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Java Edition:Invalid Data Value Leaves

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This article is about leaves with ID leaves used for oak, spruce, birch and jungle leaves. For leaves with ID leaves2 used for acacia and dark oak leaves, see Invalid Data Value Leaves2.

Invalid data value leaves, often incorrectly referred to as "Alpha Leaves", are an invalid data value item obtainable from Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6 through 1.4.5. These items are a removed discontinued feature, much like other invalid data value items, and only exist until 17w46a (1.13 snapshot). Updating these items past 17w46a will cause them to convert to their respective normal leaf type. Invalid data value leaves are not possible to obtain in Alpha versions, because shears were added in Beta 1.7, and Silk Touch was only usable/obtainable in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4, making the name "Alpha Leaves" a misnomer. There are a total of 12 kinds of invalid data value Leaves, all with different methods to obtain.


The way to obtain invalid data value leaves requires using a Silk Touch tool on a leaf block in a specific formation.[1] Below each of these formations is described. For each data value in a section, a different type of leaf is required. For data values 4, 8, and 12, oak leaves are required. For data values 5, 9, and 13, spruce leaves are required. For data values 6, 10, and 14 birch leaves are required. For data values 7, 11, and 15 jungle leaves are required. Since jungle leaves were not added until 12w03a (1.2 snapshot), the only way to obtain data values 7, 11, and 15 leaves before 12w03a were to update an oak tree from before Beta 1.1_02. This was because, before Beta 1.2, the data values 0 to 3 were used for checking decay in leaves, and updating would preserve these data values.

Data Values Data Checks Method to Obtain
4-7 Do not check for decay. Created by a player placing the respective leaf block on the ground and mining it with Silk Touch.
8-11 Checks for decay. Created when a natural leaf block is updated by breaking an adjacent leaf block. Must be collected with Silk Touch.
12-15 Check for decay, but cannot decay. Created when a leaf block placed by a player is updated by breaking an adjacent leaf block. Must be collected with Silk Touch.



See also


  1. MC-1847.