Java Edition.png

Java Edition:Six Sided Piston

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Six Sided Piston.png

Both standard and sticky pistons of data values 6, 7, 14 and 15 use piston head texture on every side. These were completely removed in 1.8.[test]


This section is a work in progress. 

Block Transmutation

Data values 6, 7, 14 and 15 can be obtained using both liquid transmutation or arrow transmutation.

BUDded Piston Push

From Beta 1.7 to 12w25a, updating a piston that's BUDded by placing piston in front of it will convert that piston to six sided piston with data value of 7.

Update Suppression

Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash the game. Perform at your own risk.

If a six sided piston with data value 14 is updated at all, or a six sided piston with a data value of 6 or 15 is updated while receiving a redstone signal, it will cause the game to crash and suppress block updates.