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Java Edition:Tutorials/Potentially Dangerous Versions

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Below is a list of versions that can corrupt or damage your world and versions that cause crashes. If the given version affects entities, blocks etc. in the way you wouldn't like to and still want to play on that version, keep them in unloaded chunks and remove them from your spawn chunks before updating.

Danger Definitions

Dangers Meaning
PC Threat Harms or crashes the device running the game.
Hardlock Damages the world making it permanently unplayable.
Softlock Damages the world in a way that retains all data, but severely inhibits or completely prevents gameplay (e.g. crash loop).
Chunk Corruption Damages the world by deleting or modifying chunks.
World Files Damages world settings or other miscellaneous world data, such as player inventories, statistics, maps, etc.
Crash Causes the game to crash once. See Softlock for crash loops.
Performance Decreases the performance of the world.
Item Damage Damages items in the world.
Block Damage Damages blocks in the world, and/or discontinued block combinations.
Entity Damage Damages entities in the world.


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
Classic 0.0.21a The game will randomly freeze (Notch called it "hang"). After freezing, all progress since the world was loaded will not be saved. N/A Crash
Classic 0.24 Survival Test 03 This version can not save the level. This means all progress made in this version will be lost. N/A World Files
Loading a world from previous versions will permanently corrupt the level.dat file. This means as soon as you quit the game, you won't be able to restore the map (unless you have a backup). N/A Hardlock
Classic 0.27 Survival Test Incompatible with other classic versions. Trying to load the world to or from this version with offline level saving tools causes the world to regenerate. N/A Corruption


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
Indev 0.31 20091223-0040 - Indev 0.31 20100110 These versions can not be saved. Progress made in these versions will be lost. N/A World Files
Indev 0.31 20100122 - Indev 20100223 Updating to these versions from classic will remove blocks from the edges and top of the world. The bottom of the world will be filled in with bedrock if there is a solid block above and lava if there is an air block above. N/A Block Damage


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
Infdev 20100227-1414 - Infdev 20100325 These early infdev versions use the old indev level format instead of new alpha level format. Indev level format doesn't support infinite worlds. That means these versions can not be saved. Progress made in these versions will be lost. N/A World Files
Infdev 20100313 Opening inventory crashes the game. N/A Crash
Infdev 20100327 In this version, block entities such as chests and furnaces do not save their contents unless the chunk they are in receives a block change (e.g. placing or breaking), potentially causing the loss of items. N/A Item Damage
Infdev 20100413 In this version, placing torches, flowers, and saplings will crash the game. N/A Crash
Infdev 20100615 Fluids randomly update, breaking block combinations that have to do with invalid flowing liquids or invalid blocks next to water. The random ticking of fluids placed before Infdev 20100615 stays persistent through Beta 1.7.3, and perhaps further versions. N/A Block Damage
Infdev 20100624 In this version, worlds were briefly saved using a new save format that made world files massive. Due to this, the save format changes were reverted the day after. N/A World Files
Infdev 20100625-1917 In this version, destroying minecarts will crash the game. N/A Crash
Getting within 15 blocks of a previously saved sign will crash the game. N/A Softlock
The removal of the infinite lava item and all cloth blocks results in a variety of crashes. Opening a container containing one of these will crash the game, and having one placed or as an item entity within render distance will make the world unplayable until their ID is recycled as another block ID. See Indev_Level_Conversion#Block_Conversion for when these IDs are re-added to the game. N/A Softlock


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
0.1.0, - 0.1.4 These alpha server versions do not have working server side inventory, and containers do not save. N/A Item Damage
Alpha v1.1.1 While this version does not cause any damage to your Minecraft world, it can turn your entire computer screen gray, making it impossible to use your computer until it is rebooted. Depending on your graphics card, this version can turn your screen black, flashing red rapidly, potentially causing seizures. This was fixed in the very next version, Alpha v1.1.2. Launchers such as Betacraft, Codex-Ipsa and MineOnline patch this issue. N/A PC Threat


