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Java Edition:Block Transmutation

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Block Transmutation is a powerful method that allowed for most blocks to be given any data value including invalid data values (commonly shortened to IDV). The blocks with invalid data values vanish in 14w26a (1.8 snapshot) but a few blocks can be mined to receive an invalid data value item that will remain until 17w47a (1.13 snapshot).

Block Data Value Transmutation Methods

Prior to the deployment of block states, blocks would rely on metadata for many things. Originally this was just for functional versions of the block such as crop and sapling growth states, facing directions and door openness, but starting in Beta 1.2 it would begin to see use for variants of blocks, such as different wool colorations. There are several known ways to change the metadata values of blocks to arbitrary values, which are listed below.

Random Indev Data Values Transmutation

This Indev world has been converted so that all blocks are wool and so the data values of all blocks can be seen.

From Indev 0.31 20100124 to Indev 0.31 20100205[1], all placed blocks have random[2] data values from 0 to 7. This also includes air getting random data values when a block is broken. This method can be performed on every block that existed except gears (redstone wire), diamond ore, flowing water, and flowing lava which cannot be placed because they are unobtainable. Several of the items for placement could only be obtained in Indev chests from Indev 0.31 20100124-1 to Indev 0.31 20100128. Although very simple to perform, the exact data value cannot be controlled.

In addition, some blocks that naturally generate have these random data values. The grass block, leaves, and logs that generate in a new world have random data values from 0 to 7. Additionally, the cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, torch, and chest blocks that generate in the Indev house have these random data values. The number of chests in the Indev House varied during these versions. The exact differences in the Indev house can be viewed at this Minecraft Wiki page. All chests were removed in Indev 0.31 20100130. Other than these seven blocks, all blocks generate with data value 0.

The data values will be discontinued in Indev versions that are Indev 20100206 or later. In order to update the world into Infdev and later, Indev level conversion must be used.

A collapsible table below indicates whether each block can be transmutated using this method through placement and generation.

Random Indev Data Values Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it Work from Placement? Does it Work from Generation?
0 air Yes DV Zero
1 stone Yes DV Zero
2 grass Yes Yes
3 dirt Yes DV Zero
4 cobblestone Yes Yes
5 planks Yes Doesn't Generate
6 sapling Yes Doesn't Generate
7 bedrock Yes DV Zero
8 flowing_water No Doesn't Generate
9 water Yes DV Zero
10 flowing_lava No Doesn't Generate
11 lava Yes DV Zero
12 sand Yes DV Zero
13 gravel Yes DV Zero
14 gold_ore Yes DV Zero
15 iron_ore Yes DV Zero
16 coal_ore Yes DV Zero
17 log Yes Yes
18 leaves Yes Yes
19 sponge Yes Doesn't Generate
20 glass Yes Doesn't Generate
21 lapis_ore Yes Doesn't Generate
22 lapis_block Yes Doesn't Generate
23 dispenser Yes Doesn't Generate
24 sandstone Yes Doesn't Generate
25 noteblock Yes Doesn't Generate
26 bed Yes Doesn't Generate
27 golden_rail Yes Doesn't Generate
28 detector_rail Yes Doesn't Generate
29 sticky_piston Yes Doesn't Generate
30 web Yes Doesn't Generate
31 tallgrass Yes Doesn't Generate
32 deadbush Yes Doesn't Generate
33 piston Yes Doesn't Generate
34 piston_head Yes Doesn't Generate
35 wool Yes Doesn't Generate
36 piston_extension Yes Doesn't Generate
37 yellow_flower Yes DV Zero
38 red_flower Yes DV Zero
39 brown_mushroom Yes DV Zero
40 red_mushroom Yes DV Zero
41 gold_block Yes Doesn't Generate
42 iron_block Yes Doesn't Generate
43 double_stone_slab Yes Doesn't Generate
44 stone_slab Yes Doesn't Generate
45 brick_block Yes Doesn't Generate
46 tnt Yes Doesn't Generate
47 bookshelf Yes Doesn't Generate
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes Yes
49 obsidian Yes Doesn't Generate
50 torch Yes Yes
51 fire Yes Doesn't Generate
52 mob_spawner Yes Doesn't Generate
53 wooden_stairs Yes Doesn't Generate
54 chest Yes Yes
55 redstone_wire No Doesn't Generate
56 diamond_ore No DV Zero
57 diamond_block Yes Doesn't Generate
58 crafting_table Yes Doesn't Generate

Preserved Data Value Transmutation

From Infdev 20100316 to Infdev 20100327, blocks would not reset their data value (DV) to 0 upon breaking, preserving the DV originally contained in the block. Out of these versions, only Infdev 20100327 can be saved. Infdev 20100330 fixed this bug. This allowed any placed block in these versions to have any DV from 0-15, including non-solid blocks such as saplings or wheat. The most simple way of gaining every DV is to use fire to increment the DV.

This table shows which DVs are obtainable from a certain block and how to obtain it. Note that once you change the DV of a block, it is impossible to get it back to 0. Multiple methods can also be combined.

Block Possible DVs Type Method
Torch 1-5 Overwrite Place a torch down in different orientations.
Farmland 7 Overwrite Hydrate the farmland.
Wheat 1-7 Increment Allow wheat to grow.
Sapling 1-15 Increment Allow sapling to grow. Above DV 8 a block must be placed above to prevent it from turning into a tree.
Fire 1-15 Increment Place a fire with flint and steel. The first time it goes out, it will be DV 5. If extinguished before it reaches DV 5, it will be lower than that. Each subsequent relighting of the same block will increase it by 1. So, the second time you relight it will get to DV 6, third time will be 7, etc.
Furnace/Lit Furnace 2-5 Overwrite Place a furnace down in different orientations.
  • Preserved Data Value Transmutation Examples

- Images may be slightly off depending on the way that the player is facing in the world.

