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Java Edition:Monster Spawner with Chest Data

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A Monster Spawner block with chest data (commonly named a chest spawner) is an occurrence that can happen during world generation. If a monster spawner and a chest in dungeon happen to be placed in the same place, the Monster Spawner overwrites the dungeon chest. It can't be opened by hand, but items can be extracted and inserted into it with a hopper. These monster spawners generate without any monster spawner data and appears as pig spawners but don't spawn any mobs.


Dungeon Generation

Seeds & Coordinates

From ≤20w22a (1.16 snapshot)[test] to 21w20a (1.17 snapshot) they very rarely generate in certain locations.[1]
The list of seeds below doesn't apply to 21w06a - 21w14a version range, including worlds using Caves & Cliffs datapacks.

# Seed X Y Z
1 1888390996630966921 -39 65 -404
2 356317745171599556 -1186 18 -308
3 -397443552349737100 435 48 -117
4 943861164873658153 -1634 25 -3616

Forced Generation (Singleplayer Only)

Using chunk regeneration, the place where dungeon chests will generate can be manipulated. If done correctly, it can result in generating monster spawners with chest data.

Block Entity Swap

Update suppression can be used to swap block entity data of some block entities; the block entity data can be retrieved from any block entity that sends a comparator signal, while the block we want to have this data is limited to blocks that can be placed. In this case a monster spawner item is required.

See also


  1. MC-163945.