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 In multiplayer, day and night do not sync between the client and the server. If it is client-side night and server-side day, the player will be able to sleep, but sleeping will not skip the night, and the player will not be able to exit the bed. This requires the player to either crash their client or be kicked by a server operator in order to leave the bed. N/A Softlock
Attempting to shift-click items from a chest into a full inventory or from your inventory into a full chest will crash the game. N/A Crash
Attempting to shift-click items into or out of a dispenser also crashes the game, regardless of fill level. N/A Crash
Placing a map into your inventory on a server will cause a crash every time the player is ticked. N/A Softlock
Beta 1.6 Shift clicking an item when your inventory is full causes the game to crash. N/A Crash
Beta 1.7 Right-clicking on a sheep crashes the game. N/A Crash
Pushing a sticky piston into the redstone line that powered the pushing piston crashes the game. If a piston pushes a redstone wire, the game will crash. N/A Crash
Beta 1.8 Pre-release Updating to this version will set the world features tag to 0, meaning no structures will ever spawn in your world again except dungeons. This of course could be changed by editing the level.dat, but that would likely be considered cheating N/A World Files
Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;) Attempting to shift-click an item from a chest into a full inventory or from your inventory into a full chest will crash the game. N/A Crash
Beta 1.8 Pre-release - Beta 1.8.1 Dying from an arrow shot from a dispenser in multiplayer will crash the server. N/A Crash
Beta 1.8 Pre-release, Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;) Dying with XP in multiplayer in this version will duplicate XP, and the XP orbs will quickly start to lag the client and server. N/A Performance

Full release


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
Beta 1.9 Prerelease, Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2 Dying from an arrow shot from a dispenser in multiplayer will crash the server. N/A Crash
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3-1 In Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3-1, dying and respawning or entering a world will give the player a stack of enchanting tables, bookshelves, end portal frames, and end portal block. Hovering over an end portal block in a GUI with your cursor will crash the game. If piston head items or moving piston items have been obtained in previous versions, hovering over either will also result in a crash. This likely applies to even more debug items, such as double slabs, and the currently unobtainable melon and pumpkin stems. N/A Crash
Attempting to shift-click an item into an enchanting table will cause the game to crash. N/A Crash
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 Breaking a Chest with enchanted items in it will cause the dropped items to lose their enchantments. N/A Item Damage


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
12w07a, 12w07b Generating the End will generate a completely void dimension, with no blocks except for the obsidian platform (and an ender dragon). N/A Softlock


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
12w21a In 12w21a, rendering the spawner animation freezes the game. N/A Softlock
Dropping an item and reloading the world makes it unplayable until the item is picked up. If it is picked up instantly upon world load, the crash will not occur. N/A Softlock


From 1.4.2, when crafting something that gives more than one item as an result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted.

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
1.4.3 In this version, the iron golem walking animation crashes the game. MC-1608 Crash
12w49a In servers of this version, random blocks are shown client side in the end and nether, making it quite laggy and difficult to move around in those dimensions. These ghost blocks may be removed temporarily by forcing the server to send the proper data by right-clicking on them. MC-4200 Performance
1.4.7 Destroying an empty jukebox that was previously saved will crash the game and regenerate the chunk. MC-2711 Crash + Chunk Corruption


When crafting something that gives more than one item as a result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted.
From 1.5.1[test] pushing a locked chest onto a player's head crashes their game.[1]
Redstone interaction with unobtainable-piston-blocks crashes the game.[2]

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
13w01a Creating a comparator subtract loop will softlock the game. MC-5728 Softlock
13w01a - 13w02b Destroying an empty jukebox that was previously saved will crash the game and regenerate the chunk. MC-2711 Crash + Chunk Corruption
13w02a Grass with data values over 2 (Green Shrub) cause a game crash when rendered. This also applies to many other blocks, such as invalid data value wheat and cocoa beans[test]. N/A Softlock
13w02a, 13w02b Many unobtainable block items crash the game when rendered, such as Locked Chests[test].
13w02b - 13w05a Dropping an anvil on a redstone component crashes the game. MC-7094 Softlock
13w03a If a minecart with hopper falls into the void, the game will crash. After that occurs, the game will not be able to load again in 13w03a, since attempting to rejoin the world will load the hopper minecart again. MC-7619 Softlock
13w04a Trying to equip a helmet by clicking while looking at blocks will crash the game. MC-8189 Crash
13w05a-1, 13w05a-2 Destroying a jukebox with a disc inside crashes the game. MC-8775 Crash
13w06a-1 Loading a chunk that contains a hopper minecart will crash the game. After that occurs, the game will not be able to load again in 13w06a-1, since attempting to rejoin the world will load the hopper minecart again. MC-9316 Softlock
2.0 In this version torches turn into burnt-out torches over time. This means when updating past 2.0, all the burnt out torches will be deleted, or if updated to 1.7-1.12, will be turned into acacia leaves. N/A Block Damage
If a 2.0 exclusive item is dropped on the ground and then updated to a version prior to 1.7.1, the chunk will be regenerated. MC-30940 Chunk Corruption
Droppers will only drop fish when activated, despite the item inside. This causes item loss, and could break redstone machines. N/A Item Damage
In 2.0, the Redstone Bug is added. These spawn when redstone dust is deactivated and then reactivated. This could cause severe performance issues in worlds with a lot of redstone machines. N/A Performance
Furnaces have an increasing chance to explode when lit (often exploding after 1 item is smelted). This could destroy builds and redstone contraptions. N/A Block Damage


