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Java Edition:Half Door (Block)

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Top Half Doors.gif

Doors are made of an upper and lower half that are intended to always be connected. There have been and still exist methods that allow for the top or bottom half to be separated. Since this feature is still obtainable, it is a potential discontinued feature. All variants of doors can be split into a half door.

Half doors have changed appearance throughout the versions, sometimes not rendering or rendering in the incorrect location. Half door will break if they receive a block update. Which actions qualify as a block update has changed throughout the versions. Only the bottom half door will drop a door item when destroyed. Half doors were also required for door block transmutation.


Placement on Farmland

A door placed on farmland in Infdev 20100607, the same version that added wooden doors, caused the bottom half to break but leave the top half. This method only allows the top half of wooden doors to be obtained.

Tree Replacement

A sapling that is grown into a tree could replace a door from Infdev 20100607 (wooden door added) to Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5. This first works on iron doors when they were added in Alpha v1.0.1. When the tree replaced only one half, the other half didn't update to break during this version range. This can be used to get both a top or bottom half door.

Top Half Door Cactus

From Alpha v1.0.11 to Beta 1.5_01 and in Beta 1.7.3, the top half door could be obtained by placing the door next to a cactus. This will immediately destroy the lower half of the door and the cactus, dropping both as items, and creating the top half door. If this half door is given a block update, it will break and drop an item, duplicating the door.

Placing Debug Items

The half wooden door debug item and half iron door debug item can be obtained in Beta 1.6 Test Build 3. When placed these create the bottom halves of iron and oak wooden doors. The items are removed in 13w37a (1.7 snapshot).

Update Suppression

Update suppression can be used from Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 to 24w38a (present) to cause any door to be an upper or lower half door.

Pre-1.2 Door Corruption

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To do: Implement exact DV spreadsheet

Certain doors placed in any version 12w05b (1.2 snapshot) or earlier will become a half door when updated to 14w26a (1.8 snapshot) to 1.13[test].[1] This applies to doors that have their hinge flipped from either double doors or placed next to a block. The doors can be loaded between 12w05b and 14w26a and they will still become half doors.

Block Transmutation

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To do: Needs specific block transmutation methods

Block transmutation can be used to obtain invalid data value doors. The invalid data value door will "disappear" when updated to a version 14w26a (1.8 snapshot) or later.

Disappearing Doors on Chunk Load

Every oak door block state before reloading
Every oak door block state after reloading

In 15w35a and 15w35b (1.9 snapshots), certain oak and iron door halves disappear upon loading a chunk.[2] This bug does not happen to spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak doors. The effect on the door depends on the block states of the door. The full list of effects is represented in the table below. See the table in spreadsheet form on the Google Sheets created by Porktuga.

The cases where the upper or lower half of a door vanishes but the other half does not vanish allow for half doors to be created. Note: iron doors always have their open and powered states equal.

X This door half vanishes
This door half remains the same
O This door half remains but the open state is toggled
P This door half remains but the powered state is toggled
lower upper lower upper lower upper lower upper lower upper lower upper lower upper lower upper
left right left right left right left right
east X X O X X O
north X X X X X X X X P X X X P X
south X X X X X X X X P X X X P X
west X X X X X X X X P X X X P X

Double Half Door

A door consisting of two top half portions would generate in strongholds in 14w27b (1.8 snapshot).[3] This is only possible to encounter naturally if not all strongholds have been generated.

Update Skipping

Update skipping may be used to create top half doors. It cannot be used to create bottom half doors.


Mineshaft & Stronghold

From Beta 1.8[test] to 1.16.5[test] mineshafts could intersect strongholds and cause half doors, both wooden and iron. This is only possible to encounter naturally if not all strongholds have yet been generated. An example of this with two half iron doors near each other is in seed -7632808837586881452 at approximately 607, 25, -842

Stronghold & Lake

From ≤14w11b (1.8 snapshot)[test] to ≥15w32b (1.9 snapshot)[test], lakes could cut into strongholds and leave only half of a door.[4] This is only possible to encounter naturally if not all strongholds have yet been generated.

An example of this occurring is seed 3268861822896236472 at x: 690, y: 14, z: 309.

Savannah Village Farm

From ≤1.14[test] to 24w38a (present), farms in savannah villages can cut into houses and leave a top half acacia door.[5]

Examples of this occurring include the seed 377794996536730746 in 1.14[test] at 179 70 -318 and 3479073257683704755 in 1.16.5[test] at -770 77 112

Taiga Village Trapdoor

In at least 1.16.5[test], trapdoors that generate in taiga villages can replace the bottom of a spruce door leaving only a top half spruce door.

Two seeds are known 617959978107921711 at 29 77 -233 in 1.16.5.[6] Also, 735212979168233847 in 1.14.4.[7]


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To do: Add gallery
The top half of doors in-game.

Besides the doors' texture changes (which can be found at the Minecraft Wiki), the half doors have changed the way they are rendered a few times.

Face Rendering

  • Half doors are fully rendered from Infdev 20100607 to 13w09b (1.5 snapshot).
  • Half doors are invisible from 13w09c (1.5 snapshot) to 14w08a (1.8 snapshot).
  • Half doors are fully rendered from 14w10a to 14w32c (1.8 snapshots).
  • Half doors omit the face corresponding to the middle of the door from 14w32d (1.8 snapshot) to 24w38a (present). This means lower doors have an unrendered top face while upper doors have an unrendered bottom face.

Incorrect Rendering Location

Open half doors render at the incorrect location from 14w27a (1.8 snapshot) to 15w37a (1.9 snapshot). During this version range, the door renders on the opposite side of the block where the collision box is.


Block Update Destruction

Half doors break when they receive a block update. A player right-clicking a wooden door will not break it. From Infdev 20100607 to 17w46a (1.13 snapshot), half doors would break when powered or unpowered. In versions 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) and later, they can be powered or unpowered without breaking. In 17w46a and earlier, the half door would get an update from any direction. In 17w47a and later, the half door only gets updated from above or below not the sides.

Item Drop

During the entire range from Infdev 20100607 to 24w38a (present), the lower half door drops a full door item if mined or destroyed from an update while the upper half door does not drop anything. An exception to this is that an upper half door can drop an item when using door relocation from <=Alpha v1.0.11[test] to Beta 1.5_01.

Half Door Relocation

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To do: Describe in test better

From Infdev 20100607 (wooden doors added) to Beta 1.5_01 half doors can be moved when a door is placed next to it. (Video)


From 12w06a (1.2.1 snapshot) to 14w21b (1.8 snapshot), a top half wooden door could be used to do door block transmutation if on top of a desired block.

See also


  1. MC-134570.
  2. MC-87196.
  3. MC-60193.
  4. MC-72439.
  5. MC-149573.
  6. Reddit post discovering this seed
  7. Half door speedrun