Orientation Data Value
Down Torch (Down Arrow) Data Value 1
Up Torch (Up Arrow) Data Value 2
Left Torch (Left Arrow) Data Value 3
Right Torch (Right Arrow) Data Value 4
Standing Torch (Dot) Data Value 5
Preserved Data Value Transmutation Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it work?
0 air Yes
1 stone Yes
2 grass Yes
3 dirt Yes
4 cobblestone Yes
5 planks Yes
6 sapling Yes
7 bedrock Yes
8 flowing_water No
9 water Yes
10 flowing_lava No
11 lava Yes
12 sand Yes
13 gravel Yes
14 gold_ore Yes
15 iron_ore Yes
16 coal_ore Yes
17 log Yes
18 leaves Yes
19 sponge Yes
20 glass Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes
22 lapis_block Yes
23 dispenser Yes
24 sandstone Yes
25 noteblock Yes
26 bed Yes
27 golden_rail Yes
28 detector_rail Yes
29 sticky_piston Yes
30 web Yes
31 tallgrass Yes
32 deadbush Yes
33 piston Yes
34 piston_head Yes
35 wool Yes
36 piston_extension Yes
37 yellow_flower Yes
38 red_flower Yes
39 brown_mushroom Yes
40 red_mushroom Yes
41 gold_block Yes
42 iron_block Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes
44 stone_slab Yes
45 brick_block Yes
46 tnt Yes
47 bookshelf Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes
49 obsidian Yes
50 torch No
51 fire No
52 mob_spawner Yes
53 wooden_stairs Yes
54 chest Yes
55 redstone_wire No
56 diamond_ore Yes
57 diamond_block Yes
58 crafting_table Yes
59 wheat Yes
60 farmland Yes
61 furnace No
62 lit_furnace No

Liquid Transmutation

From Beta 1.7 to release 1.2.3, blocks could be transmuted by chaining the updates from water or lava flowing into a zero tick generator to move another block into the liquid's former location instantly. The data value of the pushed block would be changed to the flow state the liquid was in. Liquids flowing on a flat surface will generate data values 1 to 7, and allowing the liquid to flow one block down from flat flows will generate data values 8 to 15. Every block from the source increments the resulting data value by one. Due to the requirement of needing to be able to be moved by pistons, only blocks that are moveable by pistons may be transmuted with this method.

Most devices for liquid transmutation are directional and or locational due to the method used to generate zero tick pulses, so one will have to likely test multiple locations and or rotations until a valid one is found. A valid location and rotation will work in all worlds and versions, so the device won't have to be moved once built. Some tutorials are provided below of commonly used designs, and are listed by the directionality and or locationality required.

Liquid Transmutation Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it work?
0 air No
1 stone Yes
2 grass Yes
3 dirt Yes
4 cobblestone Yes
5 planks Yes
6 sapling No
7 bedrock No
8 flowing_water No
9 water No
10 flowing_lava No
11 lava No
12 sand Yes
13 gravel Yes
14 gold_ore Yes
15 iron_ore Yes
16 coal_ore Yes
17 log Yes
18 leaves No
19 sponge Yes
20 glass Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes
22 lapis_block Yes
23 dispenser No
24 sandstone Yes
25 noteblock No
26 bed No
27 golden_rail Yes[3]
28 detector_rail Yes[3]
29 sticky_piston Yes
30 web No
31 tallgrass No
32 deadbush No
33 piston Yes
34 piston_head No
35 wool Yes
36 piston_extension No
37 yellow_flower No
38 red_flower No
39 brown_mushroom No
40 red_mushroom No
41 gold_block Yes
42 iron_block Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes
44 stone_slab Yes
45 brick_block Yes
46 tnt Yes
47 bookshelf Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes
49 obsidian No
50 torch No
51 fire No
52 mob_spawner No
53 wooden_stairs Yes
54 chest No
55 redstone_wire No
56 diamond_ore Yes
57 diamond_block Yes
58 crafting_table Yes
59 wheat No
60 farmland Yes
61 furnace No
62 lit_furnace No
63 standing_sign No
64 wooden_door No
65 ladder No
66 rail Yes[3]
67 stone_stairs Yes
68 wall_sign No
69 lever No
70 stone_pressure_plate No
71 iron_door No
72 wooden_pressure_plate No
73 redstone_ore Yes
74 lit_redstone_ore Yes
75 unlit_redstone_torch No
76 redstone_torch No
77 stone_button No
78 snow_layer No
79 ice Yes
80 snow Yes
81 cactus No
82 clay Yes
83 reeds No
84 jukebox No
85 fence Yes
86 pumpkin No
87 netherrack Yes
88 soul_sand Yes
89 glowstone Yes
90 portal No
91 lit_pumpkin No
92 cake No
93 unpowered_repeater No
94 powered_repeater No
95 stained_glass Yes
96 trapdoor Yes
97 monster_egg Yes
98 stonebrick Yes
99 brown_mushroom_block Yes
100 red_mushroom_block Yes
101 iron_bars Yes
102 glass_pane Yes
103 melon_block No
104 pumpkin_stem No
105 melon_stem No
106 vine No
107 fence_gate Yes
108 brick_stairs Yes
109 stone_brick_stairs Yes
110 mycelium Yes
111 waterlily No
112 nether_brick Yes
113 nether_brick_fence Yes
114 nether_brick_stairs Yes
115 nether_wart No
116 enchanting_table No
117 brewing_stand No
118 cauldron Yes
119 end_portal No
120 end_portal_frame No
121 end_stone Yes
122 dragon_egg No
123 redstone_lamp Yes
124 lit_redstone_lamp Yes


