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Java Edition:Invalid Data Value Jukebox

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IDV Jukebox Item.png

Warning: Upgrading 
This feature uses upgrading and requires specific version paths. Follow the page instructions carefully.

Jukeboxes are an interesting addition to the invalid data value family, as they cannot be transmuted with the common transmutation methods. Instead, one must leverage that jukeboxes, from their introduction in Alpha v1.0.14 to Beta 1.5_02, stored their disks without a tile entity, by changing their data value. Like most other invalid data value items, these invalid data value items convert to regular jukeboxes in 17w47a.


Block Form

Place any music disk into a jukebox from Alpha v1.0.14 to Beta 1.5_02. "13" corresponds to data value 1, and "cat" corresponds to data value 2. No other disks existed during this time frame.

Item Form

  1. Firstly, one must place any music disk into a jukebox from Alpha v1.0.14 to Beta 1.5_02.
  2. Next, upgrade to Beta 1.8 Pre-release or Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 to allow an enderman to pick it up. This enderman must be safely stored such that it doesn't despawn, and this enderman must be loaded at least once from 13w16a to 15w32c to correctly set the HealF tag, so the enderman doesn't get killed by the broken DataFixerUpper.
  3. Once in a version between 15w31a and 17w46a, the enderman can finally be killed.

This allows one to obtain an invalid data value jukebox. The data value will always be 1, regardless of which disk was inserted. As jukeboxes are not meant to have different data values, one must be careful to not have any normal jukeboxes in their inventory then they attempt to pick up the IDV jukebox, as it will simply merge with the stack of normal jukeboxes. In the opposite way, if one picks up a stack of normal jukeboxes while carrying an IDV jukebox, the normal jukeboxes will merge and inherit the invalid data value.

See also