When crafting something that gives more than one item as an result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted.
From 1.6.2[test] the game crashes on pressing the inventory close key and an item manipulation key at the same time in large chests.[3]
Pushing a locked chest into a player's head crashes their game.[1]

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
13w16a In multiplayer in this version, mounting a pig, horse, boat, or minecart will kick the player from the server. When logging back in, the player will be riding the entity again and will be kicked again, effectively banning the player from the server. The only ways to fix this are to delete the "riding" tag in players.dat or to update to 13w16b or later. MC-13628 Softlock
13w16a - 13w26a Binding "sneak" to any mouse button and trying to mount an entity crashes the game. MC-14126
13w21a In this version the game will crash frequently, not much is known about the cause of the crash but this version is mostly unplayable. MC-16353 Crash


When crafting something that gives more than one item as an result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted.
The game crashes on pressing the inventory close key and an item manipulation key at the same time in large chests.[3]
Upon rendering a hopper with a data value greater than 5, the game will crash[test].
Updating the piston-extension block will crash the game, this block can be updated with R-Mouse, L-Mouse, and neighboring block changes[test].

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
13w36a - 13w39b Pushing a locked chest into a player's head crashes their game. MC-12984 Crash
13w37a - 1.7 (fixed in 1.7.1) The game will crash when an invalid ID item entity is loaded. This will also regenerate the chunk it is in. MC-30940 Crash + Chunk Corruption
13w38b Updating to this version will not corrupt your world, but loading a chunk containing a minecart will crash the game. This results in not being able to load the world again in 13w38b, since attempting to rejoin the world will load the minecart again. MC-31876 Softlock


When crafting something that gives more than one item as an result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted.
The game crashes on pressing the inventory close key and an item manipulation key at the same time in large chests.[3]

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
14w02a Updating redstone dust that updates tripwire crashes the game. N/A Crash
14w02a Updating the top half of an iron door crashes the game. MC-44338 Crash
14w03a In 14w03a, placing a flower pot will crash the game. MC-45004 Crash
14w04a In 14w04a, being hit by a mob in a world connected to via LAN would kick the player. MC-45496 Crash
14w10b In 14w10a, player data was changed to use UUID instead of username. In 14w10a, username-based player data automatically converted to the new UUID-based system, but in 14w10b, this process was faulty, resulting in having a complete, but not usable <username>.dat, along with a blank <UUID>.dat, which is used. If your world is loaded in this version, your player data will not be deleted or corrupted, but will not be usable without editing file names. N/A World Files
14w18a Rendering an item frame crashes the game. This results in not being able to load the world in 14w18a anymore, since attempting to rejoin the world will load the item frame again. MC-54008 Crash + Softlock
14w25a Placing a ladder on the ground next to a block you can place a ladder on crashes the game. MC-57234 Crash
Placing an oak log crashes the game. MC-56893 Crash
Loading invalid data value log2s and leaves2s crashes the game. This probably also applies to subsequent versions[test]. N/A Crash + Softlock
14w25a, 14w25b Loading a DV 0 chest will crash the game. MC-57470 Softlock
14w26a, 14w26b Updating to these versions causes some blocks in your world to be corrupted, which will be deleted in 14w26c. MC-59294 Chunk Corruption
14w26c From this version until 19w37a (1.15 snapshot), DV 0 chests will be deleted upon loading or world optimization. MC-123686 Block Damage
14w27a Updating to this version does not directly corrupt your world. However, loading a chunk that contains a minecart chest will crash the game. After that occurs, the game will not be able to load again in 14w27a, since attempting to rejoin the world will load the minecart again. MC-59972 Softlock
14w27b Loading a stronghold will crash the game. Once you enter the location of a stronghold it will crash, and reopening the world will continue to crash the game, until the stronghold is completely loaded. MC-60556 Crash
Breaking double tall flowers can occasionally crash the game. MC-60707 Crash
14w28a When a plant receives a random tick, the game will crash. The only way to avoid this is to either set the gamerule randomTickSpeed to 0, which will also prevent plants from growing, or to have no plants within render distance to be randomly ticked. MC-61059 Softlock
14w30c, 14w31a Breaking a door while a villager is interacting with it crashes the game. MC-64727 Crash
14w34a Furnaces delete any items newly placed inside (old furnaces will retain their contents), and a hopper attempting to place items or fuel inside a furnace with empty slots for their respective item type will crash the game. MC-64727 Item Damage + Crash + Softlock
1.8.2-pre2 Creepers, Blazes, Pigs, Ocelots, Rabbits, and Iron Golem will experience suffocation damage when standing on full, solid blocks MC-76556 Entity Damage
1.8.2-pre5 Inserting a music disc into a jukebox crashes the game. MC-77030 Crash
15w14a Every Carrot on a Stick items are deleted from the world. N/A Item Damage
All zombies spawn with the ability to pick up items and skeletons constantly drop bone meal. This means that zombies can easily pick up the bonemeal and never despawn. Bonemeal item entities over time will also decrease performance. N/A Performance
The Poison effect gets deleted from all loaded entities. N/A Entity Damage