World Downloads

Moving Piston Merge Transmutation

Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash the game. Perform at your own risk.
Commented code explains how the blocks merge

From Beta 1.7.2 to Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5, pistons can merge two blocks together and transfer the data value from one to another. Running this method in Beta 1.7 or Beta 1.7_01 will corrupt the world.

The machine in its simplest form is a sticky piston facing upwards, above that the block whose data value will be used, diagonally upwards the block that will receive the data value, a regular piston facing into the block that will receive a data value, and a solid block diagonally upwards with a lever on it for BUDding (view the tutorial below for video on how to build). Activating this machine involves placing a redstone torch on the block that will receive the data value.

This method works on nearly any block that can be pushed by pistons. A few modified designs are required for transparent blocks, blocks that require support, and blocks that are powered by redstone. Below is a gallery of the different designs for different blocks:

A collapsible table of which blocks this method works on is below. The table also includes if one of the modified designs are required, except the transparent extra block isn't listed since that can always be present for the regular design.

Moving Piston Merge Transmutation Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it Work? Special Design Needed?
0 stone Yes
1 grass Yes
2 dirt Yes
3 cobblestone Yes
4 planks Yes
5 sapling No
6 bedrock No
7 flowing_water No
8 water No
9 flowing_lava No
10 lava No
11 sand Yes
12 gravel Yes
13 gold_ore Yes
14 iron_ore Yes
15 coal_ore Yes
16 log Yes
17 leaves No
18 sponge Yes
19 glass Yes
20 lapis_ore Yes
21 lapis_block Yes
22 dispenser No
23 sandstone Yes
24 noteblock No
25 bed No
26 golden_rail Yes Rail design
27 detector_rail Yes Rail design
28 sticky_piston Yes Piston design
29 web No
30 tallgrass No
31 deadbush No
32 piston Yes Piston design
33 piston_head No
34 wool Yes
35 piston_extension No
36 yellow_flower No
37 red_flower No
38 brown_mushroom No
39 red_mushroom No
40 gold_block Yes
41 iron_block Yes
42 double_stone_slab Yes
43 stone_slab Yes
44 brick_block Yes
45 tnt Yes No redstone power design
46 bookshelf Yes
47 mossy_cobblestone Yes
48 obsidian No
49 torch No
50 fire No
51 mob_spawner No
52 wooden_stairs Yes
53 chest No
54 redstone_wire No
55 diamond_ore Yes
56 diamond_block Yes
57 crafting_table Yes
58 wheat No
59 farmland Yes
60 furnace Yes Furnace design
61 lit_furnace Yes Furnace design
62 standing_sign No
63 wooden_door No
64 ladder No
65 rail Yes Rail design
66 stone_stairs Yes
67 wall_sign No
68 lever No
69 stone_pressure_plate No
70 iron_door No
71 wooden_pressure_plate No
72 redstone_ore ???[test]
73 lit_redstone_ore Yes
74 unlit_redstone_torch No
75 redstone_torch No
76 stone_button No
77 snow_layer No
78 ice Yes
79 snow Yes
80 cactus No
81 clay Yes
82 reeds No
83 jukebox No
84 fence Yes
85 pumpkin No
86 netherrack Yes
87 soul_sand Yes
88 glowstone Yes
89 portal No
90 lit_pumpkin No
91 cake No
92 unpowered_repeater No
93 powered_repeater No
94 stained_glass Yes
95 trapdoor Yes Trapdoor design
96 monster_egg Yes
97 stonebrick Yes
98 brown_mushroom_block Yes
99 red_mushroom_block Yes
100 iron_bars Yes
101 glass_pane Yes
102 melon_block No
103 pumpkin_stem No
104 melon_stem No
105 vine No
106 fence_gate Yes No redstone power design
107 brick_stairs Yes
108 stone_brick_stairs Yes
109 mycelium Yes
110 waterlily No
111 nether_brick Yes
112 nether_brick_fence Yes
113 nether_brick_stairs Yes
114 nether_wart No
115 enchanting_table No
116 brewing_stand No
117 cauldron Yes
118 end_portal No
119 end_portal_frame No
120 end_stone Yes


Video tutorial

Piston Transmutation

In Beta 1.7.3, pistons could be used to transmutate block data values. The reason this works is due to some incorrect code order: when a block is placed, its data value gets set after it causes block update. More specifically, when you place a block, the game will first cause a block update, which activates a machine to push the block you want to transmute in place of the block that you placed, and then the game will call the onBlockPlaced method of the block that you placed, which now sets the data value of the block that was pushed in place as opposed to the block that was originally placed. Table below shows what blocks can be used for transmutation, and their data values depending from how they are placed.

