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Java Edition:List of Invalid Data Value Items

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An invalid data value item (IDV item) is an item that has a data value that is not normally obtainable. Before The Flattening in 17w47a (1.13 snapshot), data values were a number stored for each item in addition to their ID number. Data values were often used to distinguish between similar block types (such as the color of wool or type of stone brick) and also were used for equipment durability, potion type, spawn egg mob, and many other purposes.

Items updated into 17w47a or later convert into the new item ID that matches its old item ID and data value. Since IDV items are not expected, they are all converted into their base item deleting all these discontinued features except for the petrified oak slab.

There existed many different methods to obtain IDV items. Two methods used to obtain many of these IDV items are block transmutation and endermen carrying any block. A variety of other methods are used for other types of IDV items.

A full list of known IDV items is provided on this page including the versions when they were obtainable and the discontinued data values that can be obtained.

List of Invalid Data Value Items

Block Invalid Data Value(s) Start Version End Version
Acacia Stairs 1-15 2.0 2.0
Anvil 3 13w36a 1.7.5
Barrier[MinecraftEdu] 1-4 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 20 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 22
Block of Quartz 3-15 13w36a 1.7.5
Brown Mushroom Block 1-15 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8.1
Cactus 1-15 Beta 1.8 Pre-release 16w21b
Chest 2-5 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;)
Coal 32767 2.0 2.0
Cobblestone Wall 2-15 13w36a 1.7.5
Dandelion 1-15 Infdev 20100327 Infdev 20100327
Dirt 3-15 13w36a 1.7.5
Dispenser 2-5 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;)
Dispenser 9-10 Indev 20100124-2119 Indev 20100128
Furnace 2-5 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;)
Iron Trapdoor[MinecraftEdu] 1 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 20 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 22
Lit Furnace 2-5 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;)
Grass 0, 3-15 14w25b & Indev 20100124-2119 14w30c & Indev 20100128
Hay Bale 1-3 13w36a 1.7.5
Jack o' Lantern 1-3 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8.1
Jukebox 1 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;)
Lapis Lazuli Ore 4 14w32a 17w46a
Leaves 4-15 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6 1.4.5
Leaves2 2-5, 8-9 14w25a 14w28a
Log 4-15 Beta 1.7 1.2.3
Log2 2-3 13w36a 1.7.5
Log2 4-5 14w25a 14w25a
Log2 8-9 14w25b 14w25b
Petrified Oak Slab 2 Beta 1.3 12w16a
Planks 6-15 13w36a 1.7.5
Poppy 9-15 Indev 20100124-2119 Infdev 20100327
Potion Many Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3
Pumpkin 1-3 Beta 1.8 Pre-release 16w21b
Red Mushroom Block 1-15 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.8.1
Sand 2-15 13w36a 1.7.5
Sandstone 3-15 13w36a 1.7.5
Sapling 3 Infdev 20100327 Infdev 20100327
Sea Lantern[MinecraftEdu] 1-3 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 20 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 22
Seeds 2 14w26a 14w28a
Slime Block[MinecraftEdu] 16384 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 20 MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 22
Spawn Egg 0 15w31a 15w32c
Stone 7-15 13w36a 14w21b
Stone Brick 4-15 Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;) 1.7.5
Stone Slab 6-15 Beta 1.7 1.2.3
TNT 1 13w36a 1.7.5
Vines 1-15 Beta 1.8 Pre-release Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6
Wooden Slab 6-7 13w36a 1.7.5
Water Bottle Many 15w31a 15w31a

Table of Possible Item Data Values

This tables lists all the possible item & data value combinations that are possible to obtain in survival.

Item is obtainable in normal gameplay
Item is obtainable via unconventional methods
Item only known to be obtainable via controversial methods
Obtainably uncertain; research needed
Item not known to be obtainable outside of cross-world commands and other methods
Item has never existed in the game making it impossible to obtain

The T column determines whether this item can transmute or be transmuted by other items; that is, picking up items will fill a stack in the player's inventory even if the data value differs, allowing for effective duplication of invalid data value versions of the item (as well as if care should be exercised as to avoid the accidental reversion of the item's data to a non-discontinued state). Note that this property may change depending on the version - it is generally safe to assume versions where multiple distinct data value items which are legitimately obtainable exist will not allow this cross-stacking transmutation behavior.

