Java Edition.png

Java Edition:Cross World Commands

From Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki
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Ulfyn Cross World Command Machine.png

Warning: Corruption 
This feature can corrupt your world. Perform at your own risk.
Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash your game. Perform at your own risk.
Command Block.png
Warning: Method Granting Cheats 
This method gives access to features that are normally behind the cheats toggle such as commands or creative which may be dangerous. Perform at your own risk.

Cross World Commands, or CWC for short, is the most overpowered technique on this wiki which does not modify the game itself, but it comes with the drawback of potentially crashing Minecraft or even corrupting the world. This method allows commands to be executed in one world, and when switching to another world, those commands are still running causing them to execute in the second world. This is done by creating a clock and a large amount of lag, then switching worlds. This only works in singleplayer, and can be done from 12w32a (1.4 Snapshot) to 15w31c (1.9 Snapshot).


All of the methods used for Cross World Commands involve causing large amounts of lag before switching worlds, this is a dangerous method so back up your world before attempting. Below is a list of resource which either help explain Cross World Commands in more depth, provide a world download for this method, or are command generators to assist the player in using commands in these old versions.


World Downloads:

Command Generators for 1.8-1.10:


Items which were added after 1.8 can be obtained by creating a chest with a BlockEntityTag.Items tag, this will allow the chest to hold items, even items which have not been added to the game yet. The player must wait until these are added to place the chest, if the chest is placed prior to the item being added it could be deleted. This can also be used for any block by creating a block item with a custom BlockEntityTag, and an entity by creating spawn eggs with a custom EntityTag.

See Also