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Java Edition:Moving Piston (Block)

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For the item form, see Moving Piston (Item).

The Moving Piston Block, otherwise referred to as "Block 36" due to it having the ID 36 until 1.13, exists for the purpose of storing moving block data and making sure moving blocks are solid, instead of being able to be walk through like falling sand. Having a moving piston block that exists separate from a piston, with no block entity data, is discontinued as of a 1.16.5/1.17 snapshot[test], having a moving piston block that exists separate from a piston, with block entity data, is still possible, only by using the world border however.


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To do: Create paragraphs for all methods linked below

Lever Crash Method

Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash the game. Perform at your own risk.

This is a simple method for Beta 1.7_01 Beta 1.7.2. Place an upwards facing piston of any type. Now build a two block high pillar of solid blocks right besides the piston, and place a lever on the top block, in such a way that the lever is right above the piston. Now activate the lever. This will crash the game, and you world will not be able to be opened again in b1.7_01. Update to b1.7.2, and load the world. There will now be a block-entity less moving piston block above the piston.

Piston Push Limit

Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash the game. Perform at your own risk.

In Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 1, place a piston and 12 blocks in front of it, on the 13th block position place a redstone torch one block down, a piston facing the 13th block position, and redstone on the 14th block position leading into the piston. If the first piston is activated (with 12 blocks) the piston will push the 12 blocks over by one, with a block above the redstone torch the second piston is activated pushing the block, this crashes the game resulting in two Moving Piston (Block 36) blocks.

Pushing Tile Entities

For this method the player must pull powered rails with sticky pistons (placed 1 block away so that they can be pulled, not pushed) which will create headless sticky pistons. The player must then place tile entities in front of the headless sticky piston (between the sticky piston and the powered rails), and once the sticky pistons are powered again they will push the tile entities into the powered rails creating the Moving Piston (Block 36) block.

This method is stated to work in 1.2.5 by the below link (was there before this method was added), it is not stated whether or not this works before or after 1.2.5 so testing is needed to find that out. This method also can create 3 different versions of the Moving Piston (Block 36) block, those are an Offset Full Block (1st example), Full Block (2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th examples), and Partial Block (4th, 5th, and 6th examples). The Partial Block is also shown to have different states.

Tile Entities
  • Brewing Stand
  • Chest
  • Dropper
  • Enchantment Table
  • Furnace
  • Jukebox
  • Note Block
  • Sign

Blowing Up Block Entity

There are many contraptions and machines to get moving piston blocks. Most simply use an explosion to blow up the block entity of an extending piston in the same tick that the piston extends by using budded pistons, causing a block entity-less moving piston block to be created in its place.

World Border

Moving piston block can be made by retracting piston that's outside world border.

Update Suppression

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Update suppression can be used to create moving piston block.


  • Video by FitMC showing off "Block 36" on 2B2T.
  • Video by Jigarbov showing off "Block 36" in Beta.


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Moving Piston blocks have functioned differently throughout Minecraft's history.

  • From Beta 1.7 to ~1.3 (needs testing) Moving Piston blocks had a hitbox and left or right clicking would remove it (might be creative exclusive).
  • Falling sand entities, such as sand, gravel, anvils etc, will fall directly through Moving Piston blocks. If a Moving Piston block is on a solid block the falling sand entity will get stuck in it and stay an entity, until reloading, after reloading the entity will disappear ([test] version). If a fence or wall is under a Moving Piston block it allows for permanent storing of falling sand entities, see Video by Rays Works.
  • If a gravity affected block is placed directly above a Moving Piston block it will not fall through.
  • Moving Piston blocks do not transmit a redstone signal.
  • Moving Piston blocks lower light level slightly (needs testing on how much).
  • Moving Piston blocks can support item frames.
  • Moving Piston blocks can support torches.[test]
  • (More info needed)


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See also