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Java Edition:Invalid Data Value Cake

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Invalid Data Value Cakes are cake blocks with a data value above the normal value of 5. These cakes exist worldwide until deletion[test] in 14w26a (1.8 snapshot). As a result, this is a Deleted discontinued feature. Additionally, getting invalid data value cakes as an item is impossible.


The 1.7 variant of the block transmutator must be performed. Using a cake and a golden pressure plate, the machine should be set using 6-15 arrows. This will create an invalid data value cake.

Texture Changes

Unknown Element.webp
This information needs testing. 
Please help test this information.
To test: Are there any texture changes? If so, what are they?


Top view of a line of cakes with incrementing data values.
All cake data values in a line.

Any cake with a data value above 5 can be eaten and give hunger points like any other cake. However, upon eating, the cake will disappear. If the player tries to eat the cake with full hunger the cake will remain as is. Cakes with a data value of 7 will appear 0 pixels wide, and cakes with a data value above 7 will look like they extend into the block next to it. However, this doesn't mean the cake exists in that block, and blocks can still be placed and broken in the space the cake appears to occupy. The player can stand on a cake with data values up to data value 11, after which the cakes will not affect the player's position.