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Java Edition:No NBT Firework Rocket

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Nbtless firework rocket.png

Currently, all fireworks have a flight duration, however, this was not the case from 12w49a (1.4.6 snapshot) to 1.11. Also, after 1.11, the NBT on firework rockets could be removed using the enchanting table method for NBT removal up to 1.15.2. This was removed in 24w09a, where NBT was changed to Components. All No Flight Duration Firework Rockets will be converted to level 1.



All fireworks crafted from 12w49a (1.4.6 snapshot) through 1.11 would not have a flight duration.

Donkey Method

In snapshots 13w19a and 13w21a (1.6.1), when a donkey or mule was killed, all NBT tags were removed from items stored in their chest.[1]

Enchanting Table NBT Removal

Shift-clicking stacked firework rockets into an enchanting table would remove all NBT, from snapshot 12w24a (1.4 snapshot) to 1.15.2. The start version of this method was therefore when firework rockets were added in 12w49a (1.4.6 snapshot). This method becomes the only method after 1.11 since no flight duration rockets could simply be crafted prior to 16w50a.

Voting in 23w13a_or_b April Fools Snapshot

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires the use of April Fools' versions and may require the use of file modifications to load. See the April Fools' tutorial page for information on loading these versions.

By voting for "Polluted Oceans: Fish Anything!" in the April Fools snapshot 23w13a_or_b it's possible to fish No Flight Duration Firework Rockets.

You can increase the efficiency of getting this item by voting for Buff fishing, which allows you to fish instantly without player interaction.


See also


  1. MC-15815.