When crafting something that gives more than one item as an result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted.
The game crashes on pressing the inventory close key and an item manipulation key at the same time in large chests.[3]

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
15w31a Updating to this version will alter any signs. Each time a sign is reloaded (if just on relog or upon chunk reload) it will gain more characters (specify the equation for character growth). Eventually, after the sign reaches somewhere around 65,535[test] characters, loading the sign will crash the game, and can essentially force the player to no longer be able to enter the world until unknown version[test]. MC-83187 Block Damage + Softlock
15w31a - 15w32a Attempting to join a server on this version will kick the client with a MalformedJSONException. MC-82968 Softlock
15w32a Shooting the ender dragon with a bow crashes the game. MC-85110 Crash
15w32b When playing in this version, it is possible for entities not within spawn chunks but within render distance of spawn to be deleted, unless in minecarts. MC-85285 Entity Damage
15w33a - 15w40a Tamed cats from before 1.8.8 (not 1.8.9) regenerate the chunk they were in. MC-89699 Chunk Corruption
15w33c Breaking a skull causes a crash. MC-86137 Crash
15w35a Zombies spawned in this snapshot will have no AI, so they will not take up the mob cap. MC-87193 Performance
15w35a, 15w35b Doors will turn into half doors upon the chunk being loaded. MC-87196 Block Damage
15w35c Punching a wolf crashes the game. MC-87563 Crash
Using a carrot on a stick while on a pig crashes the game. MC-87567 Crash
Killing a named silverfish crashes the game. MC-87569 Crash
15w36a Stepping off a pressure plate crashes the game. MC-87869 Crash
15w36a, 15w36b Looking at an Enderman crashes the game. MC-87881 Crash
15w37a Going outside of height limit or into the void with F3 open crashes the game. MC-88357 Crash
The game will crash when crafting an empty shield with a banner. MC-88377 Crash
15w37a - 15w51b Every hopper minecart placed before 15w37a no longer pick up items. (Enabled:0b). MC-88668 Entity Damage
15w38b Shift clicking into a full container deletes the items. MC-88929 Item Damage
15w39a, 15w39b, 15w39c Hopper minecarts and chest minecarts that have duplicate UUIDs cause their contents to explode upon loading the chunks while still containing the items, effectively working as a duplication method. However, this over time could cause a lot of tick lag in heavily traversed chunks with mineshafts or player placed minecart chests/hoppers. This could also break certain redstone contraptions. MC-89602 Performance
15w40a It is not possible to connect to servers. MC-89643 Softlock
15w41a - 20w22a (a 1.16 snapshot) Passengers that are saved in a different chunk than their mount will be deleted. MC-136760 Entity Damage
15w42a - 15w44b Multiplayer servers crash when breaking frosted_ice with silk touch. In singleplayer, this produces a air item. MC-90578 Crash
15w44a When combining and/or renaming a item in an anvil, clicking the item out of the output slot would delete the item. This can be avoided by shift clicking. MC-91521 Item Damage
15w44b - 1.9-pre2 When updating a 1.7 or older world to versions within this range, signs will only use the first word of each line, and books only use 1 word. MC-92525 Block + Item Damage
15w46a Minecart unloaders (Comparator related bug) causes a crash loop. MC-92588 Crash
Redstone blocks emit power through blocks (Potentially breaking redstone machines). MC-92562 Block + Item Damage
15w49a Client crashes when fully depleting an item stack. MC-93592 Crash
15w49b If a fireball hits an entity, the game crashes. MC-93655 Crash + Softlock


