Java Edition:Phantom Tipped Arrow
Phantom tipped arrows appear to be normal arrows but have an unobservable NBT tag which is a potion tag as if it was a tipped arrow. The tag has no effect on the use of the arrow.
Potion Tag On Any Item
Brewing a potion in any version from 15w31a (1.9 snapshot) through 16w36a (1.11 snapshot), you could put potion tags on any item in the brewing stand slot. This allowed for most potion tags (see list) to be put on any item from 13w01a and back, including arrows. However, this does not allow for more recent potion effects.
- Awkward
- Fire Resistance Extended
- Fire Resistance
- Instant Damage II
- Instant Damage
- Instant Health II
- Instant Health
- Invisibility Extended
- Invisibility
- Leaping II
- Leaping
- Leaping Extended
- Mundane
- Night Vision Extended
- Night Vision
- Poison II
- Poison
- Poison Extended
- Regeneration II
- Regeneration Extended
- Regeneration
- Slowness Extended
- Slowness
- Strength II
- Strength Extended
- Strength
- Swiftness II
- Swiftness Extended
- Swiftness
- Thick
- Water Breathing Extended
- Water Breathing
- Weakness Extended
- Weakness
In the April fools version 3D shareware V1.34, there was a chance of arrows spawning in the loot barrels. These arrows would have a random potion effect, exactly like tipped arrows. This is the only way to get the potion tags of slow falling, slow falling extended, turtle master, strong turtle master, turtle master extended, strong slowness, and luck on arrows.
Through either method, the arrow gets a Potion tag applied to it. For example, the NBT for slowness will look like:
After updating to 24w09a or later, NBT is converted into components. Since the Potion NBT tag is not recognized on the arrow item, the NBT is transferred into the custom_data component. For example, the above NBT would turn into this component:
"minecraft:custom_data": {Potion:"minecraft:strong_slowness"}