ID Item <0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 >15 Notes T
0 Air [n 1] ?
1 Stone
2 Dirt
3 Grass Block ?
4 Cobblestone ?
5 Planks ?
6 Sapling ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
7 Bedrock ?
8 Flowing Water [n 2] ?
9 Water [n 2] ?
10 Flowing Lava [n 2] ?
11 Lava [n 2] ?
12 Sand
13 Gravel ?
14 Gold Ore ?
15 Iron Ore ?
16 Coal Ore ?
17 Log
18 Leaves
19 Sponge
20 Glass ?
21 Lapis Lazuli Ore ?
22 Block of Lapis Lazuli ?
23 Dispenser ~ ?
24 Sandstone
25 Note Block ?
26 Red Bed [n 3] ?
27 Powered Rail ?
28 Detector Rail ?
29 Sticky Piston ?
30 Cobweb ?
31 Grass ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
32 Dead Bush ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
33 Piston ?
34 Piston Head [n 3] ?
35 Wool
36 Moving Piston [n 3] ?
37 Dandelion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
38 Flowers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
39 Brown Mushroom ?
40 Red Mushroom ?
41 Block of Gold ?
42 Block of Iron ?
43 Double Stone Slabs [n 2] ?
44 Stone Slabs
45 Bricks ?
46 TNT ?
47 Bookshelf ?
48 Mossy Cobblestone ?
49 Obsidian ?
50 Torch ?
51 Fire [n 2] ?
52 Spawner ?
53 Oak Stairs ?
54 Chest ?
55 Redstone Wire [n 3] ?
56 Diamond Ore ?
57 Block of Diamond ?
58 Crafting Table ?
59 Wheat [n 3] ?
60 Farmland ?
61 Furnace ?
62 Lit Furnace [n 4] ?
63 Oak Sign [n 3] ?
64 Oak Door [n 3] ?
65 Ladder ?
66 Rail ?
67 Cobblestone Stairs ?
68 Oak Wall Sign [n 3] ?
69 Lever ?
70 Stone Pressure Plate ?
71 Iron Door [n 3] ?
72 Oak Pressure Plate ?
73 Redstone Ore ?
74 Lit Redstone Ore [n 3] ?
75 Unlit Redstone Torch [n 3] ?
76 Redstone Torch ?
77 Stone Button ?
78 Snow ?
79 Ice ?
80 Snow Block ?
81 Cactus
82 Clay ?
83 Sugar Cane [n 3] ?
84 Jukebox ?
85 Oak Fence ?
86 Carved Pumpkin ?
87 Netherrack ?
88 Soul Sand ?
89 Glowstone ?
90 Nether Portal [n 2] ?
91 Jack o'Lantern ?
92 Cake [n 3] ?
93 Redstone Repeater [n 3] ?
94 Powered Redstone Repeater [n 3] ?
95 Stained Glass
96 Oak Trapdoor ?
97 Infested blocks ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
98 Stone Bricks
99 Brown Mushroom Block ? ? ? ?
100 Red Mushroom Block ? ? ? ?
101 Iron Bars ?
102 Glass Pane ?
103 Melon ?
104 Pumpkin Stem [n 3] ?
105 Melon Stem [n 3] ?
106 Vines
107 Oak Fence Gate ?
108 Brick Stairs ?
109 Stone Brick Stairs ?
110 Mycelium ?
111 Lily Pad ?
112 Nether Bricks ?
113 Nether Brick Fence ?
114 Nether Brick Stairs ?
115 Nether Wart [n 3] ?
116 Enchanting Table ?
117 Brewing Stand [n 3] ?
118 Cauldron [n 3] ?
119 End Portal [n 2] ?
120 End Portal Frame ?
121 End Stone ?
122 Dragon Egg ?
123 Redstone Lamp ?
124 Lit Redstone Lamp [n 3] ?
125 Double Wooden Slabs [n 2] ?
126 Wooden Slabs
127 Cocoa [n 2] ?
128 Sandstone Stairs ?
129 Emerald Ore ?
130 Ender Chest ?
131 Tripwire Hook ?
132 Tripwire [n 2] ?
133 Block of Emerald ?
134 Spruce Stairs ?
135 Birch Stairs ?
136 Jungle Stairs ?
137 Command Block ?
138 Beacon ?
139 Cobblestone Wall
140 Flower Pot [n 3] ?
141 Carrots [n 2] ?
142 Potatoes [n 2] ?
143 Oak Button ?
144 Heads [n 3] ?
145 Anvil
146 Trapped Chest ?
147 Light Weighted Pressure Plate ?
148 Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate ?
149 Redstone Comparator [n 3] ?
150 Powered Redstone Comparator [n 3] ?
151 Daylight Detector ?
152 Block of Redstone ?
153 Nether Quartz Ore ?
154 Hopper ?
155 Block of Quartz ~ ~ ?
156 Quartz Stairs ?
157 Activator Rail ?
158 Dropper ?
159 Dyed Terracotta
160 Stained Glass Panes
