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Java Edition:Multiple Chests

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Chests before 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) were supposed to abide by a rule which said that no chest could be placed adjacent to more than one other chest. This was because the game could only form double chests and with another chest next to it the game would be unable to discern which chests should be fused into a double chest. 17w47a fixed this issue by introducing block states to chest that could track which orientation and fusion the chests had and so removed this rule. Before 17w47a, there were several methods to break this rule and get more chests touching. The methods include using endermen, update suppression, chunk resetting, and block replacement bypass. The result of these chests were glitched interfaces with extra item slots.


Block Replacement Bypass

The block replacement bypass is perhaps the easiest method to obtain the multiple chest. The method works from Alpha v1.0.5 to Beta 1.4_01 and involves placing the chest in water, lava, fire, or snow. When the chest is replacing water, lava, fire, or snow it does not check adjacent chests. Due to this, long chain, floors, or any positioning of the chests can be created simply doing this replacement.

Chunk Savestate

Using chunk savestating, there are two methods to create multi-chests from Beta 1.3 to 17w46a. The easy method allows for triple or quadruple chests along chunk boundaries. It can be accomplished by breaking a chest on the border, placing a chest on the other side of the border and then savestating the broken chest back into existence next to the other chest. Quadruple chests can only be created in the corner where 4 chunks meet.

A more complex method allows for triple, quadruple, and quintuple chests via manipulating the population of a dungeon with savestating. A demonstration by JKM can be seen here.

Enderman Holding Chest

An enderman holding a chest has no check when placing it next to other chests

An enderman could pick up a chest from Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;). The enderman then has the ability to place this chest in any location without the typical check if it is adjacent to other chests. Blocks should be placed in all location except where the chest is desire to obtain this. The enderman holding a chest can be updated all the way up to 17w46a (1.13 snapshot) and still create the multiple chest.

World Generation

Different intersecting structures can cause a bug that results in three chests adjacent to one another. Few examples of this occurring are known. No cases of quadruple or quintuple chests generating naturally are known but are theoretically possible.[test]

Mineshaft & Dungeon Intersection

The intersection of a mineshaft & a dungeon resulting in a triple chest

Only one seed has been found that has a triple chest from the intersection of a mineshaft and dungeon.[1] The seed is 1674662168 and the triple chest is found at 519 37 -507.[2] This seed works from Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;) to Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4. However, this seed only works depending on the direction it is loaded. Loading the chunk heading in the -X direction works (test other directions[test]). More seeds almost certainly exist where this occur but are unknown.[test] While this seed has a limited version span, this method might work as early as Beta 1.8 Pre-release, when mineshafts were added, and work up to 13w02a (1.5 snapshot), when mineshafts were given minecart chests to replace full chests.

Multiple Dungeons Intersection

One known example of this on default terrain was showcased in a BarrenDome video that occurred on 2b2t (seed -4172144997902289642). However, the exact coordinates of it were hidden to prevent griefing and so there is no public replicable seed & location in a default terrain world available.[test]

A bug report for the dungeon triple chests has a different example of its generation but it only occurs in a custom generation world.[3] The bug was not fixed until 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) when triple chests stopped existing and so the end version of 17w46a almost certainly applies to default terrain as well.


The appearance of multi-chests can vary from version to version, from Alpha 1.0.5 through Beta 1.7.3 however they look relatively normal. In the leaked Beta 1.8 Pre-release however chests obtained a new non full block model. This change altered multi-chests. From versions past Beta 1.8 Pre-release multi chests would be see through in some places and look like half of a double chest in other places.


You can get five types of user interface:

  1. Single chest. The default chest interface.
  2. Double chest. The default double chest interface.
  3. Triple chest. Where you can see the contents of three chests at a time.
  4. Quadruple chest. Where you can almost see the contents of four chests at a time. See below.
  5. Quintuple chest. Where you can almost see the contents of five chests at a time. See below.

The GUI that displays depends on how many chests are adjacent to whichever chest the player clicks. For example, this means that if the player clicks on the outside chest in a triple chest, it will display as a double chest because the selected chest is only adjacent to one chest but the middle chest will display as a triple chest because it is adjacent to two other chests.

Chest Blocks

This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.

The glitched appearance of multiple chests changed several times during their existence.

Block Replacement Bypass Tutorial

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Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.
To do: This part might need some splitting apart & moving

Triple Chests

Building a triple chest

You can also continue to place chests side by side, every middle chest will have the triple chest UI. Clicking the leftmost or rightmost chest (the ones with only one adjacent chest) yields the double chest interface or have a chest that bends a corner.

Quadruple Chests

Building a quadruple chest:

Notice how the top chest is cut off from the screen and only the bottom row of it is accesible. Clicking any of the other chests just give the default double chest interface.

Quintuple Chests

Building a quintuple chest:

Notice how the top chest is cut off from the screen and only the bottom row of it is accesible. Clicking any of the other chests just give the default double chest interface.

Using the same technique you can build a whole floor of chests:

The chests in the center are quintuple chests, whilst the chests on the sides are quadruple and the corner chests are triple chests.

See also


  1. Found a Natural Triple Chest a Mineshaft Chest
  2. The triple chest is found at 519 37 -507 and it borders chests at 518 37 -507 and 519 37 -508. The 519 37 -508 chest is the one from the mineshaft while the other two are from the dungeon.
  3. MC-108756.