When crafting something that gives more than one item as an result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted.
The game crashes on pressing the inventory close key and an item manipulation key at the same time in large chests.[3]

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
1.10 If a player does not load the central end island in a world session, the DragonFight tag will be erased. This has a few side effects:
  • The Gateways list will regenerate. Whenever a dragon dies again, they will be regenerated in the order they were first created.
  • The ExitPortalLocation will be recalculated when an end crystal is next placed.
  • The dragon will be marked as killed, but legacy dragon fight detection will restore if a dragon is alive immediately upon the end reloading.
  • The dragon unique UUID will be erased, but will be restored if a live dragon is found. This changes whenever a new dragon is summoned anyways.

The method that determines the new ExitPortalLocation will take the following steps:

  1. Find the highest solid or liquid block at 0,0, and subtract 1 from the Y position.
  2. If the block at that location is bedrock, and the Y level is greater than 63, subtract 1 from the Y position.
  3. Repeat step 2 until the condition is no longer met.

As a result of the exit portal location being changed, one must place the end crystals at the new portal location rather than the physical portal to resummon the dragon, often requiring the use of bedrock breaking to remove an old portal that is in the way.

This may also lead to a softlock[4] of the end portal if there are no blocks in the column at 0,0, as the ExitPortalLocation will have a Y value of -2, resulting in no end portal blocks being placed.

MC-103497 World Files + Softlock


The game crashes on pressing the inventory close key and an item manipulation key at the same time in large chests.

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
16w32a When crafting something that gives more than one item as an result (e.g. diamond blocks to diamonds, stairs, slabs) and not all resulting items fit into the inventory, the overflow gets deleted. N/A Item Damage
Casting a fishing rod into a nether portal and reeling it in causes the game to crash. MC-106014 Crash
Dispensing a pumpkin or a wither skull without spawning iron golem or wither crashes the game. MC-106036 Crash
16w39a Inserting fuel into furnace crashes the game. MC-107392 Crash
Placing a shulker box into non full blocks with metadata, e.g. signs, extended pistons, or flowers, crashes the game. MC-107501 Crash
Llamas fail to save inventory NBT data, causing a crash when interacting with a Llama after reloading the world. MC-107536 Item Damage + Crash
16w43a Casting a fishing rod directly up or down crashes the server. MC-109256 Crash


Up to 1.12.2 the game crashes on pressing the inventory close key and an item manipulation key at the same time in large chests.[3]
Also to note, throughout 1.12 snapshots there are many recipe book item deletion methods.

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
17w13a The game crashes when trying to use crafting book and items needed are in off-hand or armor slots. MC-114936 Crash
17w13a - 17w13b Items in the crafting table disappear when selecting a recipe. MC-114943 Item Damage
The game crashes when cancelling or changing the recipe in the recipe book with a full inventory. MC-115204 Crash
17w14a, 17w15a The client crashes when using the new shift-click recipe book feature in a server. MC-115528 Crash
17w15a Right clicking on the underside of a block with a torch crashes the game. MC-115807 Crash
17w16a The game crashes when changing dimension or relogging with a full inventory. MC-116398 Crash
17w16b - 17w17b Placing a torch on a wall with a fence gate underneath causes the game to crash. MC-116515 Crash
17w17a Entering the end causes the game to crash. MC-116656 Crash + Softlock
17w17b Attempting to place a snow layer on top of a fence gate crashes the game. MC-116931 Crash
1.12-pre3 The recipe book crashes the game upon selecting a previously used recipe without closing the GUI. MC-117560 Crash
The game crashes when you open the advancements window while no advancements have been complete. MC-117564 Crash


1.13 versions and onwards have a high chance of regenerating chunks especially with very old worlds

