Prereupload and reupload should [*This may be changed*] be followed by a dash (-) and then the number for which place it was.
    • Examples: 13w06a-1 and 13w06a-2
  • Pre-releases must follow the following formats:
    • Beta 1.8: Beta 1.8 Pre-release 1 (which was reuploaded so add -1 or -2) and Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;)
    • Beta 1.9: All Beta prereleases have no dashes (e.g. Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5), prerelease 3 was reuploaded twice and prerelease 4 was reuploaded once, also note these were prereleases for 1.0.0 and later turned to release candidates
    • 1.1 to 1.6: No real pre-releases existed, they were either identical to the true release or pre-reuploads
    • 1.7 to 1.13: These do not have pre-release written out and instead have a dash, then "pre", then the number (e.g. 1.12-pre7)
    • 1.14 to 1.14.4: Capitalize pre and release (e.g. 1.14.4 Pre-Release 5), also 1.14.2 Pre-Release 4 was reuploaded
    • 1.15 to 1.16.5: Only pre is capitalized (e.g. 1.16.4 Pre-release 2), note 1.16 has reintroduced release candidates as well


This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.

Block and Entity Renders


Isometric Renders

Infoboxes should generally contain an isometric render of the page's content. To make these images, you can use the Isometric Renders mod created by glisco.

To create a render with Isometric Renders, the command /isorender can be used. More information on the mod's functions is available in its wiki.


In the event that the feature cannot be represented by a isometric render, a screenshot in game will suffice, for example screenshots of chest contents in the case of Indev Item Chests. All images must be in a format where there are no compression artifacts. If unsure, stick to PNG format.


  1. Item tooltip, potion effect box, data from /data command should fit whole canvas.
  2. Unnecessary background should be erased or cropped.
  3. Other things such as HUD elements or particle effects should not cover the feature (if possible).


This wiki uses the rules set in the Minecraft Wiki. The table below shows what should and shouldn't be capitalized. Of course, normal English rules still apply so when the object is referred to as a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence then it should be capitalized like normal.

Thing Capitalize?
In-game Items No
Structures and Biomes No
Mobs No
Enchantments Yes
Status effects Yes
Game modes Yes
Dimensions Yes

Unknown/Untested Information

There are multiple templates to use if you are unsure of some information or you want to add to it later. For references that need testing, use the {{test}} template. If the page is a work in progress, use {{WIP}} above the description. For section, add {{WIP|section=1}} under the target section heading. If needed, you can also use the {{Testbox}} if pages or sections need to be tested. To specify what needs to be tested, you can use {{Testbox|1=[What to test goes in here]}}.


If you create a normal link, it is required that you use the full namespace name, ie. [[Java Edition:Spawn Egg]] rather than [[JE:Spawn Egg]]. Aliases such as JE should only be used in talk pages, user pages, community discussion pages, etc.

See Also