Java Edition.png

Java Edition:B Creative Mode

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B Creative Mode.png

Command Block.png
Warning: Method Granting Cheats 
This method gives access to features that are normally behind the cheats toggle such as commands or creative which may be dangerous. Perform at your own risk.

In version 11w49a (1.1 Snapshot), pressing B would toggle the player between Survival and Creative mode, this occurs even if cheats are turned off. This allows the player to fly, be invincible, break unbreakable blocks, and access the Creative inventory for several unobtainable items and unlimited resources. This does not save when updating or reloading the world, and does not work on 11w49a (1.1 Snapshot) servers and will cause the player to de-sync


This feature can be used for a wide variety of things. The player is able to use flight to travel long distances quite quickly, grab an infinite amount of resources from the Creative inventory, instantly break any block in the game including unbreakable blocks, and the player could obtain many items which, at the time, were unable to be gathered in Survival mode, these are:


See Also