Java Edition.png

Java Edition:Fire Resistance II

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Fire resistance 2.png

Normally, Fire Resistance can only go up to level I. However, in some snapshots, it was possible to get Fire Resistance II. This effect does not behave differently from level I.


Using Totem of Undying

In the snapshot 20w28a, activating a Totem of Undying would give the player would Fire Resistance II. This effect is temporary, only lasting for 40 seconds. This effect can also apply to any mob able to hold a Totem of Undying. Any mob that has CanPickUpLoot: 1b, which includes baby piglins, dolphins, drowned, foxes, husks, skeletons, strays, wither skeletons, zombies, zombie villagers, and zombified piglins, can have the effect.

Voting for the Fire Resistance II Effect

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the usage of April Fools' versions, often requiring file renaming or file deletion to load. See the help page for information on loading these versions.

In the April Fools snapshot 23w13a_or_b you could vote to get infinite duration effects. These effects could be random, so you could get infinite Fire Resistance II or higher.

See also