There are also countless crashes and saving issues not mentioned here during development versions

The unstable blockstate for TNT is missing from the game from 17w47a to 1.13, and updating to this version will cause unstable TNT to convert to normal TNT. From 17w45b to 18w14b, flying directly up kicks the player.[5] From 18w01a to 1.13 pre2, terracotta, spawn egg and entity statistics are deleted.[6]

Various blocks do not update correctly throughout 1.13 snapshots including stairs, redstone, glass panes, iron bars, walls, fences etc..[7][8][9]

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
17w47a Entity statistics do not exist, meaning that updating to this snapshot will delete all entity specific statistics. N/A World Files
17w47a - 17w49b Container changes don't update nearby hoppers, potentially breaking redstone machines. MC-122159 Block Damage
17w47b All updated spawn eggs are removed. N/A Item Damage
A skeleton killing a creeper crashes the game. MC-122373 Crash
Player is kicked from multiplayer when opening a chest or shulker. MC-122347 Crash
17w48a Crash relating to sticky pistons and carpet built in a particular formation. MC-122573 Crash
17w47b - 18w03a The game crashes when a player dies from a player damage source (e.g. shot arrow, lit TNT, splash potions). MC-122883 Crash
17w49b Pistons lose their piston head when pushing the block that powers it, potentially breaking redstone machines. MC-122987 Block Damage
18w01a Server crashes when an item frame with a map is loaded, and no player has that map in their inventory. MC-123771 Crash + Softlock
18w06a Game crashes when generating snow biomes. MC-124903 Crash
Game crashes when opening furnace recipe book. MC-124930 Crash
18w06a - 18w07c Game crashes when generating a mansion. MC-125124 Crash
18w06a - 18w19b Command block minecarts vanish upon reloading a world. MC-124998 Entity Damage
18w08b Can potentially update blocks on chunk borders, potentially destroying discontinued block combinations in nether after updating from 1.12.2. Didn't manage to replicate[test].

Video reference:

N/A Block Damage
18w08b - 18w14b Fish unrestricted spawning causing world to inevitably crash from the number of entities. MC-126185 Performance
18w10d Big chests are split into small chests. MC-126559 Block Damage
18w11a, 18w14a In these versions, drowned cause a ticking entity crash. Re-joining the world will load the drowned again, making it impossible to play the world again in either of these versions. MC-127242 Softlock
18w19a Loading a world from a previous version will completely reset all chunks in the world, deleting all builds, entities, structures, and blocks. Downgrading will not fix the world, meaning there is no way to recover anything without loading a backup. N/A Chunk Corruption
18w19b - 18w20b Game crashes when loading a chunk with a player head in a chest. MC-129517 Softlock
18w20a Loading a world in 18w20a deletes command block NBT. MC-129615 Block Damage
18w21a, 18w21b Dolphins spawn infinitely outside of despawn radius. MC-130197 Performance
18w21b, 18w22a Named items stored in containers and nametagged mobs do not have their names updated correctly. MC-130345 Item + Entity Damage
All maps become "Map #0" when updating from 1.12.2. MC-130400 Item Damage
18w22a Item frame drops when you load a world from 1.12.2. MC-130422 Entity Damage
Stack overflow error when opening a 18w21b world in 18w22a. MC-130424


18w22b, 18w22c Updating to this version will convert all enchanted books, including those in villager trades, will have their enchantments converted to Protection. The books will have enchantment levels and number of enchantments preserved, meaning that books can be obtained with Protection V or multiple Protection enchantments. MC-130489 Item Damage
18w30b Placing or dispensing wither skeleton skull crashes the game. MC-134967 Crash
1.13-pre3 As part of the 1.13 Flattening, enchantments were changed from using a numeric enchantment tag to using a word-based enchantment tag. 1.13 automatically converts the numeric tag to the word based tag, but due to a bug in 1.13-pre3, any enchanted book, including those in villager trades, updated directly from any version from 12w49a-18w20c will not convert, even in later versions. Numeric tags are not readable in 1.13+, leading to the enchantments on these books being lost. N/A Item Damage
1.13-pre5 New entity IDs caused many entities to disappear and some statistics/advancements related to these entities. MC-132320 World Files
1.13.1, 1.13.2-pre1, 1.13.2-pre2 ⇧ Shift-right-clicking on a shulker box using bone meal causes the game to crash. MC-136888 Crash


19w05a to 1.14-pre5 Reloading chunks with a sign having over 65535 characters softlocks the game during reloading process.

