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Java Edition:Invalid Block Pitcher Crop

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To do: Test if this possible using Update Suppression

Usually, the pitcher crop is a block that requires a support block to stay intact, and breaking its support block will usually result in the destruction of the pitcher crop. By using two different 1.20 snapshots, you can remove the support block of the pitcher crop without it updating the plant itself, hence creating a floating pitcher crop, or a pitcher crop without a support block. This feature can also be recreated with Update Suppression[test].

Invalid Pitcher Crops.png


Breaking Farmland

In 23w12a, if farmland was the support block of a fully grown[test] pitcher crop, simply breaking the farmland underneath the pitcher crop will cause it to float. This is likely because of an oversight, as 23w12a was the version that the pitcher crop was added. This is the easiest method by far, as all you need to do is break a singular block.

  1. Till grass or dirt with a shovel to create farmland, or place down farmland as an item.
  2. Place water next to the farmland to hydrate it.
  3. Place a pitcher pod (seed version of the pitcher crop) onto the farmland.
  4. When the pitcher crop is fully grown, simply break the farmland below it.
A floating pitcher plant that is floating because its support block (farmland) is being removed in 23w12a.

This will result in a floating pitcher crop. This method was patched in 24w13a, but could be replicated in the snapshot after, 23w13a_or_b.

23w13a_or_b Vote Rule

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the usage of April Fools' versions, often requiring file renaming or file deletion to load. See the help page for information on loading these versions.

In April Fools' snapshot 23w13a_or_b, it was possible to vote for the less_interaction_updates vote rule, which will stop most block updates from happening, including the block update that usually happens when you break the support block underneath a pitcher crop. This even allows you to place an invalid block underneath the pitcher crop, creating a pitcher crop with an invalid support block.

  1. Till grass or dirt with a shovel to create farmland, or place down farmland as an item.
  2. Place the pitcher pod onto the farmland.
  3. If you want your floating pitcher crop to be fully grown, wait for it to grow. Otherwise, continued on.
  4. Vote for the less_interactions_updates vote rule.
  5. Break the support block below the pitcher crop.
  6. (Optional) - Place any block underneath the pitcher crop, creating a pitcher crop with an invalid support block.

This will result in an invalid block pitcher crop. Unlike other methods, this is intentional, as these vote rules were purposefully implemented by Mojang as the joke for this April Fools' snapshot.

24w14potato Floatater Block

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the usage of April Fools' versions, often requiring file renaming or file deletion to load. See the help page for information on loading these versions.

In April Fools' snapshot 24w14potato, it was possible to remove the farmland underneath a pitcher crop without causing any block updates using the Floatater.[2] It was also possible to insert an invalid block underneath the already floating pitcher crop using the same method.

  1. Create the farmland in the air in a position in which is has no blocks around it.
  2. Place a Floatater block with the green sticky side facing sideways into the farmland block. Make sure there are still no blocks touching the contraption.
  3. Place a pitcher pod onto the farmland. Then, either wait for it for it to fully grow, or use bone meal on the plant.
  4. Power the opposite side of the Floatater, or the trigger side.
  5. The Floatater and the farmland will start moving away from its original location, not causing any block updates to the pitcher crop.
  6. (Optional) - Place a block diagonally underneath the floating pitcher crop by one block, and use a Floatater to insert a block underneath. We use the extra block to stop the Floatater and insert the block underneath.

This will result in an invalid block underneath the pitcher crop. This is most likely intentional, as Mojang added the Floatater to move blocks as part of their joke for this April Fools' snapshot, though one could also argue that this is Unintentional, as Mojang would not have known that the Floatater could create invalid block configurations.

Vanishing Blocks

This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.
To do: Write this section up. Will be done soon once the Vanishing Blocks page is updated.

In addition, you can obtain a floating pitcher crop is with Vanishing Blocks.

Update Suppression

Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash your game, perform at your own risk.
Unknown Element.webp
This information needs testing. 
Please help test this information.

Another (yet more complicated and difficult) way to get a floating pitcher crop is through Update Suppression.[test]

See Also


  1. This specific image was created in 24w14potato using the Floatater block method.
  2. Basic information obtained from the Floatater Page and the Java Discoveries Channel.