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Java Edition:Invalid Quantity Crafted Statistic

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Unlike other statistics, crafting statistics of certain items need to happen in certain multiples. This means having a number that is not a multiple of the crafting recipe output should be unobtainable, however, there have been a few bugs and changes allowing these discontinued statistics. The Drop and Right-click methods are the most powerful because they work on every item and these methods still work in the present, making this a future discontinued feature.


Door Crafting Amount Change

In 14w02a (1.8 snapshot) the crafting recipe of doors was changed from 1 door to 3 doors. So from 13w36a (1.7 snapshot) to 1.7.10 this statistic could be any number but 14w02a and later it has to be a multiple of 3. A player can either have +1 or +2 from multiples of three and this will remain regardless of how many more doors the player craft unless another method is used.

Fence Crafting Amount Change

In 14w32b (1.8 snapshot) the crafting recipe of fences was changed and the output was changed from 2 fences to 3 fences. So from 13w36a (1.7 snapshot) to 14w32a (1.8 snapshot) the crafting statistic had to be a multiple of 2 but after upgrading it will remain that multiple of 2 even though later it should have to be a multiple of 3. The multiple of 2 chosen for a player can be 1 more than a multiple of 3 or 2 more than a multiple of 3. This will remain offset regardless of the number of fences crafted unless another method is used.

Statistic Overflow

From 13w36a to 20w06a any number could be made a negative statistic. If this negative statistic continued to be added to eventually it could be made a positive number once again. The complete loops takes 2^32 (4,294,967,296) added. This number is evenly divisible by 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 but any other quantity of outputted items will result in an imperfect loop therefore slightly offsetting the number. This allows any crafted statistic that is only 3, 6, or 9 output to be made a number that is not a multiple of them. In practice, crafting such a large number of items takes an extremely large amount of time, at 1 stack crafted per second, it would take over 2 years. A table with every item that this works with is listed below.[1]

Item Crafting Quantity
Doors[2] 3
Fences[3] 3
Signs[4] 3
Slabs[5] 6
Wood[6] 3
Stripped Wood[7] 3
Walls[8] 6
Carpets[9][10] 3, 8
Activator Rail 6
Detector Rail 6
Powered Rail 6
Bone Meal 3, 9
Fire Charge 3
Glass Bottle 3
Ladder 3
Paper 3
Scaffolding 6
Slime Ball 9
Snow 6
Wheat 9

Statistic Cap

In 20w07a (1.16 snapshot) and later all statistics are capped at the signed 32-bit binary integer limit of 2,147,483,647. This number is prime (Mersenne prime) so any crafting output that isn't 1 or itself (none exist) normally wouldn't be able to be that number. However, the cap means that when the player crafts more of them item it will register that number despite the player actually crafting more. This is a future discontinued feature because it still works in the most recent version and is a bug.[11]

Drop and Right-Click

From 13w36a to 1.21 (present) the crafted statistic has been improperly tracked.[12] Dropping, with Q by default, an entire stack always tracks as 1. Except, dropping while holding control will count the output properly. Right-clicking will add the predicted amount if the output stack had been split in half. This is the most overpowered way to get these statistics because it allows any number and works on any craftable item. This is a future discontinued feature because it still works but relies on a bug.

Villager Crafting

From 13w36a to 1.21 (present), the outputs from villager trades are tracked as crafted statistics due to a bug.[13] This is a future discontinued feature because it works currently but requires a bug. Villager crafting often results in different quantities of output then using the crafting alternative. For example, cookies can only be crafted in quantities of 8 usually but villagers have traded different values from 9 to 18.

Pre-1.8 Villager:

  • Cookies (8 Crafted, 9-10 Traded)
  • Arrow (8 Crafted, 9-12 Traded)

Pre-1.14 Villager:

  • Cookies (8 Crafted, 6-10 Traded)
  • Arrow (8 Crafted, 9-12 Traded)

1.14+ Villager:

  • Cookie (8 Crafted, 18 Traded)
  • Tipped Arrows (8 Crafted, 5 Traded)
  • Colored Terracotta (8 Crafted, 1 Traded)
  • Carpet (3 or 8 Crafted, 4 Traded)[14]

Wandering Trader:

  • Pumpkin Seeds (4 Crafted, 1 Traded)
  • Slime Ball (9 Crafted, 1 Traded)

Copper Slab Crafting Amount Change

In 20w48a (1.17 snapshot) the crafting recipe of copper slabs was changed from 4 copper slabs to 6 copper slabs.[15] So from 20w45a (1.17 snapshot) to 20w46a (1.17 snapshot) this statistic could be any multiple of 4 but 20w48a to 1.21 (present) it has to be a multiple of 6. Using this method, a player can get +2 or +4 from the multiples of 6.

