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Java Edition:Redstone Comparator Powered by Black Glazed Terracotta

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Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires April Fools' versions which may require file renaming or file deletion to load. See the Loading April Fools' Versions tutorial for more information.
Warning: Upgrading 
This feature uses upgrading and requires specific version paths. Follow the page instructions carefully.

In the April Fools' version 1.RV-Pre1, the player could craft a USB Charger block which has a Redstone signal of 15 that can be used to power Redstone. This can also be read by a comparator. If a comparator is placed facing away from the USB Charger block, it will transmit the Redstone signal to the block position in front of it. A comparator reading this redstone signal will preserve its redstone signal when updated.


Loading the USB Charger block in a version between 1.RV-Pre1 and 1.11.2 will result in the USB Charger block being deleted, if loaded in version 17w06a (1.12 Snapshot) to 17w46a (1.13 Snapshot), the USB Charger block will be converted into a Black Glazed Terracotta. If a comparator was reading the USB Charger blocks Redstone signal, then it will preserve the Redstone signal of 15 even after the USB Charger block is converted into Black Glazed Terracotta.