Java Edition:Tutorials/Fast Travel Methods

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Warning: Game Crash 
This feature can crash the game. Perform at your own risk.

Certain methods of fast travel have existed in the game at one point in time or another. While not discontinued features in themselves, they can be of use in obtaining many discontinued features which depend on extreme distances, such as Far Lands, Blocks Past the World Border, Misaligned Paintings and Falling Block Item Duplication.

Boat & Nether Portal

This method works from Alpha v1.2.2 to Beta 1.1_02. Use of the Alpha v1.2.2 pre-reupload is recommended due to the ability to generate portals with F4.

  1. Generate or build a Nether portal in the Overworld at a nonzero X or Z position
  2. Place a boat inside of the portal and enter the boat
  3. Once in the nether you will be stuck in the portal animation. Save and quit the world (making a backup is recommended during this time), then relog. You could be suffocating, falling, or in lava; try to survive and get to a safer place in the nether. Some items to help with this step are: Diamond Armor, Diamond Pickaxe, Overstacked Food, and a Lava Bucket (fall damage mitigation).
  4. Generate/build another Nether Portal and go through normally.

If this method is used to reach the Far Lands, these steps are to be repeated until a crash is encountered when going through to the Overworld side. Updating the world to a Beta version (before Beta 1.8 Pre-release) will result in far lands terrain being generated


Ender Pearl & Nether Portal

From 15w34a (1.9 snapshot) to 1.12.1[1], and 1.13 to 1.13.2[2], being inside of a nether portal and throwing an ender pearl will multiply the player's coordinates by ⅛ if performed in the Overworld, or 8 if performed in the Nether. This can be done to easily reach the world border. This is safest to perform on the nether roof, because the player can be spawned inside of a wall if performed below the roof, or take a dip into a lava lake. The same may happen in the overworld, but performing the warp at a Y level higher than most terrain (y=100 typically is sufficient) will cause the pearl to simply fall to the surface, allowing for safe teleportation.


Update Suppression & Nether Portal

From 1.12.2[test] to 1.17.1[test], by update suppressing the removal of the player during teleportation to a different dimension via detecting the closing of a trapped chest, the code to modify the player's dimension is ran, but the code to modify the player's position is not. Thus, overworld coordinates can be applied to the nether, and vice versa, to achieve x8 and /8 travel.

One can also achieve this on a remote server without update suppression by disconnecting their computer from the internet after entering a nether portal, preventing certain client to server teleportation packets necessary to complete teleportation from being sent.[test]


Beds & Portals

From 1.14[test] to 1.19.3, if a player travelled through a portal to the nether or end while in a bed, and a bed existed in the other dimension at the same coordinates as the bed the player was sleeping in, the player would be placed at the bed's location in the other dimension. This can be accomplished by manipulating the sleeping player's position outside of the bed by entering the bed while riding another entity, such as a Minecart, Boat, or Horse, which will offset the player's position outside of the bed. Translating one's overworld position into the nether allows for x8 travel, but will not work the other way, due to the inability to sleep in the nether. This method has the main downside that you have to first travel to the destination with other means to place the bed, but once in place, allows for fast travel to distant locations across a large version range.

This was patched as a result of the fix of MC-258173, which does not allow players to change dimensions while sleeping.


64x Nether Portal Teleportation

During 1.8's development, a bug existed ( which caused nether portals to teleport the player 64 times their distance instead of 8. Whether this can be harnessed to intentionally move the player an extreme distance is unknown.

Cross Server Packet Teleportation


From 14w02c (1.8 snapshot) to 1.20 Prerelease 4, a bug[3] exists within the server connection code that can allow one to send and receive packets to and from multiple servers. If a connection is initiated to a multiplayer server, canceled quickly, and another server is joined, the client will be connected to two servers at once. The client will send packets to one, but receive packets from both. If the packets for the player's position in one server is overwritten with a second server's position packet, any location can be spoofed client side.

To be able to reasonably pull off the race condition, one must have a fair amount of lag (500+ms) in the connection to both servers. Programs such as clumsy can be used to create artificial network lag.


If a connection is initiated to a multiplayer server, canceled quickly, and a singleplayer world (internal server) is joined, the client can first join the singleplayer world, and then subsequently receive the position packets from the server. The player will be placed at the coordinates of the player on the joined server. This will only allow for teleportation in singleplayer worlds, as singleplayer worlds will accept any client position without question.


From 14w02c (1.8 snapshot) to 1.8.3, a bug existed within the dismount code that would not properly place players back into the world when a boat was killed (e.g. shot with an arrow). The server will accept any position packet that the client sends (including NaN and Infinity) in the game tick the boat is removed. The same cross server packet issue may be once again abused to trick the client into sending the position packets of the user's choice by first initiating a connection to the server to perform the teleport on, quickly canceling, and joining a second server to override the client's position. Once the boat is broken (one can use a variety of methods to break the boat, such as TNT, lava, a dispenser with arrows, or another player shooting the boat), the server will accept the spoofed client packet, and "teleport" the player.


  1. MC-86850.
  2. MC-133342.
  3. MC-74984.