List of Blocks Used for Piston Transmutation
Block Orientation Data Value

Sticky Piston

Down 0
Up 1
North 2
South 3
West 4
East 5

Redstone Torch

Unlit Redstone Torch

East 1
West 2
South 3
North 4
Floor 5
Oak Wood Stairs

Cobblestone Stairs

Redstone Repeater


Jack o'Lantern

East 0
West 1
South 2
North 3
Ladder North 2
South 3
West 4
East 5
Lever Wall East 1
Wall West 2
Wall South 3
Wall North 4
Floor North 5
Floor West 6
Stone Button East 1
West 2
South 3
North 4
Trapdoor North 0
South 1
West 2
East 3
Piston Transmutation.png
All pistons are sticky, there are no hidden blocks.

This is an example of machine that can be used for piston transmutation. To perform transmutation, push the stone button and then quickly toggle the door before button turns off. Then place a desired block to be transmutated in front of the unextended piston. Finally place a block from list above behind the piston that's near the stone button. If the block cannot be placed because of piston not being a valid support block, machine has to be rotated by 180°. If the block powers the piston, move the pushing piston 1 block lower, connect it and place a redstone dust below the piston that was powered.

Piston Transmutation Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it work?
0 air No
1 stone Yes
2 grass Yes
3 dirt Yes
4 cobblestone Yes
5 planks Yes
6 sapling No
7 bedrock No
8 flowing_water No
9 water No
10 flowing_lava No
11 lava No
12 sand Yes
13 gravel Yes
14 gold_ore Yes
15 iron_ore Yes
16 coal_ore Yes
17 log Yes
18 leaves No
19 sponge Yes
20 glass Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes
22 lapis_block Yes
23 dispenser No
24 sandstone Yes
25 noteblock No
26 bed No
27 golden_rail Yes
28 detector_rail Yes
29 sticky_piston Yes
30 web No
31 tallgrass No
32 deadbush No
33 piston Yes
34 piston_head No
35 wool Yes
36 piston_extension No
37 yellow_flower No
38 red_flower No
39 brown_mushroom No
40 red_mushroom No
41 gold_block Yes
42 iron_block Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes
44 stone_slab Yes
45 brick_block Yes
46 tnt Yes
47 bookshelf Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes
49 obsidian No
50 torch No
51 fire No
52 mob_spawner No
53 wooden_stairs Yes
54 chest No
55 redstone_wire No
56 diamond_ore Yes
57 diamond_block Yes
58 crafting_table Yes
59 wheat No
60 farmland Yes
61 furnace No
62 lit_furnace No
63 standing_sign No
64 wooden_door No
65 ladder No
66 rail Yes
67 stone_stairs Yes
68 wall_sign No
69 lever No
70 stone_pressure_plate No
71 iron_door No
72 wooden_pressure_plate No
73 redstone_ore Yes
74 lit_redstone_ore Yes
75 unlit_redstone_torch No
76 redstone_torch No
77 stone_button No
78 snow_layer No
79 ice Yes
80 snow Yes
81 cactus No
82 clay Yes
83 reeds No
84 jukebox No
85 fence Yes
86 pumpkin No
87 netherrack Yes
88 soul_sand Yes
89 glowstone Yes
90 portal No
91 lit_pumpkin No
92 cake No
93 unpowered_repeater No
94 powered_repeater No
95 stained_glass Yes
96 trapdoor Yes

Tripwire Hook Transmutation

From 12w22a to 12w26a (1.3 snapshots), tripwires could be used to transmutate to data values 4, 5, 6, and 7. In 12w22a, the data values from the transmutation only remained temporarily and can only be saved by save quitting and updating out of the version. The version range 12w23a to 12w26a will not set the data values back to zero and so they will remain in those versions without updating.

The required set up (pictured below) involves two tripwires that have a wire between them and all the blocks are string except for the one directly next to one of the tripwire hooks. At the shortest length, this simply involves two tripwire hooks facing into the block that is desired to be transmutated. In order to activate the transmutator, an entity, such as the player, must collide with a string touching the tripwire hook but perpendicular to the wire. This machine is direction dependent. If the tripwire hooks are along the x-axis, the string must be placed on the -z side. If the tripwire hooks are along the z-axis, the string must be place on the +x side.

There is different data value given depending on whether the string is suspended or not. Air or other transparent blocks[test] underneath all the string in the contraption (both the wire and the one the entity collides) and the tripwire hook adjacent to the string which the entity collides with will cause the string to be suspended while solid blocks underneath all those blocks will cause it to be not suspended. A mix of suspended and nonsuspended string will cause the machine to not work. Suspended string causes the block to be set to data value 7 when collision begins and set to data value 6 when collision ends. Nonsuspended string causes the block to be set to data value 5 when collision begins and data value 4 when collision ends.