161 Leaves
162 Logs
163 Acacia Stairs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?
164 Dark Oak Stairs ?
165 Slime Block 16384 ?
166 Barrier ~ ~ ~ ?
167 Iron Trapdoor ~ ?
168 Prismarine ?
169 Sea Lantern ~ ~ ~ ?
170 Hay Bale ?
171 Carpets
172 Terracotta ?
173 Block of Coal ?
174 Packed Ice ?
175 2-tall plants ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
176 Banners
177 Wall banners
178 Inverted Daylight Detector
179 Red Sandstone ?
180 Red Sandstone Stairs ?
181 Double Red Sandstone Slab
182 Red Sandstone Slab ?
183 Spruce Fence Gate ?
184 Birch Fence Gate ?
185 Jungle Fence Gate ?
186 Acacia Fence Gate ?
187 Dark Oak Fence Gate ?
188 Spruce Fence ?
189 Birch Fence ?
190 Jungle Fence ?
191 Dark Oak Fence ?
192 Acacia Fence ?
193 Spruce Door
194 Birch Door
195 Jungle Door
196 Acacia Door
197 Dark Oak Door
198 End Rod ?
199 Chorus Plant ?
200 Chorus Flower ?
201 Purpur Block ?
202 Purpur Pillar ?
203 Purpur Stairs ?
204 Double Purpur Slab
205 Purpur Slab ?
206 End Stone Bricks ?
207 Beetroots
208 Dirt Path ?
209 End Gateway
210 Repeating Command Block ?
211 Chain Command Block ?
212 Frosted Ice
213 Magma Block ?
214 Nether Wart Block ?
215 Red Nether Bricks ?
216 Bone Block ?
217 Structure Void ?
218 Observer ?
219 White Shulker Box ?
220 Orange Shulker Box ?
221 Magenta Shulker Box ?
222 Light Blue Shulker Box ?
223 Yellow Shulker Box ?
224 Lime Shulker Box ?
225 Pink Shulker Box ?
226 Gray Shulker Box ?
227 Light Gray Shulker Box ?
228 Cyan Shulker Box ?
229 Purple Shulker Box ?
230 Blue Shulker Box ?
231 Brown Shulker Box ?
232 Green Shulker Box ?
233 Red Shulker Box ?
234 Black Shulker Box ?
235 White Glazed Terracotta ?
236 Orange Glazed Terracotta ?
237 Magenta Glazed Terracotta ?
238 Light Blue Glazed Terracotta ?
239 Yellow Glazed Terracotta ?
240 Lime Glazed Terracotta ?
241 Pink Glazed Terracotta ?
242 Gray Glazed Terracotta ?
243 Light Gray Glazed Terracotta ?
244 Cyan Glazed Terracotta ?
245 Purple Glazed Terracotta ?
246 Blue Glazed Terracotta ?
247 Brown Glazed Terracotta ?
248 Green Glazed Terracotta ?
249 Red Glazed Terracotta ?
250 Black Glazed Terracotta ?
251 Concrete
252 Concrete Powder
253 null
254 null
255 Structure Block ?
256 Iron Shovel ? [n 5]
257 Iron Pickaxe ? [n 5]
258 Iron Axe ? [n 5]
259 Flint and Steel ? [n 5]
260 Apple ?
261 Bow ? [n 5]
262 Arrow ?
263 Coal 32767
264 Diamond ?
265 Iron Ingot ?
266 Gold Ingot ?
267 Iron Sword ? [n 5]
268 Wooden Sword ? [n 5]
269 Wooden Shovel ? [n 5]
270 Wooden Pickaxe ? [n 5]
271 Wooden Axe ? [n 5]
272 Stone Sword ? [n 5]
273 Stone Shovel ? [n 5]
274 Stone Pickaxe ? [n 5]
275 Stone Axe ? [n 5]
276 Diamond Sword ? [n 5]
277 Diamond Shovel ? [n 5]
278 Diamond Pickaxe ? [n 5]
279 Diamond Axe ? [n 5]
280 Stick ?
281 Bowl ?
282 Mushroom Stew
283 Golden Sword ? [n 5]
284 Golden Shovel ? [n 5]
285 Golden Pickaxe ? [n 5]
286 Golden Axe ? [n 5]
287 String ?
288 Feather ?
289 Gunpowder ?
290 Wooden Hoe ? [n 5]
291 Stone Hoe ? [n 5]
292 Iron Hoe ? [n 5]
293 Diamond Hoe ? [n 5]
294 Golden Hoe ? [n 5]
295 Seeds


  1. Only exists in 13w38b
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Only exists <14w25a
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 Only exists <13w37a
  4. Only exists <15w49a
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 This item has durability, resulting in a wide range of obtainable data value variants, and also allowing these to continue beyond 17w47a.