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
18w44a - 1.14.2 Pre-Release 2 Entities on chunk borders will be deleted when the world is reloaded. This can result in the loss of villagers, item frames, armor stands, animals, nametagged mobs, etc. MC-150170 Entity Damage
18w44a - 19w11b[test] Entities may randomly duplicate. These entities will have duplicate UUIDs. Duplicate UUID mobs are automatically removed by the game upon loading in 1.14 Pre-Release 5 and above. MC-138871 Performance
18w44a- 19w02a Terrain that was last saved before release 1.13[test] will have new world generation occur, which will overwrite any blocks that existed where generation occurred. MC-137961 MC-138547 Chunk Corruption
18w44a - 18w49a If a player entity is inside of a chunk when it first loads (such as when logging in or teleporting into unloaded chunks), all block entities within that chunk will lose their data. MC-138938 Chunk Corruption
18w46a, 18w47a, 18w47b The game crashes if scaffolding falls onto a shulker box. MC-139378 Crash
19w04a, 19w04b Reloading chunks with a sign having over 65535 characters crashes the game. N/A Crash + Softlock
19w12a In this version, loading a chunk containing an active conduit will crash the game. When the world is loaded again, the conduit will again be loaded, crashing the game. This results in the world not being playable in 19w12a again. MC-146246 Crash + Softlock
19w13a In this version, villager breeding will crash the game. MC-146783 Crash
1.14 Pre-Release 4 - 1.14 Villagers that have zero experience will lose their trades upon loading in these versions. Trading with the villager at least once in any version from 19w11a to 1.14 Pre-Release 3 will prevent this from occurring. MC-148923 Entity Damage
1.14.1 Pre-Release 1 - 1.21.4 (present) Villagers that have zero experience and either have less than 4 trades unlocked or have not unlocked tier 2 1.8 - 1.13 era trades will lose their trades when loaded in 1.14.1 Pre-Release 1 and any version beyond. Trading with the villager at least once in any version from 19w11a to 1.14 Pre-Release 3 will prevent this from occurring. N/A Entity Damage
1.14.1 Pre-Release 1 - 1.14.2 Breaking villager's point of interest crashes the game. MC-151185 Crash


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
19w35a, 19w36a The game crashes when trying to render entities inside slime or magma cube spawners. MC-160248 Crash + Softlock
19w36a Updating to this version will set the following game rules to false:
  • drowningDamage
  • fallDamage
  • fireDamage
  • doInsomnia

These gamerules being set to false means the player will no longer take any damage from drowning, falling, fire or lava, and no phantoms will spawn. These gamerules cannot be set back to true without commands.

MC-160464 World Files
19w38a Game crashes when breaking blocks. MC-161268 Crash
19w39a Game crashes when player model is rendered after the player is stung by a bee. MC-161882 Crash


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
20w07a All upgraded villagers will disappear. MC-172078 Entity Damage
20w13a In this version, dying without a bed or respawn anchor will prevent you from moving or interacting with the world after respawn, soft locking you until you update to 20w13b or later. MC-176227 Softlock
20w14∞ 20w14∞ is an April Fool's snapshot that adds the ability to travel to many randomly generated dimensions. Some of these dimensions will crash the game, leading to the player not being able to leave the dimension. N/A Softlock
20w20b, 20w21a Opening your world in either of these versions will clear the end gateways list in level.dat, preventing any new end gateways from generating, even in later versions.[99] If your world is loaded in one of these versions, any of the 20 end gateways not generated prior to loading in these versions will never generate. MC-184482 World Files
20w21a Any structures generated in previous versions will not be considered valid, causing mobs to no longer spawn there. MC-184740 World Files
1.16-pre1 In this version, world generation settings are not saved, causing weird chunk errors and borders. Dimension settings are also removed from level.dat, disabling the Nether and End dimensions permanently, in this version and in future versions, unless level.dat is restored to a state in which these settings are present. Worlds loaded in this version will not work in any future versions without world save insertion. MC-187358 Hardlock
20w27a If a piglin or piglin brute zombifies in the overworld or end, the world crashes. MC-193073


20w28a Structure data of pillager outposts, villages, and bastion remnants get lost when updating a world to 20w28a. MC-194300 World Files
20w28a, 20w29a This version changes the Nether biome map to what they should be according to the seed, overwriting biome maps that were generated in earlier snapshots. MC-194273 World Files


WARNING, playing on 21w06a to 21w14a will prevent you playing the remaining 1.17 versions.
This is due to these versions having a different world height that was reverted in 21w15a. The world can be upgraded to 1.18 versions.