Recipe Votes

In the April Fools' Version 23w13a_or_b, two votes allowed for invalid quantity crafted statistics. The "Multiply recipe output of <ITEM> by <AMOUNT>" (recipe_double_or_half) vote could double or half the recipe's output, only half can allow for invalid quantities on items that only craft in amounts above 1. The more powerful "Replace recipe output <ITEM> with <ITEM>" (replace_recipe_output) could swap any craftable item into a recipe that outputs a quantity of 1, allowing it to become an invalid quantity. This vote also allows for crafted statistics for usually uncraftable items.

Furnace Output Slots

Any item taken out of the output slot of a furnace will count towards that item's crafted statistic. Several methods allowed any item into a furnace output slot during Indev 20100219 to Beta 1.5, 12w42a (1.4 snapshot) to 1.4, and 13w01a (1.5 snapshot). These can be later be pulled out at any quantity to get an invalid quantity of that item's crafted statistic. This same method also allows crafted statistics for usually uncraftable items.

See also


  1. Raw Text List of All Item IDs on the MCDF Discord's #resources channel
  2. Acacia Door, Birch Door, Crimson Door, Dark Oak Door, Iron Door, Jungle Door, Oak Door, Spruce Door, and Warped Door
  3. Acacia Fence, Birch Fence, Crimson Fence, Dark Oak Fence, Jungle Fence, Nether Brick Fence, Oak Fence, Spruce Fence, and Warped Fence
  4. Acacia Sign, Birch Sign, Dark Oak Sign, Jungle Sign, Oak Sign, and Spruce Sign
  5. Acacia Slab, Andesite Slab, Birch Slab, Brick Slab, Cobblestone Slab, Crimson Slab, Cut Red Sandstone Slab, Cut Sandstone Slab, Dark Oak Slab, Dark Prismarine Slab, Diorite Slab, End Stone Brick Slab, Granite Slab, Jungle Slab, Mossy Cobblestone Slab, Mossy Stone Brick Slab, Nether Brick Slab, Oak Slab, Polished Andesite Slab, Polished Diorite Slab, Polished Granite Slab, Prismarine Brick Slab, Prismarine Slab, Purpur Slab, Quartz Slab, Red Nether Brick Slab, Red Sandstone Slab, Sandstone Slab, Smooth Quartz Slab, Smooth Red Sandstone Slab, Smooth Sandstone Slab, Spruce Slab, Stone Brick Slab, Stone Slab, and Warped Slab
  6. Acacia Wood, Birch Wood, Dark Oak Wood, Jungle Wood, Oak Wood, and Spruce Wood
  7. Stripped Acacia Wood, Stripped Birch Wood, Stripped Dark Oak Wood, Stripped Jungle Wood, Stripped Oak Wood, and Stripped Spruce Wood
  8. Andesite Wall, Brick Wall, Cobblestone Wall, Diorite Wall, End Stone Brick Wall, Granite Wall, Mossy Cobblestone Wall, Mossy Stone Brick Wall, Nether Brick Wall, Prismarine Wall, Red Sandstone Wall, Sandstone Wall, and Stone Brick Wall
  9. Black Carpet, Blue Carpet, Brown Carpet, Cyan Carpet, Gray Carpet, Green Carpet, Light Blue Carpet, Light Gray Carpet, Lime Carpet, Magenta Carpet, Orange Carpet, Pink Carpet, Purple Carpet, Red Carpet, White Carpet, and Yellow Carpet
  10. For most carpets only the values 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 13 are discontinued since all values 14 and later can be made with a combination of 3 and 8 quantity crafts. However, white carpet does not have an 8 count crafting recipe and so any value that is not a multiple of 3 is discontinued for it.
  11. MC-176901.
  12. MC-65198.
  13. MC-108074.
  14. Only the count 4 is discontinued via this method for most carpets since the others can be obtained as a combination of 3 count crafting and 8 count crafting. White carpets can only be crafted in multiples of 3 meaning any quantity that is not a multiple of 3 is discontinued.
  15. MC-204323.