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Java Edition:Cursed Pumpkin

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Regular (non-carved) pumpkins could be given the Curse of Vanishing and/or Curse of Binding from 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) to 19w34a (1.15 snapshot).


When pumpkins were separated from carved pumpkins in 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) the developers accidentally left the curses to the ID pumpkin instead of switching them to carved_pumpkin.[1] So Curse of Vanishing and/or Curse of Binding enchanted books could be applied to pumpkins from 17w47a to 19w34a. In 19w35a the unintentional swap was reverted making cursed pumpkins discontinued and recontinuing cursed carved pumpkins.


There are four possible curse orders. Either just binding, just vanishing, binding then vanishing, or vanishing then binding.


See also


  1. MC-125810.