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Java Edition:Negative Statistic

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From 13w36a (1.7 snapshot) to 20w06a (1.16 snapshot) any existing statistic could be made negative.[1]


From 13w36a to 20w06a, statistics could overflow at the 32-bit signed binary integer limit. The highest statistics can be is 2,147,483,647. Adding one more to that max statistic will turn it into -2,147,483,648. This is the minimum statistic but can be added to causing it to return closer and closer to zero even after 20w07a. If the negative number is returned all the way back to zero or positive then it is no longer discontinued. In 20w07a the negative statistic is discontinued because attempting to increase the maximum statistic will do nothing and statistic will remain capped at the maximum statistic number. The 2.1 billion statistic is very difficult to reach, for most statistics it will take years at the fastest speed. The easiest statistics to overflow are the distance-based statistics because they are measured in centimeters (although it shows meters) this means walking/riding a horse/boat/minecart 21 million meters will overflow the statistic. The distance statistics can be achieved in less than 3 weeks afk with an efficient moving machine.

Negative Items

This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.

Using negative items, several negative statistics can be obtained when the game tracks the count of the item. These items will only be in the Item or Block sections. This method works from 13w36a to 1.10.2 because all negative items disappear in 16w32a (1.11 snapshot).


These are all of the available statistics that can be made negative:

Normal Statistics

This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.
To do: Insert All Available Statistics in 20w06a

Discontinued Statistics

These discontinued statistics can be combined to get negative discontinued statistics:

See also


  1. MC-79944.