String State Collision Begins Collision Ends
Suspended 7 6
Nonsuspended 5 4
Arrow Transmutation Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it work?
0 air Yes
1 stone Yes
2 grass Yes
3 dirt Yes
4 cobblestone Yes
5 planks Yes
6 sapling Yes
7 bedrock Yes
8 flowing_water Yes
9 water Yes
10 flowing_lava Yes
11 lava Yes
12 sand Yes
13 gravel Yes
14 gold_ore Yes
15 iron_ore Yes
16 coal_ore Yes
17 log Yes
18 leaves Yes
19 sponge Yes
20 glass Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes
22 lapis_block Yes
23 dispenser Yes
24 sandstone Yes
25 noteblock Yes
26 bed Yes
27 golden_rail Yes
28 detector_rail Yes
29 sticky_piston Yes
30 web Yes
31 tallgrass Yes
32 deadbush Yes
33 piston Yes
34 piston_head Yes
35 wool Yes
36 piston_extension Yes
37 yellow_flower Yes
38 red_flower Yes
39 brown_mushroom Yes
40 red_mushroom Yes
41 gold_block Yes
42 iron_block Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes
44 stone_slab Yes
45 brick_block Yes
46 tnt Yes*
47 bookshelf Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes
49 obsidian Yes
50 torch Yes
51 fire Yes
52 mob_spawner Yes
53 wooden_stairs Yes
54 chest Yes
55 redstone_wire Yes*
56 diamond_ore Yes
57 diamond_block Yes
58 crafting_table Yes
59 wheat Yes
60 farmland Yes
61 furnace Yes
62 lit_furnace Yes
63 standing_sign Yes
64 wooden_door Yes
65 ladder Yes
66 rail Yes
67 stone_stairs Yes
68 wall_sign Yes
69 lever Yes
70 stone_pressure_plate Yes
71 iron_door Yes
72 wooden_pressure_plate Yes
73 redstone_ore Yes
74 lit_redstone_ore Yes
75 unlit_redstone_torch Yes
76 redstone_torch Yes
77 stone_button Yes
78 snow_layer Yes
79 ice Yes
80 snow Yes
81 cactus Yes
82 clay Yes
83 reeds Yes
84 jukebox Yes
85 fence Yes
86 pumpkin Yes
87 netherrack Yes
88 soul_sand Yes
89 glowstone Yes
90 portal Yes
91 lit_pumpkin Yes
92 cake Yes
93 unpowered_repeater Yes
94 powered_repeater Yes
95 stained_glass Yes
96 trapdoor Yes
97 monster_egg Yes
98 stonebrick Yes
99 brown_mushroom_block Yes
100 red_mushroom_block Yes
101 iron_bars Yes
102 glass_pane Yes
103 melon_block Yes
104 pumpkin_stem Yes
105 melon_stem Yes
106 vine Yes
107 fence_gate Yes
108 brick_stairs Yes
109 stone_brick_stairs Yes
110 mycelium Yes
111 waterlily Yes
112 nether_brick Yes
113 nether_brick_fence Yes
114 nether_brick_stairs Yes
115 nether_wart Yes
116 enchanting_table Yes
117 brewing_stand Yes
118 cauldron Yes
119 end_portal Yes
120 end_portal_frame Yes
121 end_stone Yes
122 dragon_egg Yes
123 redstone_lamp Yes
124 lit_redstone_lamp Yes
125 double_wooden_slab Yes
126 wooden_slab Yes
127 cocoa Yes
128 sandstone_stairs Yes
129 emerald_ore Yes
130 ender_chest Yes
131 tripwire_hook No
132 tripwire Yes
133 emerald_block Yes
Video tutorial

Door Transmutation

Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash the game. Perform at your own risk.
This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.
To do: Earlier versions allow door transmutation as well, Beta 1.7 works

The door transmutation worked from 12w06a (1.2.1 snapshot)[test] to 14w21b (1.8 snapshot).[4] Door transmutation allows for conversion to data values 0-7 depending on the starting data value. Door transmutation works by getting the top half of a wooden door on top of a different block. The door will then change the data value of whatever block is underneath it when toggled.

Attempting this bug from 14w25a to 14w28a (1.8 snapshots) will result in a crash.[5] In versions 14w28b and later, a half door will not be able to be toggled.

Within the code, the top half of the door applies a binary and function with 7 (0111) and then xor with 4 (0100). The exact conversions that result from this code are:

Before toggling 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
After toggling 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3

This leads to four loops between 0 ↔ 4, 1 ↔ 5, 2 ↔ 6, and 3 ↔ 7 while 8-15 are decreased into one of those four loops. A graphic below shows these conversions.
Door Transmutation Data Value Diagram.PNG

