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Java Edition:Allay with Long Pickup Delay

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Allay with Long Pickup Delay.png

Allays that spawned from 22w14a[1] to 22w15a (1.19 snapshots), right after their introduction, could have a pickup delay longer than currently possible. Due to this version range, all Allays with long pickup delay must have high speed, but the reverse is not true. This discontinued feature can only be loaded for a maximum of 2 seconds before no longer being discontinued, therefore it is a temporary discontinued feature.


An allay in versions from 22w14a[2] to 22w15a (1.19 snapshots) would have its item_pickup_cooldown_ticks memory NBT set to 99 after picking up and delivering an item to the player. 99 ticks is equivalent to 5 seconds. In 22w16a (1.19 snapshot) and later, this has been changed to 59 ticks (3 seconds). Any value from 60 to 99 becomes discontinued in the later versions. This value lasts a maximum of 2 seconds and so the allay must be left unloaded for long-term retention.


There are 40 different discontinued values of the item_pickup_cooldown_ticks memory from 60 to 99. However, a higher value can always be decreased to a lower one by loading it in any later version for the required time.

Other NBT such as different held items, liked players, and names are also possible on this mob.

See also

  1. MC-249712.
  2. MC-249712.