Java Edition:Decorated Pot with Four Brick Sherds Tag
A decorated pot item saves the patterns on its four faces in a list of strings in the sherds
NBT tag. The string "minecraft:brick" is stored for each blank face that is crafted using a brick item. Currently, if all four faces are crafted using bricks, the decorated pot item will have no NBT. Before 23w31a (1.20.2 snapshot), it was possible to obtain a decorated pot item with the sherds tag listing all four faces as "minecraft:brick". This NBT has no effect on the decorated pot and will be lost if the item is placed and broken again.
The NBT on this discontinued pot will be the following:
{BlockEntityTag: {sherds: ["minecraft:brick", "minecraft:brick", "minecraft:brick", "minecraft:brick"]}}
Only in 23w07a (1.19.4 snapshot) with the 1.20 Experimental Features datapack enabled, decorated pots crafted with four bricks would give the four bricks NBT. The NBT in this version was saved in the shards tag instead of the sherds tag. The brick strings will copy from the shards tag to the sherds tag after updating to 23w16a (1.20 snapshot) or later.
From 23w07a (1.19.4 snapshot) to 1.20.1, mining a decorated pot with four sides using silk touch will give a decorated pot with four bricks in the sherds tag.[1] The 1.20 Experimental Features datapack was required to get these pots from 23w07a to 1.19.4. From 23w07a to 23w14a (1.20 snapshot), the bricks were in the shards tag instead of the sherds tag. The brick strings will copy from the shards tag to the sherds tag after updating to 23w16a (1.20 snapshot) or later.
It can be observed that the decorated pot has NBT by enabling advanced tooltips with F3 + H and seeing "NBT: 1 tag(s)" while hovering over the item. In order to show that all four faces are blank, the player must hold the pot (and enter 3rd person mode with F5) since only two faces are visible on the item sprite.