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
21w03a - 21w19a Updating to this version on a world from before 18w21a will not convert enchantments to the new format. N/A Item Damage
21w05a In this version, the game will randomly freeze and crash and the use key causes a lot of lag issues. MC-214233


Copper blocks from previous versions are incorrectly updated. Some blocks disappear, and the fully weathered copper blocks revert into the penultimate weathered block stage. MC-213802 Block Damage
21w18a, 21w19a Dying in nether portal causes a soft lock, where player can't respawn. Updating to 21w20a fixes the issue. MC-225253 Softlock


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
1.18-exp7 Forceloading world to this version deletes all spawners' data and makes them pig spawners. N/A Block Damage
21w37a Forceloading older worlds into this version either crashes game, or deletes all chunks. N/A Chunk Corruption
21w37a - 21w40a Worlds created with seed REDApRES or any other seed equating to 0 crash upon loading new 1.18 biomes. MC-237330 Softlock
21w39a - 21w42a Upgrading to any of these versions will prevent caves from generating below previously generated terrain. N/A Block Damage
21w43a Upgrading from ≤1.11.2 to this version doesn't properly update many block states, leading to breaking some builds or even destroying some discontinued block combinations. MC-239856 MC-239899 Block Damage
22w06a Opening the beacon GUI in this snapshot will crash the game. MC-248523 Crash


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
22w13a Generating a structure with an allay (usually a pillager outpost or a woodland mansion) will crash the game. After that occurs, the game will not be able to load again in 22w13a, since attempting to rejoin the world will load the allay again. MC-249712 Crash + Softlock
22w13oneBlockAtATime Contents of dispensers and droppers are lost. N/A Item Damage
Item entities are removed. N/A Item Damage


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
1.20 Pre-release 1 torchflower_crop causes the game to crash when pollinated by bees and softlocks the world. MC-262508 Crash + Softlock
23w31a - 23w33a loading the world in these versions deletes the Absorption effect MC-264698 Entity Damage
23w32a, 23w33a updating to these versions from 23w31a or earlier deletes all effects MC-264750 Entity Damage
1.20.3 Pre-release 1 Any minecraft:grass items will be deleted, unless they are stored within bundles. The related statistics will also be deleted. MC-266890 Item Damage
24w03a, 24w03b Shooting a breeze with a piercing crossbow causes the game to crash. MC-267937 Crash
24w09a to 24w14a All overstacked items will be converted to single item stack and attempting to save the game with overstacked items will cause a crash. MC-269680 Item Damage
1.20.5 The two lower items in trader llama chests are destroyed upon upgrading into 1.20.5 from previous versions. MC-271109 Item Damage


Version Issue Bug Report Danger
24w19a In 24w19a, killing a villager crashes your game. MC-271843 Crash
1.21 Pre-Release 1 End crystals in fire will explode. MC-272550 Entity Damage
24w34a Game crash when trying to open GUIs with Fabulous graphics. MC-275566 Crash
Game crash when Pressing F3 + A to reload chunks. MC-275323 Crash
24w36a A boat destroyed by a hazard crashes your game. MC-276476 Crash
24w40a Any furnace that has entries in the RecipesUsed tag will lose its block entity upon reloading, deleting any items inside and all stored recipes. MC-277144 Block Damage
1.21.2 Pre-Release 3 Chunks randomly destroy all block entities inside them on unload / reload (more information needed). MC-277548 Block Damage

Education Edition

Version Issue Bug Report Danger
MinecraftEdu 1.7.10 Build 22 Attempting to ride minecart crashes the game. N/A Crash
Throwing an enderpearl softlocks the game. N/A Softlock
MinecraftEdu 1.8.9 Build 3 Loading a naturally spawned minecart with chest from a mineshaft softlocks the game. N/A Softlock


  1. 1.0 1.1 MC-12984.
  2. MC-68149.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 MC-31222.
  4. MC-182627.
  5. MC-122354.
  6. MC-124025.
  7. MC-123136.
  8. MC-125625.
  9. MC-130140.