Door Transmutation Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it work?
0 air Yes
1 stone Yes
2 grass Yes
3 dirt Yes
4 cobblestone Yes
5 planks Yes
6 sapling Yes
7 bedrock Yes
8 flowing_water Yes
9 water Yes
10 flowing_lava Yes
11 lava Yes
12 sand Yes
13 gravel Yes
14 gold_ore Yes
15 iron_ore Yes
16 coal_ore Yes
17 log Yes
18 leaves Yes
19 sponge Yes
20 glass Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes
22 lapis_block Yes
23 dispenser Yes
24 sandstone Yes
25 noteblock Yes
26 bed Yes
27 golden_rail Yes
28 detector_rail Yes
29 sticky_piston Yes
30 web Yes
31 tallgrass Yes
32 deadbush Yes
33 piston Yes
34 piston_head Yes
35 wool Yes
36 piston_extension Yes
37 yellow_flower Yes
38 red_flower Yes
39 brown_mushroom Yes
40 red_mushroom Yes
41 gold_block Yes
42 iron_block Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes
44 stone_slab Yes
45 brick_block Yes
46 tnt Yes
47 bookshelf Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes
49 obsidian Yes
50 torch Yes
51 fire Yes
52 mob_spawner Yes
53 wooden_stairs Yes
54 chest Yes
55 redstone_wire Yes
56 diamond_ore Yes
57 diamond_block Yes
58 crafting_table Yes
59 wheat Yes
60 farmland Yes
61 furnace Yes
62 lit_furnace Yes
63 standing_sign Yes
64 wooden_door Yes*
65 ladder Yes
66 rail Yes
67 stone_stairs Yes
68 wall_sign Yes
69 lever Yes
70 stone_pressure_plate Yes
71 iron_door Yes
72 wooden_pressure_plate Yes
73 redstone_ore Yes
74 lit_redstone_ore Yes
75 unlit_redstone_torch Yes
76 redstone_torch Yes
77 stone_button Yes
78 snow_layer Yes
79 ice Yes
80 snow Yes
81 cactus Yes
82 clay Yes
83 reeds Yes
84 jukebox Yes
85 fence Yes
86 pumpkin Yes
87 netherrack Yes
88 soul_sand Yes
89 glowstone Yes
90 portal Yes
91 lit_pumpkin Yes
92 cake Yes
93 unpowered_repeater Yes
94 powered_repeater Yes
95 stained_glass Yes
96 trapdoor Yes
97 monster_egg Yes
98 stonebrick Yes
99 brown_mushroom_block Yes
100 red_mushroom_block Yes
101 iron_bars Yes
102 glass_pane Yes
103 melon_block Yes
104 pumpkin_stem Yes
105 melon_stem Yes
106 vine Yes
107 fence_gate Yes
108 brick_stairs Yes
109 stone_brick_stairs Yes
110 mycelium Yes
111 waterlily Yes
112 nether_brick Yes
113 nether_brick_fence Yes
114 nether_brick_stairs Yes
115 nether_wart Yes
116 enchanting_table Yes
117 brewing_stand Yes
118 cauldron Yes
119 end_portal Yes
120 end_portal_frame Yes
121 end_stone Yes
122 dragon_egg Yes
123 redstone_lamp Yes
124 lit_redstone_lamp Yes
125 double_wooden_slab Yes
126 wooden_slab Yes
127 cocoa Yes
128 sandstone_stairs Yes
129 emerald_ore Yes
130 ender_chest Yes
131 tripwire_hook Yes
132 tripwire Yes
133 emerald_block Yes
134 spruce_stairs Yes
135 birch_stairs Yes
136 jungle_stairs Yes
137 command_block Yes
138 beacon Yes
139 cobblestone_wall Yes
140 flower_pot Yes
141 carrots Yes
142 potatoes Yes
143 oak_button Yes
144 skull Yes
145 anvil Yes
146 trapped_chest Yes
147 light_weighted_pressure_plate Yes
148 heavy_weighted_pressure_plate Yes
149 unpowered_comparator Yes
150 powered_comparator Yes
151 daylight_detector Yes
152 redstone_block Yes
153 quartz_ore Yes
154 hopper Yes
155 quartz_block Yes
156 quartz_stairs Yes
157 activator_rail Yes
158 dropper Yes
159 stained_hardened_clay Yes
160 stained_glass_pane Yes
161 leaves2 Yes
162 log2 Yes
163 acacia_stairs Yes
164 dark_oak_stairs Yes
165 slime Yes
166 barrier Yes
167 iron_trapdoor Yes
168 n/a X
169 n/a X
170 hay_block Yes
171 carpet Yes
172 hardened_clay Yes
173 coal_block Yes
174 packed_ice Yes
175 double_plant Yes

Arrow Transmutation

Arrow transmutation is possible from 13w36a (1.7 snapshot) to 1.7.5 and 14w02a to 14w11b (1.8 snapshots). It can be used to obtain any data value from 0 to 15 on any block with a hitbox (complete list below). This transmutation occurred because arrows would call the entity collision method of the block they last collided with with the coordinates and metadata of the new block they collided with.

An important factor of this glitch is that a second entity must be clipped into the new block's location so that when the game searches for entities colliding with the new block's location it actually will find one. The easiest entity to do this with is arrows, as one can either shoot an arrow and place a block directly on top of it or use dispensers to clip the arrow into the block. These additional entities must be in such a location that their hitbox would intersect the hitbox of the block whose entity collision method is being called if it was placed at the location of the new block. An image of this mechanic is in the gallery below. Some blocks, like detector rails, require specific entities or conditions. More information is listed below.

