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Java Edition:Phantom Enchanted Equipment

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In 13w36a (a 1.7 snapshot), many actions that should enchant items would not actually apply any enchantments[1]. Only an empty enchantments tag (ench:[]) was applied. The tag is later converted to Enchantments:[] in 1.13, and then "minecraft:enchantment_glint_override": 1b in 24w14a (a 1.20.5 snapshot).



The player can acquire phantom enchanted equipment in a large variety of ways in 13w36a. The simplest is enchanting equipment in the enchanting table, which includes all variants of helmets, chestplates, leggings, boots, pickaxes, shovels, axes, and swords, as well as bows and fishing rods. The player may also fish up phantom enchanted fishing rods and bows as treasure loot. Villagers also sell phantom enchanted equipment, so one may simply purchase an item. Additionally, enchanted equipment that mobs spawn with will be phantom enchanted, which may be dropped when killed.


Phantom enchanted equipment trades can be obtained simply by trading with a cleric until a trade for enchanted gear is unlocked. The trade will be a piece of equipment and 2-4 emeralds for the same piece of equipment phantom enchanted. Due to 13w36a overlapping with the version range of second buy slot removed trades, if the world is reloaded, the second buy slot will also be removed, leading to villagers that also phantom enchant items for free.

Possible Trades

Without world reload
Buy 1 Item Buy 1 Count Buy 2 Item Buy 2 Count Sell Item Sell Count
Iron Sword 1.png Iron Sword 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Iron Sword Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Sword 1
Iron Pickaxe 1.png Iron Pickaxe 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Iron Pickaxe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Pickaxe 1
Iron Axe 4.png Iron Axe 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Iron Axe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Axe 1
Iron Chestplate 1.png Iron Chestplate 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Iron Chestplate Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Chestplate 1
Diamond Sword 1.png Diamond Sword 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Diamond Sword Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Sword 1
Diamond Pickaxe 1.png Diamond Pickaxe 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Pickaxe 1
Diamond Axe 1.png Diamond Axe 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Diamond Axe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Axe 1
Diamond Chestplate 1.png Diamond Chestplate 1 Emerald JE1 BE1.png Emerald 2-4 Enchanted Diamond Chestplate Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Chestplate 1
With world reload
Buy 1 Item Buy 1 Count Buy 2 Item Buy 2 Count Sell Item Sell Count
Iron Sword 1.png Iron Sword 1 Removed Enchanted Iron Sword Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Sword 1
Iron Pickaxe 1.png Iron Pickaxe 1 Removed Enchanted Iron Pickaxe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Pickaxe 1
Iron Axe 4.png Iron Axe 1 Removed Enchanted Iron Axe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Axe 1
Iron Chestplate 1.png Iron Chestplate 1 Removed Enchanted Iron Chestplate Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Iron Chestplate 1
Diamond Sword 1.png Diamond Sword 1 Removed Enchanted Diamond Sword Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Sword 1
Diamond Pickaxe 1.png Diamond Pickaxe 1 Removed Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Pickaxe 1
Diamond Axe 1.png Diamond Axe 1 Removed Enchanted Diamond Axe Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Axe 1
Diamond Chestplate 1.png Diamond Chestplate 1 Removed Enchanted Diamond Chestplate Icon.gif Phantom enchanted Diamond Chestplate 1


Some mobs will occasionally spawn with enchanted equipment. This includes all types of helmets, chestplates, leggings, and boots, iron swords, iron shovels, bows, and golden swords. Make sure to nametag them so they do not despawn.


In 1.11 pre-1, the items will lose their glint. This does not revert them to normal however, because they still have the enchanted tag with 0 entries. A way to tell them apart from regular items before 24w14a is to press F3+H to see if it has more NBT tags than it otherwise should (renamed items add the display tag, anvil worked / repaired items add the RepairCost tag, and all equipment in 1.13 and above has the Damage tag to store the damage value of equipment).

Phantom enchanted equipment is deleted if loaded in any version between 24w09a and 24w13a (1.20.5 snapshots) due to a bug[2] in the migration to components, but they are converted to "minecraft:enchantment_glint_override": 1b in 24w14a and above. This will also return the glint animation for the first time since 1.10/the 1.11 snapshot phase.


See also


  1. MC-29462.
  2. MC-269553.