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Java Edition:Lapis Lazuli Ore (Item)

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Lapis Lazuli Ore 1.png

Lapis Lazuli Ore was added in Beta 1.2 but the item form for the block was not normally obtainable until Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 with the introduction of Silk Touch. Lapis Lazuli Ore as item could be obtained before being recontinued through Indev conversion and in debug chests of Beta 1.6 Test Build 3. This item was again discontinued for only one version, 12w32a, in which Silk Touch doesn't work.


Indev Item Conversion

Warning: Third Party Level Converter 
This feature requires a third party level converter to be moved to the current version of the game.
Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash your game. Perform at your own risk.

Red cloth from Indev had a numeric ID of 21, identical to Lapis Lazuli Ore. If red cloth is left in a chest and converted to Beta 1.2, it'll convert to Lapis Lazuli Ore. The conversion only occurs if the chest containing the item is not opened until Beta 1.2 or later, otherwise it'll cause the game to crash.

Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 Debug Chests

In Beta 1.6 Test Build 3, any newly generated world would contain up to 11 debug chests with every item in the game. The Lapis Lazuli Ore item was obtainable in the chests 1st and 5th from the left in the 21st and 5th slots respectively, in stacks of 64.

  • 1st Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 Chest
  • 5th Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 Chest

See also