Block DVs (from -> to) Mechanics
Wooden Pressure Plate 0-15 -> 1 The resulting data value is always 1.
Light Weighted Pressure Plate 0 -> 1-15 The resulting data value is the number of entities in the block, capped to 15.
Wooden Button 0-7 -> 8-15 The resulting data value is the old value plus 8.
String 0-15 -> 1 The resulting data value is always 1.
Cauldron 1-15 -> 0-3 The resulting data value is the old data value minus 1, clamped to between 0 and 3. The arrow clipped into the block must be on fire.
Detector Rail 0-7 -> 8-15 The resulting data value is the old value +8. A minecart must be clipped into the block instead of an arrow.
Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate 0 -> 1-15 The resulting data value is the number of entities in the block divided by 10 and rounded up, capped to 15.
Stone Pressure Plate 0-15 -> 1 The resulting data value is always 1. A mob must be clipped into the block instead of an arrow.
Arrow Transmutation Block List
Numeric ID Block ID Does it work?
0 air No
1 stone Yes
2 grass Yes
3 dirt Yes
4 cobblestone Yes
5 planks Yes
6 sapling No
7 bedrock Yes
8 flowing_water No
9 water No
10 flowing_lava No
11 lava No
12 sand Yes
13 gravel Yes
14 gold_ore Yes
15 iron_ore Yes
16 coal_ore Yes
17 log Yes
18 leaves Yes
19 sponge Yes
20 glass Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes
22 lapis_block Yes
23 dispenser Yes
24 sandstone Yes
25 noteblock Yes
26 bed Yes*
27 golden_rail No
28 detector_rail No
29 sticky_piston Yes
30 web No
31 tallgrass No
32 deadbush No
33 piston Yes
34 piston_head Yes*
35 wool Yes
36 piston_extension No
37 yellow_flower No
38 red_flower No
39 brown_mushroom No
40 red_mushroom No
41 gold_block Yes
42 iron_block Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes
44 stone_slab Yes
45 brick_block Yes
46 tnt Yes
47 bookshelf Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes
49 obsidian Yes
50 torch No
51 fire No
52 mob_spawner Yes
53 wooden_stairs Yes
54 chest Yes*
55 redstone_wire No
56 diamond_ore Yes
57 diamond_block Yes
58 crafting_table Yes
59 wheat No
60 farmland Yes
61 furnace Yes*
62 lit_furnace Yes*
63 standing_sign No
64 wooden_door Yes
65 ladder Yes*
66 rail No
67 stone_stairs Yes
68 wall_sign No
69 lever No
70 stone_pressure_plate No
71 iron_door Yes
72 wooden_pressure_plate No
73 redstone_ore Yes
74 lit_redstone_ore Yes
75 unlit_redstone_torch No
76 redstone_torch No
77 stone_button No
78 snow_layer Yes
79 ice Yes
80 snow Yes
81 cactus Yes*
82 clay Yes
83 reeds No
84 jukebox Yes
85 fence Yes
86 pumpkin Yes
87 netherrack Yes
88 soul_sand Yes
89 glowstone Yes
90 portal No
91 lit_pumpkin Yes
92 cake Yes
93 unpowered_repeater Yes
94 powered_repeater Yes
95 stained_glass Yes
96 trapdoor Yes
97 monster_egg Yes
98 stonebrick Yes
99 brown_mushroom_block Yes
100 red_mushroom_block Yes
101 iron_bars Yes
102 glass_pane Yes
103 melon_block Yes
104 pumpkin_stem No
105 melon_stem No
106 vine No
107 fence_gate Yes
108 brick_stairs Yes
109 stone_brick_stairs Yes
110 mycelium Yes
111 waterlily Yes
112 nether_brick Yes
113 nether_brick_fence Yes
114 nether_brick_stairs Yes
115 nether_wart No
116 enchanting_table Yes
117 brewing_stand Yes
118 cauldron Yes
119 end_portal No
120 end_portal_frame Yes
121 end_stone Yes
122 dragon_egg Yes
123 redstone_lamp Yes
124 lit_redstone_lamp Yes
125 double_wooden_slab Yes
126 wooden_slab Yes
127 cocoa Yes
128 sandstone_stairs Yes
129 emerald_ore Yes
130 ender_chest Yes
131 tripwire_hook No
132 tripwire No*
133 emerald_block Yes
134 spruce_stairs Yes
135 birch_stairs Yes
136 jungle_stairs Yes
137 command_block Yes
138 beacon Yes
139 cobblestone_wall Yes
140 flower_pot Yes
141 carrots No
142 potatoes No
143 oak_button No*
144 skull Yes*
145 anvil Yes
146 trapped_chest Yes*
147 light_weighted_pressure_plate No*
148 heavy_weighted_pressure_plate No*
149 unpowered_comparator Yes
150 powered_comparator Yes
151 daylight_detector Yes
152 redstone_block Yes
153 quartz_ore Yes
154 hopper Yes
155 quartz_block Yes
156 quartz_stairs Yes
157 activator_rail No
158 dropper Yes
159 stained_hardened_clay Yes
160 stained_glass_pane Yes
161 leaves2 Yes
162 log2 Yes
163 acacia_stairs Yes
164 dark_oak_stairs Yes
165 slime Yes
166 barrier Yes
167 iron_trapdoor Yes
168 n/a X
169 n/a X
170 hay_block Yes
171 carpet Yes
172 hardened_clay Yes
173 coal_block Yes
174 packed_ice Yes
175 double_plant No

List of possible items:

1.7 Block Transmutation Items


Falling Block Transmutation

From 13w01a (1.5 snapshot) to 17w46a (1.13 snapshot), falling blocks (sand, gravel, and concrete powder) could be changed to another data value using a piston contraption. The data value of one of the falling blocks is set to a different falling block's data value. This was commonly used to convert sand to red sand, but also could be used to change a falling block to an invalid data value. This method can only be used to obtain more blocks of a desired IDV that has already been obtained and cannot be used to get new invalid data values that are not already in the player's world. In versions 14w26a (1.8 snapshot) and later, all invalid data values were removed meaning it can no longer be used for this discontinued feature purpose, however, the contraption continues to work on red sand & concrete powder until 17w46a, as 17w47a eliminates the concept of block metadata from the game entirely.


Availability by Block

An expandable table below displays which blocks can be transmutated by different methods. The list includes all blocks that existed at the end of the last transmutation (door transmutation) in different rows and columns for the seven different types of transmutation (excluding falling block).

