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Java Edition:Uncraftable Tipped Arrow

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Uncraftable Tipped Arrow.png

The Uncraftable Tipped Arrow is the a tipped arrow item with no NBT tag to specify the potion type. Uncraftable tipped arrows were first obtainable in 16w38a (1.11.1 snapshot) following changes to potions.


When hovering over the uncraftable tipped arrow, the "No Effects" text description is displayed

NBT Removal

From snapshot 16w38a (1.11.1), through 1.15.2 uncraftable tipped arrows could be created by NBT removal. Shift-clicking any type of stacked tipped arrow into an enchanting table would remove all NBT data during these versions.[1]


Due to a bug,[2] strays dropped uncraftable tipped arrows instead of slowness arrows in 17w47b and 17w48a.

Hero of the Village

Uncraftable tipped arrows were a hero of the village gift instead of swiftness arrows during snapshot 19w13b.[3] This was due to the swiftness potion being misnamed, which results in a different variation of uncraftable tipped arrow, which has a potion tag of "speed" instead of "swiftness." All other uncraftable tipped arrows have no potion tag.

3D Shareware

In the April Fools version 3D Shareware, uncraftable tipped arrows could rarely be found in the naturally spawning loot barrels.


Uncraftable tipped arrows, quite ironically, can be crafted with 8 arrows surrounding an uncraftable lingering potion.

See also


  1. MC-17431.
  2. MC-122536.
  3. MC-147041.