Java Edition:Combining Worlds

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Reason: This is not allowed according to the Style Guide, as it uses external tools.

Combining Classic/Indev levels is not possible in vanilla Minecraft. To do this, the use of 3rd party tools is required and therefor modification. This tutorial serves the purpose of aiding those who wish to combine their levels and form a "poly-world". This also means that you can enjoy various terrain discontinued features that classic/indev has to offer all in one world.


To combine Classic/Indev worlds together, you will need the following tools:

  • MCEdit Stable 29
  • Omen

These tools and various others can be downloaded via this toolset created by Xelanater

Indev worlds have these sizes:

  • Small: 128x64x128
  • Normal: 256x64x256
  • Huge: 512x64x512

Classic has the maximum world size of 2048x2048.

Indev has the maximum world size of 1024x1024.

It is recommended to not have the height be any higher than 128 otherwise there would be issues converting to infdev.


First Step:

The first step is to prepare the levels. For each of your levels, they should be renamed to their world name and their world dimensions formatted like this (height being last) level1_256_256_64. They should also end with the appropriate file extension, classic being .mine and indev being .mclevel.

Classic worlds can also be imported into a indev world.

Step 2:

Next we want to generate a blank map to import all of our worlds into. For this we will use Omen.

Once loaded click on file and then new and here you need to put in the correct dimensions of your world. This would be the total of all your levels. For example, 4 256x256 levels would be a 512x512 world.

Then press the "blank map" toggle and press done. This creates a blank map.

Step 3:

Now we want to save the blank world. To do this press file and then save as. If you are making a classic world, use the .dat file format in the file format drop down. For indev, use the .mclevel file format.

Then click save.

Step 4:

Now rename the new file to have the dimensions at the end like we did for the worlds we want to import.

Also if you are creating a classic world, change the file format from .dat to .mine.

Step 5:

Open MCEdit Stable 29, click on "open a level" and open the blank world. You can then press import (the crane looking button) and load your levels. You can press chunk align on the left sidebar to make lining up maps easier and once you are done positioning the level you can press import. You can then repeat for all your other levels.

Step 6:

Once all the levels are in place, press ctrl+s to save the level and then you can open it in your desired version.