Block Transmutation Methods by Every Block
Numeric ID Alphanumeric ID Random DV Transmutation PDV Transmutation Piston Transmutation Water Transmutation Door Transmutation Tripwire Transmutation Arrow Transmutation
0 air Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
1 stone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 grass Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 dirt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 cobblestone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 planks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 sapling Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
7 bedrock Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
8 flowing_water No No No No Yes Yes No
9 water Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
10 flowing_lava No No No No Yes Yes No
11 lava Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
12 sand Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
13 gravel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
14 gold_ore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 iron_ore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
16 coal_ore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
17 log Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
18 leaves Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
19 sponge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
20 glass Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
22 lapis_block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
23 dispenser Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
24 sandstone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
25 noteblock Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
26 bed Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes*
27 golden_rail Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes Yes No
28 detector_rail Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes Yes No
29 sticky_piston Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
30 web Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
31 tallgrass Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
32 deadbush Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
33 piston Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
34 piston_head Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes*
35 wool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
36 piston_extension Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
37 yellow_flower Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
38 red_flower Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
39 brown_mushroom Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
40 red_mushroom Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
41 gold_block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
42 iron_block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
44 stone_slab Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
45 brick_block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
46 tnt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes
47 bookshelf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
49 obsidian Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
50 torch Yes No No No Yes Yes No
51 fire Yes No No No Yes Yes No
52 mob_spawner Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
53 wooden_stairs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
54 chest Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes*
55 redstone_wire No No No No Yes Yes* No
56 diamond_ore No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
57 diamond_block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
58 crafting_table Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
59 wheat N/A Yes No No Yes Yes No
60 farmland N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
61 furnace N/A No No No Yes Yes Yes*
62 lit_furnace N/A No No No Yes Yes Yes*
63 standing_sign N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
64 wooden_door N/A N/A No No Yes* Yes Yes
65 ladder N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes*
66 rail N/A N/A Yes Yes* Yes Yes No
67 stone_stairs N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
68 wall_sign N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
69 lever N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
70 stone_pressure_plate N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
71 iron_door N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
72 wooden_pressure_plate N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
73 redstone_ore N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
74 lit_redstone_ore N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
75 unlit_redstone_torch N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
76 redstone_torch N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
77 stone_button N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
78 snow_layer N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
79 ice N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
80 snow N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
81 cactus N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes*
82 clay N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
83 reeds N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
84 jukebox N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
85 fence N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
86 pumpkin N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
87 netherrack N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
88 soul_sand N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
89 glowstone N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
90 portal N/A N/A No No Yes Yes No
91 lit_pumpkin N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
92 cake N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
93 unpowered_repeater N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
94 powered_repeater N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes
95 stained_glass N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
96 trapdoor N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
97 monster_egg N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
98 stonebrick N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
99 brown_mushroom_block N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
100 red_mushroom_block N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
101 iron_bars N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
102 glass_pane N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
103 melon_block N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes Yes
104 pumpkin_stem N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes No
105 melon_stem N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes No
106 vine N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes No
107 fence_gate N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
108 brick_stairs N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
109 stone_brick_stairs N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
110 mycelium N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
111 waterlily N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes Yes
112 nether_brick N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
113 nether_brick_fence N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
114 nether_brick_stairs N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
115 nether_wart N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes No
116 enchanting_table N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes Yes
117 brewing_stand N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes Yes
118 cauldron N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
119 end_portal N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes No
120 end_portal_frame N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes Yes
121 end_stone N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
122 dragon_egg N/A N/A N/A No Yes Yes Yes
123 redstone_lamp N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
124 lit_redstone_lamp N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
125 double_wooden_slab N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
126 wooden_slab N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
127 cocoa N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
128 sandstone_stairs N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
129 emerald_ore N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
130 ender_chest N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes*
131 tripwire_hook N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No No
132 tripwire N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes No*
133 emerald_block N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
134 spruce_stairs N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
135 birch_stairs N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
136 jungle_stairs N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
137 command_block N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
138 beacon N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
139 cobblestone_wall N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
140 flower_pot N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
141 carrots N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No
142 potatoes N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No
143 oak_button N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No*
144 skull N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes*
145 anvil N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
146 trapped_chest N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes*
147 light_weighted_pressure_plate N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No*
148 heavy_weighted_pressure_plate N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No*
149 unpowered_comparator N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
150 powered_comparator N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
151 daylight_detector N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
152 redstone_block N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
153 quartz_ore N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
154 hopper N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
155 quartz_block N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
156 quartz_stairs N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
157 activator_rail N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No
158 dropper N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
159 stained_hardened_clay N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
160 stained_glass_pane N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
161 leaves2 N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
162 log2 N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
163 acacia_stairs N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
164 dark_oak_stairs N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
165 slime N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
166 barrier N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
167 iron_trapdoor N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
168 n/a N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
169 n/a N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
170 hay_block N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
171 carpet N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
172 hardened_clay N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
173 coal_block N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
174 packed_ice N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes
175 double_plant N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A No


This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.

Invalid Data Value Items

Special Behavior IDV Blocks

While most IDV blocks are simply covered on this page, some blocks have special properties that have warranted separate articles.

Enderman Holding IDV Block

Unbreakable Block Removal

If the method of block transmutation allows for the transmutation of pistons, then bedrock may be broken. By creating data values 8-13 of a piston, headless pistons will be created, which when depowered can break any block adjacent to them. This allows for unbreakable block removal.

Vanishing Block

See also


  1. It has been tested to work in Indev 0.31 20100202 and not work in Indev 20100206 but the exact end version cannot be determined because Indev 0.31 20100204-1 through Indev 0.31 20100205 are missing. It is hypothesized that Indev 0.31 20100205 would be the true end version since Indev 20100206 added farmland and crops which both used data values along with many other changes that were likely the cause of the end of this method.
  2. Although the code has not been read to find the random function, testing has revealed that placing the same block in the same location in the same world will give different data values.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 A block must be placed or pushed into place after transmutation to prevent the block from being immediately flushed away by the liquid.
  4. MC-52261.
  5. MC-59401.