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Java Edition:Monster Spawner (Item)

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Monster Spawners are a block that can spawn mobs, which can be found in many structures. The mobs in the monster spawner can be changed using spawn eggs to spawn a mob of the same type in versions 14w28b (1.8 snapshot) and later. When you mine a monster spawner or get it from an enderman, like most blocks with NBT, the NBT is not kept on the item, and when the monster spawner is placed, it creates the default monster spawner, which can either be a pig spawner or an empty spawner.


Indev Conversion

Warning: Third Party Level Converter 
This feature requires a third party level converter to be moved to the current version of the game.
Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash the game. Perform at your own risk.

In Indev, the Infinite Water Source had a numeric ID of 52 which is identical to the Monster Spawner. If the Infinite Water Source is left in a chest and loaded in Infdev 20100625-2 the Infinite Water Source will be converted into Monster Spawner(s). This only occurs if the chest containing the Infinite Water Source is not opened until Infdev 20100625-2 or later, otherwise the game will crash.


From Infdev 20100625-2 to Alpha v1.0.0 the Monster Spawner could be obtained by mining the block, and did not require any silk touch. In these versions, monster spawners could only be found in dungeons.

Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 Debug Chests

In Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 new worlds would generate with 11 debug chests. Within the debug chests were a wide variety of items most of which were available in there full stacks some were not. Lit Furnaces were one of the such items that generated inside the debug chests, monster spawners generated in the 2nd and 6th chests from the left in the 21st and 5th slots respectively, in stacks of 64.


Between the versions Beta 1.8 Pre-Release 1 and Beta 1.8 Pre-Release 2 enderman could pick up nearly any block at the time, this included monster spawners. To fully obtain the item the enderman must be updated to a version between 13w16a (1.6 Snapshot) and 15w32c (1.9 Snapshot) to set the endermans HealF tag. The enderman then needs to be updated to a version between 15w31a (1.9 Snapshot) and 22w45a (1.19.3 Snapshot) where the enderman can then be killed, dropping the item.

Silk Touch

With the introduction of Silk Touch in Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 4, when mining a monster spawner with a Silk Touch tool the block would drop itself instead of nothing.

Word Tearing and Any Falling Block via Asynchronous Threads

From 14w32a (1.8 snapshot) to 17w46a (1.13 snapshot), asynchronous block updates allow for block palette corruption, and this corruption, when combined with the registry palette type, can allow for the creation of any block that can exist, such as monster spawners. Asynchronous block updates also allow for usage of the "generic method" to create a falling block entity of any existing block in your world.

These falling blocks may also be used to obtain their respective item, if it exists in item form, such as end portal frames. Blocks such as end gateways cannot be obtained as items with this method, as they have no corresponding item. Falling blocks also allow for the placement of both blocks that cannot normally be placed, either due to operator restrictions (e.g. command blocks) or not having an item form (e.g. end gateways).

22w13oneBlockAtATime Endermen Spawning

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the usage of April Fools' versions, often requiring file renaming or file deletion to load. See the help page for information on loading these versions.

Endermen in the April Fools' version 22w13oneBlockAtATime spawn carrying random blocks. One of these blocks they can spawn with is monster spawner. There are 902 different blocks that are equally likely for them to spawn with and so there is a 1/902 = 0.11% chance of the enderman spawning with this block specifically. If the enderman spawns holding a generic_item_block (1/902) there's also a 1/1105 chance it will be this block as its block state, but there's only a 0.0001% chance of this occurring.[1]

In the version, the block can be received from the enderman by angering it then letting it attack the player with an open hand. This will cause the block to transfer into the player's hand. Also, if the enderman dies and the falling block launches from the enderman, this can be picked up by the player. The items can be stored in 22w13oneBlockAtATime by switching the block from carrying to the offhand, shift right-clicking onto a donkey/mule with a chest, and then swapping the item into a slot. Additionally, the enderman carrying the block can be updated and then killed in a later version to obtain the item.

22w13oneBlockAtATime Any Falling Block

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the usage of April Fools' versions, often requiring file renaming or file deletion to load. See the help page for information on loading these versions.

Any block can be made a falling block in 22w13oneBlockAtATime using several methods. The monster spawner item, if it exists, can be obtained by dropping its falling block onto certain blocks or by picking it up.

23w13a_or_b Votes

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the usage of April Fools' versions, often requiring file renaming or file deletion to load. See the help page for information on loading these versions.

The April Fool's snapshot 23w13a_or_b introduces a plethora of ways to obtain every block and item in the game, including the monster spawner item. These include:

  1. The egg_free vote, when applied, will allow chickens to lay any block or item in the game (without NBT). This means all chickens have the chance of laying the monster spawner item.
  2. The fish_anything vote, when applied, will allow any item from the creative menu (not the operator tab, with NBT) to be fished (combine with the buff_fishing vote to greatly increase fishing speed). What this means is that there is a chance that the monster spawner item can be randomly fished.
  3. The give_item vote, when applied, will give every online player a random amount of any block or item in the game (without NBT), meaning that you could have the monster spawner item randomly given to you.
  4. The replace_items vote, when applied, will replace all items in online players' inventories with any block or item in the game (NBT of the original replaced item is preserved). This allows for the monster spawner item with Any NBT.
  5. The replace_loot_drop vote, when applied, will replace all loot drops of a random block or item with any block or item in the game (if the original item that is being dropped has NBT, it will be preserved). This is also another method for the monster spawner item with Any NBT.
  6. The replace_recipe_output vote, when applied, will replace all recipes for the given item with any block or item in the game (NBT is preserved if the original output item is supposed to have NBT.) This is yet another method for the monster spawner item with Any NBT.
  7. The villager_gem vote, when applied, will replace all emeralds in all loaded villager's trades with any block or item in the game (without NBT). This means that you can get a villager that trades the monster spawner item, allowing for infinite amounts of the monster spawner item.
  8. The basalt_gen_replace, cobblestone_gen_replace, obsidian_gen_replace, and stone_gen_replace votes, when applied, replace the block of their respective fluid interaction with any block in the game, allowing for blocks in invalid positions and the placement of operator-only blocks such as the Command Block.

See also


  1. 1/902 * 1/1105 ≈ 0.0001%