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Gravel | 10 | Emerald | 1 | Flint | 4-5 |
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Gravel | 10 | Flint | 4-5 |
Villagers offering trades in which 2 items are exchanged for 1, due to a bug[1], would have their second buy slot removed if the world was reloaded from 13w36a to 13w39b (1.7.2 snapshots). Using this, one can obtain clerics that enchant items for free, librarians that sell free enchanted books, and farmers that turn gravel into flint for free. Due to the phantom enchantment bug it is also possible for clerics to phantom enchant items for free, but this is exclusive to 13w36a. This also allows for villagers to have far more trades then normally possible, greatly increasing the odds of generating the fallback gold trade for farmers, librarians, and clerics.
All that is required to remove the second buy slot is to have a villager be reloaded from NBT, which can be accomplished in a few ways. Firstly and most simply, unloading and reloading the chunk the villager is in will accomplish this. The villager may also travel through a nether or end portal to erase the second buy slot. Do note that it is still possible to encounter villagers in these versions with a non-empty second buy slot due to a new trade being generated.
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Gravel | 10 | Emerald | 1 | Flint | 4-5 |
Buy 1 Item | Buy 1 Count | Buy 2 Item | Buy 2 Count | Sell Item | Sell Count |
Gravel | 10 | Flint | 4-5 |
Buy 1 Item | Buy 1 Count | Buy 2 Item | Buy 2 Count | Sell Item | Sell Count |
Book | 1 | Emerald | 5-71 | Enchanted Book[Librarian 1] | 1 |
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Book | 1 | Enchanted Book[Librarian 1] | 1 |
Buy 1 Item | Buy 1 Count | Buy 2 Item | Buy 2 Count | Sell Item | Sell Count |
Iron Sword | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Iron Sword[Priest 1] | 1 |
Iron Pickaxe | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Iron Pickaxe[Priest 1] | 1 |
Iron Axe | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Iron Axe[Priest 1] | 1 |
Iron Chestplate | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Iron Chestplate[Priest 1] | 1 |
Diamond Sword | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Diamond Sword[Priest 1] | 1 |
Diamond Pickaxe | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe[Priest 1] | 1 |
Diamond Axe | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Diamond Axe[Priest 1] | 1 |
Diamond Chestplate | 1 | Emerald | 2-4 | Enchanted Diamond Chestplate[Priest 1] | 1 |
Buy 1 Item | Buy 1 Count | Buy 2 Item | Buy 2 Count | Sell Item | Sell Count |
Iron Sword | 1 | Enchanted Iron Sword[Priest 1] | 1 | ||
Iron Pickaxe | 1 | Enchanted Iron Pickaxe[Priest 1] | 1 | ||
Iron Axe | 1 | Enchanted Iron Axe[Priest 1] | 1 | ||
Iron Chestplate | 1 | Enchanted Iron Chestplate[Priest 1] | 1 | ||
Diamond Sword | 1 | Enchanted Diamond Sword[Priest 1] | 1 | ||
Diamond Pickaxe | 1 | Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe[Priest 1] | 1 | ||
Diamond Axe | 1 | Enchanted Diamond Axe[Priest 1] | 1 | ||
Diamond Chestplate | 1 | Enchanted Diamond Chestplate[Priest 1] | 1 |